Can you harvest half the plant and the rest a week later?


Active Member
Hi guys,

I have this dilema which is making me extremely anxious. I made a post about this before but weather conditions made this problem worse. My first grow is coming to an end and I'm really worried about the harvesting logistics since my company requires me to travel for a full week the day I was planning to harvest (outdoor grow). I have these three options:

A) Harvest this weekend. Set up the drying room and be absent for the first 6 days of drying. Risk of mold showing up and me not being able to remove the affected parts out of the drying room.

B) Harvest a week later, but Accuweather is showing that it is going to rain on the last day of my business trip (the day before harvest in this option). Huge risk of ruining the entire crop because of mold if it rains.

C) Harvest half of the plant this weekend and the rest a week later after I come back from the business trip. It seems that this option mitigates half of the risk of option A) and B)? Is this even possible? The plant should have massive ammounts of stress on the last week after I chop half of it down. Is this doable? Will the plant live after I cut half of it down?

I really don't know what to do here since I've never done this. I greatly appreciate any help.


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Here's a Pure Kush 2 weeks after harvesting all the main buds-I let her go another week after this pic:

Yes I’ve done this on several ocations when the tops were ripe but the branches weren’t done yet mostly with autos.
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