Bud density

Light type and intensity.
CFL=loose buds generally
Hps= pretty dense
Low quality LED= loose to moderate
High quality LED or quantum boards= most dense.
This is also depending on the particular strain traits as well as environment. Slightly cooler flowering temps (76-77 degrees) at canopy can help.
It's only a small area hence the size. I have to have it on its lowest setting too due to the heat output. I believe the area is 100x100x140cm. It's used for auto's
It's only a small area hence the size. I have to have it on its lowest setting too due to the heat output. I believe the area is 100x100x140cm. It's used for auto's
Well, I'm not sure what your doing for ventilation but that's a good sized area for only 135w. That's over 10 square feet or 1 square meter of floor space. For big, dense buds you should be running a minimum of 400w of quantum boards on high. That's about 40 actual watts per square feet. Less than 400 actual watts will not bring maximum yields or very dense buds....Just nowhere near intense enough light.
Well, I'm not sure what your doing for ventilation but that's a good sized area for only 135w. That's over 10 square feet or 1 square meter of floor space. For big, dense buds you should be running a minimum of 400w of quantum boards on high. That's about 40 actual watts per square feet. Less than 400 actual watts will not bring maximum yields or very dense buds....Just nowhere near intense enough light.

It's literally for one or two at the very maximum.
I was advised to not go any bigger as it would be too much in an area that size.
It's literally for one or two at the very maximum.
I was advised to not go any bigger as it would be too much in an area that size.
You were advised incorrectly. For optimum results; hps=50+ watts per square foot. Purple LED=50+ watts per square foot. Quality COB LED 35-40+ watts per square foot. Quantums=35-40 watts per square foot. Myself, I wouldn't even grow 1 plant under a 135w light. You are running less than 13 watts per square foot and that's with your light turned all the way to high. That's enough to effectively grow lettuce but not very effective for cannabis. Sorry bud, you were told wrong.
You were advised incorrectly. For optimum results; hps=50+ watts per square foot. Purple LED=50+ watts per square foot. Quality COB LED 35-40+ watts per square foot. Quantums=35-40 watts per square foot. Myself, I wouldn't even grow 1 plant under a 135w light. You are running less than 13 watts per square foot and that's with your light turned all the way to high. That's enough to effectively grow lettuce but not very effective for cannabis. Sorry bud, you were told wrong.

Ok thanks a lot for your help! On the upside looks like I get to do some light shopping
also you can use these products : Massive Bloom (green Planet) - Mammonth P - these increase bud density, size, ect but you growing medium and Light are you two most important factors
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