Brand new - Working on my first actual grow


New Member
I have so many questions and my friends are no help so I want to get better advice. My first actual grow. I don't see an option to upload pictures on here. Just created account. Can anyone help so I could get the plants on here for critique?
Hey TheHart. You have come to the right place for getting input to help you. One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is to check out the "How to grow" section of the site. The second piece of advice is to start you grow journal. This thread doesn't get seen my nearly as many people as threads in the grow journals. Read the "how to make a grow journal" and try to stick to the starting format if possible. Its not to be a pain in the ass, but its to front load the journal with most of the growing information so those that are reading it can possibly offer advice to help.

If we don't know if you are growing autos or photos, you could get bad advice. Also the type of lights, the growing medium, indoors or outdoors, temps, etc are also all important things that we need to know before trying to help you. I could offer up something that would be beneficial to you if you were growing one way but could be hurtful to you growing another way. I grow in organic soil and don't add any nutrients during my grow.....if someone told me to add "nutrient x or y" that could kill all my beneficial living organisms in my soil and essentially destroy my grow.

So fill us in on what you have going on and consider doing it in a journal and I promise you will get far more input and better input than the few people like myself that follow the introduction threads (though I will certainly do my best to try and help as much as I can).
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