Can anyone experienced in Vaporizers help me?

At the very worst, you'll get a smell similar to burnt popcorn, but nothing nearly as strong as smoking would give you.
I happen to love the smell of burning cannabis. Yeah Ive heard burnt popcorn smell. Some people back when I was living in the dorms would purposly burn bags of popcorn when they were smoking with a vap. That way anyone walking down the hall would have no idea, except somebody really burned up some popcorn. LOL. Me and my 3 buds were just plain idiots though, we hotboxed our dorm room and 3 police officers came a pounding. good times good times. lol.
well ok burnt popcorn isnt so bad, yeah i live in an apartment building and i dont want the smell to get out haha i get paranoid sometimes. Hotboxing your dorm room, thats EPIC. So what temperature do you recommend i start out at first??
Try starting out around 325-340 degrees F first, and that should get you pretty far..I've read that around 385 is pretty much the hottest temp you will need, but you will have to experiment with your particular vaporizer. Have you already bought one? What model did you get?

Also, I have to agree that it is awesome to vaporize without people knowing..I vaporize in my dorm room and my bedroom at my parents' house without any fear of being caught because even if someone walks in a few minutes after I vape, they won't smell anything suspicious
alright ill try that range first. umm i dont really know the model or anything like that. Its just one off ebay so i thought id get one off there and try it to see how i liked it and then commit to getting the more expensive ones. it would be pretty awesome to just smoke or in this case vape and just chill without people knowing what your doing.
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