Can someone help please


Well-Known Member
Last night I noticed a witherd stem and leafs, and when I looked down the base of that stem it was discoloured and weird looking, I then noticed it was completely hollow,

I topped up pots a while ago and think this may have caused it,
The soil was up over the lowest nodes on 2 stems that are the 2 lowest in the plant,

Is this stalk rot??

And what do I do now as it won't be long u till she finishes, will it spread?


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Last night I noticed a witherd stem and leafs, and when I looked down the base of that stem it was discoloured and weird looking, I then noticed it was completely hollow,

I topped up pots a while ago and think this may have caused it,
The soil was up over the lowest nodes on 2 stems that are the 2 lowest in the plant,

Is this stalk rot??

And what do I do now as it won't be long u till she finishes, will it spread?
Definitely a rot of some sort. It's important to maintain the stem collar, i.e. where the plant changes from above ground to below ground
Stems and branches are all hollow, well have a hollow part through the centre. Apart from the withering it looks fine? Unlikely to get rot more likely to grow roots. Is it possible that branch was bumped broken maybe?
Pretty sure that hollow centre is standard, I could be wrong
hmmmmm did you bury the stems then that is the cause , you should always remove bottom branches then top up your soil when healed , this well help more roots to grow but because you buried the stem and nodes this has caused rot 80% sure ? you might have broke the stem/branch slightly with the topping up and watering
Stems and branches are all hollow, well have a hollow part through the centre. Apart from the withering it looks fine? Unlikely to get rot more likely to grow roots. Is it possible that branch was bumped broken maybe?
get a little dig and see , id dig a little out just to check , there is some stuff you can use to stop it spreading , like apple cider vinegar diluted , sulfur based foliar spray too , there is a few home made cures
Gona investigate this later on, thanks, I think the main stem looks OK, them 2 branches just got waterlogged and maybe a break in the stem caused it to rot,
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