Bruce Banner: Search For The Incredible Hulk

Also good news for marijuana growers. Leafy organic greens have the highest concentration of beneficial bacteria of all the organic vegetables. They make me breathe easier when I eat them. Carrots and other root crops do not seem to be as beneficial. Marijuana grown organically can provide such medicine.

So eat some weed today.
Ya know, when I think back to my childhood, plants used to grow so easily and be so pretty and green. Today it's like pulling teeth to get the plant to live. The bacteria are dying off on our whole planet. We are in serious doo doo.

Take heed and warn others
Ya know, when I think back to my childhood, plants used to grow so easily and be so pretty and green. Today it's like pulling teeth to get the plant to live. The bacteria are dying off on our whole planet. We are in serious doo doo.

Take heed and warn others
making me think .if u used soil and nutrients from a undisturbed habitat would that be better??
By the way just showing off my little treat Bruce banner auto 61 days and ready



making me think .if u used soil and nutrients from a undisturbed habitat would that be better??
It is the ammonia nitrogen that is in all chemical fertilizers that is what is killing the bacteria. Man has produced so much of it it now creates dead zones in the ocean and contaminates the rain that falls back to the earth. That is why it does not look as green and pretty as it used to. If you use soil for an organic grow, the bacteria will eventually consume the ammonia and convert it to a non-poisonous form of nitrogen. Adding fertilizer that contains ammonia will simply kill the bacteria and poison your crops.

The symbol for ammonia is:


Image courtesy of Bing
There are other factors to consider when using chemical fertilizer like contaminants but I feel the ammonia is the absolute worst. All natural products like oyster shell, fish bone, blood meal, alfalfa meal are your best bet. They feed the microbes and enrich the soil without all the death. Make sure to try the wet finger test to see if they have been contaminated with ammonia by unscrupulous companies.
When the bacteria are healthy they are photosynthetic and will fix nitrogen from the atmosphere for the plant to use. This is the way it is in nature.
I'm afraid taxation has made us lazy and stupid. Too dependent on our mighty government to be able to care for ourselves. Jesus died on the cross for condoning taxation proving it is a sin for all mankind. It is up to mankind to learn from his example.
BTW my ProMix BX still had way too much ammonia to support healthy microbial life. I had rinsed it out 4 times with enough water to thoroughly moisten the soil from completely dry each time. I could still smell ammonia when I began the experiment but that smell quickly faded within a week so they were trying. I'm currently looking into alternatives for my base mix. I may have to end up grabbing some soil from the yard to use (I've only applied organic fertilizer to the yard for the past several years).
If you are still not convinced about ammonia being a poison in your body, eat some raw organic leafy greens (like kale, lettuce, spinach, etc.) and you will feel the microbes digesting the ammonia in your body. The aches and pains will begin to subside, you will breathe easier, you will feel old wounds begin to itch as they heal, etc.
I have noticed some ammonia contamination in grocery store organic produce so be prepared for it if you go that route. You may notice a little spiciness or a tingle on your lips when you eat them. That is the ammonia contamination. There are still microbes in them but I have ended up buying from a local farm that grows organically (no USDA license but she grows good food). She uses chicken manure she says which is rich in ammonia but nowhere near the contamination level of man made chemical ammonia. They are the best vegetables I can find and they grow some sort of leafy green almost year round.
Got the girls all potted up and preliminary results are very positive. They are beginning to green up nicely and hopefully I will have some good pics soon. I'm using ProMoss as the base mix (mostly) and it seems to be doing fine so apparently the starter fertilizer charge they add to the ProMix is what contains the 10 ppm of ammonia nitrogen. I did rinse the ProMoss out in the yard to make sure everything I could get out of it was gone (I did the same with the ProMix to no avail). Worked it with my hands to see if I could feel any tingle or pain that would be associated with ammonia contamination and there was none. Checked all my ingredients with the wet touch test also and everything checked out (no tingle or pain). Had play with the lime to get the pH in target range but that was about the trickiest part so maybe 3-4 days to get a working organic mix. YAY!
I did not use tap water btw. I was afraid of the chlorine, chloramine, flouride and other junk they add to it as being anti-microbial. I ended up using RO but rain water should do as well if you can collect some in a barrel.
I sent ProMix an email asking about their organic mix and whether or not it contained ammonia nitrogen. I still have not gotten a reply. So I went and mixed my own from scratch.
Just a hint of ammonia in the off gassing coming from the plants this morning (have to put your face in the plant to notice it). Also a little more yellow in the green than I like but they are greening so hopefully all is well. Maybe they grow the peat moss with ammonia nitrogen other than that not sure where it is coming from.
Had to rip the plants from the soil they were in and lost most of the new young roots. They were small so should be ok. The one that had the most root left on it is doing well with a nice pretty green starting to show from the microbial nitrogen. I can't wait to eat some of the fresh leaves from this plant.

Looking promising to me, the microbes seem to like it as the leaves are getting greener. Might have a go here.
Some info on ammonia and symptoms of ingestion

Symptoms can affect many parts of the body.


  • Cough
  • Chest pain (severe)
  • Chest tightness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rapid breathing
  • Wheezing

Sounds like Covid symptoms to me.

It's a known poison and still used as fertilizer for food.
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