Can i use water from Auto cloner machine?


420 Member
Hi I have an EZ Clone Machine that I purchased from Amazon and it works great by the way. I was able to get roots from clones within 4 to 5 days. This would be considered the cloning using the aeroponics method. I just have a simple question. After all my clones have rooted and I have placed them in soil, I basically have a big empty bin of pH balance water. Within the water there is a sprinkle of Great White (mycorrhizae), little bit of EZ Rez (cleaner), and little bit of Regen-a-Root. This was a solution I made when I followed a cloning guide from a YouTube video. Shout out to cannabis TV by the way who are awesome! Keep in mind that this water has been running in the ez-clone for 11 days so far. I just need to know if I can use this water to water my plants or should I just toss it out?
I've never heard of using Mycorrhizae in water that way, what would be the purpose of that?

No clue what is in rez cleaner, but it doesn't sound like something a healthy plant would want to me, I would toss it.
Hi! The mycorrhizae was lightly sprinkled in water solution to promote root growth.. the directions were to put some directly on the stems of the clones and just sprinkle a little bit in the water just to add a little extra in the solution
Ok, I understand it was in the instructions, I just don't understand the point of it.

Mycorrhizae is a fungus, just floating around in water it will do nothing but drown. (as far as I know) - Yes people put it in water, but that is so that it can be added to the root zone of an already planted plant, it can't just swim around and live in water.

I'm not criticizing you, and I suppose I can't prove it isn't helpful, but you can probably save your myco next time for the roots after they have grown.
Ok, I understand it was in the instructions, I just don't understand the point of it.

Mycorrhizae is a fungus, just floating around in water it will do nothing but drown. (as far as I know) - Yes people put it in water, but that is so that it can be added to the root zone of an already planted plant, it can't just swim around and live in water.

I'm not criticizing you, and I suppose I can't prove it isn't helpful, but you can probably save your myco next time for the roots after they have grown.
Okay this info is really still helpful. Especially since I emptied the entire salt shaker bottle from Great White. The mycorrhizae goes pretty fast, so thanks that will help me.
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