Canada's New Cannabis Law

Hi All,

I found it.


The first two options could be done now. The Order-in-Council would open everything up immediately, although there might be options that would just target simple possession. The second option is basically what Obama did to protect states who legalized from the feds, except this would stop prosecutions for possession across this country. The third option could have been their first piece of legislation.

There is no reason anyone should be getting busted.

Noteworthy in that interview is the following from Justin. At about the 13:10 mark.

"We have already said it is unfair, ah, that some people are much more likely to get arrested for pot possession. Ah, particularly from minority communities. That's wrong. That's one of the things we need to fix and change."

So the cops are targeting visible minorities with cannabis busts and the Prime Minister thinks it's wrong. Not so wrong that these people shouldn't suffer. He thinks its o.k. to wait a year to fix and change?

Peace. :peace:
Agreed. The fight definitely isn't over. This may be ok if viewed as a stepping stone along the way to real legalization. The penalties are ridiculous. As someone pointed out somewhere, you could get more jail time from selling pot to a minor than killing one.
The fight over the long haul would be more successful if Mr Trudeau hadn't backed out of ending our "first past the post" system. And a real proportional representation system would almost guarantee not losing those gains.

A proportional representation system would have prevented a federal government with less than 50% of the vote from having a majority in the House. No Mr. Harper. No Liberals running as liberal and governing more like conservatives. IMHO, it was the most important platform from the Liberals campaign. I'd trade this Cannabis Act for real proportional representation in a heartbeat. It would mean a just and fair legalization of cannabis, although we would have to wait until 2019.

Peace. :peace:
I strongly believe that the liberal legalization plan is all smoke and mirrors.
They used cannabis legalization to buy votes to help win the election.
And they will use it to try and buy votes in the next election.
Canada's commitment to 3 drug conventions with the UN are going to be a
stumbling block to any form of legalization.
I bet legalization will look like its almost going to happen right before the next federal election
as long as the liberals get reelected.

I will believe it when I see it.

Hi bipolar,

I have a healthy skepticism about the new cannabis laws also. But I think the Licenced Producers and the rest of the legal market will be a billion dollar industry. It probably is now. I worry that the Supreme Court will have to step in again to protect the rights of medicinal users after "legalization".

I don't see the international agreements being a problem. We are not the first to legalize, and we could opt out.

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