Browning and burnt leaves

Bearded Budz

Well-Known Member

I m the nubiest or nubes here and I have an issue, or a new issue anyway! What do you guys figure is causing my girls leaves brown and the tips look burnt? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
What's the (high/low) room temp? What are you feeding them?
cut back your nutes by 50% , but do a flush now, 3 times the volume of the pot, allow to drain overnite, resume nutes once you see an visible improvement
cut back your nutes by 50% , but do a flush now, 3 times the volume of the pot, allow to drain overnite, resume nutes once you see an visible improvement

Personally, I'm not convinced this is nute burn, but it definitely could be. Need more details. Also could definitely be heat/humidity problems
Thanks for the reply, sorry it took so long, i m using my phone to navigate thos site and I find it kinda difficult. Lap top will be up and running soon!
Ok here s the deal: I ve got two plants side by side, one pot is vented to drain and the one that's having issues is not. I talked to a good buddy on here and he advised me to drill holes in the pot and flush it with clean water. He figures its just nutrient locked. Plus the pot s uses are way undersized, I wasn't kidding when I said a was the nubiest of nubes, so I m thinking about cutting the one with the issues pot off and transplant it to a bigger one since I have 4 or 5 more weeks of flowering to go!
The nutrients used for flowering are just some stuff from the local hardware store 8-14-9 type stuff. I don't think temp s are an issue since the other plant is doing just fine.
Oh another thing, I was testing the ph after every litre I flushed through the plant, it started out at 5.3( way acidic) and by the fifth litre it got it to 5.8! I was adjusting the ph in my flush water to 6.5. I was advised by my good buddy on here to not add nutrients until she starts to straighten out.
Thanks for the reply, sorry it took so long, i m using my phone to navigate thos site and I find it kinda difficult. Lap top will be up and running soon!
Ok here s the deal: I ve got two plants side by side, one pot is vented to drain and the one that's having issues is not. I talked to a good buddy on here and he advised me to drill holes in the pot and flush it with clean water. He figures its just nutrient locked. Plus the pot s uses are way undersized, I wasn't kidding when I said a was the nubiest of nubes, so I m thinking about cutting the one with the issues pot off and transplant it to a bigger one since I have 4 or 5 more weeks of flowering to go!
The nutrients used for flowering are just some stuff from the local hardware store 8-14-9 type stuff. I don't think temp s are an issue since the other plant is doing just fine.

If your pot does not drain properly a couple different things can happen

-root rot. The water will just drain down to the bottom and pool up there, the plant will be sitting in stagnant water for a long time and the roots sitting in the water will begin to rot causing you a major problem within about a week or two.

-salt build up. The salty minerals from pretty much any nutrients will come out of solution as the water in the pot dries. If the plant can't take up those nutrients as fast as you are giving it to her, then the water that ends up evaporating (your pooling water on the bottom of the pot from the root rot paragraph) and causing a large amount of salt build up

-auto-rising PPM. Due to the salt build up from the paragraph above, every time you water the plant, it will dissolve those unused nutes back into solution. So, for examples sake, say the plant took up half the water and half of the water evaporated on your last watering, you NEED that old stuff to flush out because you want a consistent level of nutrients in the pot, If you put new fuel in with out diluting it by 50% or letting it drain out 15-20%, then you are essentially raising the PPM's of the nutrient solution by 50% in the pot (if you started at 600, you will now be at 900), which will inevitably change your pH causing you major problems.

These would be the results of only one watering with a poorly draining pot. Many waterings like this could kill your plants. Drill holes in the bottom of your pot and preform a heavy flush.
Thanks a lot for the info! I appreciate it so much! I am just about to cut that undersized pot apart and do a transplant into a much bigger pot that drains. With roughly 5 weeks left of flowering left it should be worth the risk hey? I just don't see the poor girl getting anybetter since I did the flush 5 days ago so I feel like this is my only saving grace!
So if it's mineral build up in that old small pot will it be ok to flush it once I have it transplanted to the bigger pop and should a guy keep flushing until it starts to perk up?
Ok so with her being in a small sealed pot that would attribute to exactly what your referring too hey?! The bottom never gets a chance to dry out so it ll begin to rot! Dang, is there any coming back from root rot? Like I said above here, i m planning on transplanting her to a much bigger pot.... Do yA figure this should help?
Thanks again for the responce, I think this is just freekn awesome that a guy like me could get help from such knowledgeable guys such as yourselves! You guys Rock!!��
Good call transplanting. That was root rot for sure.
Thanks a lot guys, if it wasn t for you and your combined knowledge and efforts i d be still rocking back and forth in the dark worrying about ma baby girl! Hehehe. The fact that I had so much positive feed back and advise made the choices SOOO much easier and reassured me I was making the right choice! That kind of moral support is worth a million bucks, i freekn love this site and the amazing people that make it epic!!
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