Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Thank you guys. My 420 family mean a lot to me. Happy Holidays!!
Where did Parato go? Hope we didn't lose him.

Hello! Couldn't login yesterday!

cajuncelt said:
The flaxseed oil scared him off. That stuff is nasty. Blah.

I actually really like it :)

So regarding capsules vs tacking - I'd rather use the best possible way to take the oil... I mean, I have a month when I don't need to work so I can use whatever method you advise. My only concern is that it seems that if I take too much I experience some nasty sides (anxiety - I think I have something in my esophagus and once I gulp I'm gonna smother + racing thoughts, rather pessimistic, mostly about not being able to recover from the "high" + i feel cold. Experienced it two times. First time on the 7th day of my rso treatment. First few days I was tacking once a day some time before going to bed, then added a capsule at 3pm [at that time i had to work 8-5. And on the seventh day I tacked twice at 6 pm and then before bad took 2 caps. So the jump was from 1 tack, 1 cap, to 2 tacks at the same time + 2 caps.
I woke up at night was not pleasant to put it mildly.
Om Sunday I taked 3 times (every 6h).
Yesterday, I tacked at 12 and 6 pm...and after 2h of the second tack...I experienced that strange and unpleasant state again (however it was not as terrible as the first one).

So, the problem may be in my "tacking" technique as it looks that I'm still eating a part of it, as some oil ends up on my teeth or lips. Also, I used to suck the reminder of rso from the fingertip. Do you think this may be why I experienced that feeling? On the other capsules, I had taken capsules a few times earlier and there were no sides...

What do you think? Shall I stick with tacking exclusively?

About tacking:
a) when one can eat/drink after takcking?
b) I noticed that that brownish stain on my gums is still present after a few hours after I tacked. The same if I tack some time before bed, then next morning I can still feel that flavour and can see those brownish spots. Shouldn't they disappear after a few hours?
Hi parato,

That explains where you went, glad your back.

First off what strain/strains is your oil, sativa dominant, indica dominant? Sounds like you got very euphoric, racy heart, etc.

Hello! Couldn't login yesterday!

I actually really like it :)

So regarding capsules vs tacking - I'd rather use the best possible way to take the oil... I mean, I have a month when I don't need to work so I can use whatever method you advise. My only concern is that it seems that if I take too much I experience some nasty sides (anxiety - I think I have something in my esophagus and once I gulp I'm gonna smother + racing thoughts, rather pessimistic, mostly about not being able to recover from the "high" + i feel cold. Experienced it two times. First time on the 7th day of my rso treatment. First few days I was tacking once a day some time before going to bed, then added a capsule at 3pm [at that time i had to work 8-5. And on the seventh day I tacked twice at 6 pm and then before bad took 2 caps. So the jump was from 1 tack, 1 cap, to 2 tacks at the same time + 2 caps.
I woke up at night was not pleasant to put it mildly.
Om Sunday I taked 3 times (every 6h).
Yesterday, I tacked at 12 and 6 pm...and after 2h of the second tack...I experienced that strange and unpleasant state again (however it was not as terrible as the first one).

So, the problem may be in my "tacking" technique as it looks that I'm still eating a part of it, as some oil ends up on my teeth or lips. Also, I used to suck the reminder of rso from the fingertip. Do you think this may be why I experienced that feeling? On the other capsules, I had taken capsules a few times earlier and there were no sides...

What do you think? Shall I stick with tacking exclusively?

About tacking:
a) when one can eat/drink after takcking?
b) I noticed that that brownish stain on my gums is still present after a few hours after I tacked. The same if I tack some time before bed, then next morning I can still feel that flavour and can see those brownish spots. Shouldn't they disappear after a few hours?
Tacking 5 grains of rice is approximately 250 mg of THC or 1/5th of a gram.

As I've Stage 4 cancer that is metastatic, I take 1g a day. My personal experience is that I began with coconut oil/cannabis oil capsules. I was ingesting almost 3 grams a day. That was the wrong route. I actually got sick from the oil. I couldn't eat mainly. Lots of digestion problems.

I tried suppositories next, then capsules with the suppositories. Again, 2 grams a day minimum. Didn't do much. The cancer was still growing & metastatic.

After meeting Motoco, I began tacking. No capsules, no suppository.

CEA (tumor markers) have dropped & cancer stopped spreading.

My post previously is for those taking the capsules. Coconut oil is no longer the best vehicle to use. If you're going to take capsules, please research my "mix" compared to coconut oil. There's no comparison frankly.

I will be on sporadically for awhile. I'm officially homeless today. I'll have this phone for awhile, but not long.

Good luck, good spirits, good karma & good health to you all. I mean that.

Happy Trees everyone.
Hi new to the forum here! i had a quick question. My sister is in a very critical condition as of now . The doctors had sent her home saying that they couldnt do anything to help... not the first time either. Our family finally decided to put her on rso treatment. she is very immobile,cant speak much, and isnt awake for much time, im talking about 10-20 mins awake about 4-5 times a day. i tried applying the RSO with your tacking method but it was very difficult for me to actually "tack" it to the gum because her saliva would sort of get to it before it could stick. so the oil was sort of floating on her saliva. She cant really spit so the doses stay with her, so she might eventually swallow it. Will this method still work as fast? or should i maybe try to dry out her gums before applying? any replies would help, thanks!
Hello OGPurps and welcome.
I am so very sorry to hear about your sister's condition. I am glad you are here asking your questions. I will try to give you some tips that helped me with tacking my husband. Yes, it does help to dry to gum. It also helps to warm the oil up a little with a hair dryer after you have it on your finger. Also make sure that you spread/flatten the oil on your finger to a thin film. It is not good enough to just smear the oil on the gums. You really want to try and get a good tack. I also will break down my doses in half or even smaller and wait at least 15 min in between tacks. Motoco has a picture around page 8 of the correct way the tack should look on your finger. I will double check the page # and let you know.
The photos are on page 17 of this thread. Take a look at those and see if that helps. Good Luck to you and keep any questions coming. Peace
Hi OGPurps,

Welcome to 420! If you don't mind, exactly what is your sisters aliment? Strains can play a big role as well as knowing how many times to dose. A couple of things I'd like to add; While trying to apply the dose is she sitting in an upright position? This is important because she cannot spit out her saliva and as you mentioned it will just drain down. It is ok for the oil to drain down but it is important to tack as thoroughly as possible so the cannabinoids get to the CB1 receptors first before the oil drains down (why in your sisters case its important to sit up while taking her oil). You also might want to consider trying to tack yourself so you know how it feels, works. I would try to make sure the tacking is done correctly and a simple rule of thumb; after pressing firmly for 20 seconds try to move your finger slightly and see if its hard to move, if not, keep trying. If this does not work because of your sisters condition we go to method two applying a small amount (a grain of rice) to the annal mucuse gland. Not a suppository, vinyl glove, right on the inside, apply well and make sure after the application she lies on her back for at least 10 minutes. Always the 'gum' is first choice and give your best effort.

Thanks fsc, spot on! Very different when tacking another person instead of yourself. You would be the expert on tacking someone else. Just wanted to give you major props, nicely done.
The photos are on page 17 of this thread. Take a look at those and see if that helps. Good Luck to you and keep any questions coming. Peace

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Thanks Hiker. That will be useful to know.
Hey Motoco --

First, thanks for this thread. This has been highly educational.

2 items/questions:
1) Any way you can post a video within this thread showing how to tack properly? Seems like many folks would benefit if you posted a demo.

2) At one point you mentioned a site (or thread?) that identifies poor drug/RSO interactions. Can you point directly to that, or share a link? Would like to have a reference for the future to be able to check on potential medication interactions.

My situation is an aggressive form of mantle cell lymphoma that Drs are saying will require a stem cell transplant.

Just wanted to put my two cents on tacking. Thank to Motoco and his lovely assistant I learnt how to tack proper way.

I can confirm: indeed, there is no euphoria/high/anxiety...literally nothing unusual. I feel like my normal self, good memory, good level of focus etc.
Thank you Motoco!
No worries paddy159, glad to help out. We possibly could be related, same age, Nam vet, mid-sixties, half Irish, whats next, your where on the Kitty Hawk? lol. Try the tacking method for max effectiveness. Also the best thing for PTSD is a Sativa dominant high THC strain. Do you have cancer? from you aliment description you should only need 2 grains of rice a day. One in the a.m. and a booster after lunch (1/2 grain of rice booster, daytime sativa) and 1/2 grain of Indica for nighttime. All your aliments will greatly improve. Yes, you got some fiber out of the deal :))). Actually, digesting oil is not conducive to healing. Taken correctly with no euphoria is the proper way to heal. Once you do the oil properly, then try digesting again you can see what a huge difference there is between the two (not talking the difference between high and straight, but how the aliments actually respond/feel).

Congrats on the better batch. LOL

Thanks for the response Motoco. I am pretty sure I blew it when I used a 220 micron filter. Will follow instructions closely next attempt. I have a 25micron bubble bag. I'll try that next time on a small batch. Just don't like paper filters, me n murphy been long acquainted.

I'm in my mid sixties, nam vet, ptsd, depression, (was a 18 yr.old Dustoff crewchief),whole list of physical maladies that come from bein rode hard and put away wet. I was just following Rick Simpsons advice about getting as much into you as you can until you hit 60 grams. Need to back up and do a lot more research, I think.
Hopin I still derived some medical benefit from the oil w/impurities that I was ingesting. Do you suppose I at least got some fiber out of the deal? sorry, couldn't resist a wee bit o' levity.
Hi Moto and FMC,

Thank you for your replies. You two are both very strong and are really giving me hope in these so very hard times. Sorry I didn't reply earlier I've just been so run down and have been working on reading the entire thread-almost done. FMC I can only dream of finding a supportive wife like yourself one day and am keeping you guys in my thoughts. Thanks for all the help you provide people Moto.

Moto, it's true a lot of people have these symptoms but it's when they interfere with keeping a simple job, maintaining interpersonal relationships, family, sleep, school and facing consequences for acts you did not want to commit, that they can really break the most sane person down to the point that they might end up on the street. Especially with no support from family. I'm so broken at this point, but you guys are giving me hope by displaying true strength and courage in tougher situations. I'm having hard times letting go of things in the past that I could not control. I've accepted them but have not forgotten them and they are taking a toll on my health.

Thanks for the props Moto and for identifying with my post, I so badly want to do the right thing but it's almost always been impossible with these symptoms, no matter how hard I try. I used to think it was the weeds fault so I'd quit for months and one time for 7-8 months and nothing changed! In fact I thought I was worse off in many areas and better in a few.

My dream is to be able to provide for myself and to also be truly happy (not with material things) and a better person. I've been banging my head against the wall for the past 12 years trying to work this predicament out.

I'm scared of giving up smoking, but I truly feel like if I could just feel better (normal) I could kick it in a NY minute. I'm also scared I might try and get euphoria out of the oil and mess this up. It's the impulsivity Motoco.

I think CBD plays a role in brain repair and that is where I have most of my issues so I'm curious as to why you think the THC is sufficient? Is this based off of your experience? Another area where I need a lot of help is being able to focus (think timed mathematics exam). Believe it or not smoking weed has helped me in this area but there is no science when it comes to dosing and like with any other drug dosing is everything! That can lead to interesting outcomes! :) Also, as we all know THC can mess with your memory making it hard to have a productive focus even when you are focused, if that makes any sense.

I'm still waiting to get work before I'm able to buy the flower. How many days of effective medicine for day and night time will I be able to get out of a half ounce of blue dream and a half ounce of an indica dominant? Both are ~top shelf~but that term can mean so many different things nowadays.
Hi samandnoah,

Welcome to 420 Magazine!

1. Explaining or expressing an 'opinion' is different than showing an actual video demo to the masses. A 'grey' area if you will, until legalities are changed.

2. Drug interaction with RSO? Mentioned a lot in quite a few threads. Only mentioned if digesting the oil (euphoria) causing drops in blood pressure. These are blood pressure meds, pain meds, sleeping meds. If the concentrate is taken correctly the interaction to these man-made meds are much safer because of no euphoria. There are so many new meds coming out (think they just changed the name of some and put them back out) it would almost be impossible for me to keep up with it. When discussing with the person what they are using is much easier, saves much time and not to mention, there is a TON of meds. Please check your PM at the left side, top for your message. You won't be able to respond (50 post requirement). I won't be available until 6 pm pacific time. TY


Hey Motoco --

First, thanks for this thread. This has been highly educational.

2 items/questions:
1) I feel like I'm not just not quite getting it. Seems like many folks would benefit if you posted a demo.

2) At one point you mentioned a site (or thread?) that identifies poor drug/RSO interactions. Can you point directly to that, or share a link? Would like to have a reference for the future to be able to check on potential medication interactions.

My situation is an aggressive form of mantle cell lymphoma that Drs are saying will require a stem cell transplant.

Thank you motoco for your contribution to the community. I have been trying tacking it to gum but i still feel the euphoria. Please i am in a desperate situation and I need to build up to 1 gram. So far i can only do 1/10 of a gram and it messes me up.
Hi samandnoah,

Welcome to 420 Magazine!

1. Explaining or expressing an 'opinion' is different than showing an actual video demo to the masses. A 'grey' area if you will, until legalities are changed.
2. Drug interaction with RSO? Mentioned a lot in quite a few threads. Only mentioned if digesting the oil (euphoria) causing drops in blood pressure. These are blood pressure meds, pain meds, sleeping meds. If the concentrate is taken correctly the interaction to these man-made meds are much safer because of no euphoria. There are so many new meds coming out (think they just changed the name of some and put them back out) it would almost be impossible for me to keep up with it. When discussing with the person what they are using is much easier, saves much time and not to mention, there is a TON of meds.

Hi Moto and FMC,

Thank you for your replies. You two are both very strong and are really giving me hope in these so very hard times. Sorry I didn't reply earlier I've just been so run down and have been working on reading the entire thread-almost done. FMC I can only dream of finding a supportive wife like yourself one day and am keeping you guys in my thoughts. Thanks for all the help you provide people Moto.

Moto, it's true a lot of people have these symptoms but it's when they interfere with keeping a simple job, maintaining interpersonal relationships, family, sleep, school and facing consequences for acts you did not want to commit, that they can really break the most sane person down to the point that they might end up on the street. Especially with no support from family. I'm so broken at this point, but you guys are giving me hope by displaying true strength and courage in tougher situations. I'm having hard times letting go of things in the past that I could not control. I've accepted them but have not forgotten them and they are taking a toll on my health.

Thanks for the props Moto and for identifying with my post, I so badly want to do the right thing but it's almost always been impossible with these symptoms, no matter how hard I try. I used to think it was the weeds fault so I'd quit for months and one time for 7-8 months and nothing changed! In fact I thought I was worse off in many areas and better in a few.

My dream is to be able to provide for myself and to also be truly happy (not with material things) and a better person. I've been banging my head against the wall for the past 12 years trying to work this predicament out.

I'm scared of giving up smoking, but I truly feel like if I could just feel better (normal) I could kick it in a NY minute. I'm also scared I might try and get euphoria out of the oil and mess this up. It's the impulsivity Motoco.

I think CBD plays a role in brain repair and that is where I have most of my issues so I'm curious as to why you think the THC is sufficient? Is this based off of your experience? Another area where I need a lot of help is being able to focus (think timed mathematics exam). Believe it or not smoking weed has helped me in this area but there is no science when it comes to dosing and like with any other drug dosing is everything! That can lead to interesting outcomes! :) Also, as we all know THC can mess with your memory making it hard to have a productive focus even when you are focused, if that makes any sense.

I'm still waiting to get work before I'm able to buy the flower. How many days of effective medicine for day and night time will I be able to get out of a half ounce of blue dream and a half ounce of an indica dominant? Both are ~top shelf~but that term can mean so many different things nowadays.

Hello again, I was afraid you were gone. Glad to see you made it back. I totally understand the part about being so down that you can't seem to do anyting that needs to be done. Depression is one of my issues and I am now tacking myself everyday. Only for a few days now. I remember reading in this thread that it does take a good week to get seated in the brain. I will try to keep you and everyone else updated on my progress on the depression and my long list of other issues.

I also understand not wanting to give up smoking. My husband good be a total grouch without his weed and I made sure he never ran out. He has/had emotional issues and was much happier and easier to live with while stoned. He was also more energenic while stoned before he got sick. He has been on the oil for 6 months now. The problem with our oil is for the first few months I had to buy the flower and so he was never constantly on the same strain. Also it was not top shelve so it was the a good quality oil. Now what we have is my own grow but still I do not know the strain. I am trying to figure out on myself if it gives more energy or makes me tired. The verdict is still out. I tried to have others smoke some to tell me if they think it is more sativa than indica and the answer I keep getting is "It gets me stoned" stoned is stoned. A lot of help they are. LOL

As far as concentration with a clear head. If you have a sativa dominate strain it will do just that. It will also give you more energy and will keep getting better the longer you are on it. Also, you do not have to give up smoking if you do not want to. The key there is to refrain from smoking during the day so you can feel the whole effect of the oil. You can always smoke at night for a treat. If the first strain you buy does not do the trick then try a different strain. But always try to pick a sative dominate one. From what I understand there are 2 phenotypes of the bluedream out there. One is 70/30 sativa dominate and would be the one you want. The other is a 50/50 strain.

One ounce of top shelve flower should yield 4 grams of oil. That is 4 ml of oil. When you dose we refer to the dosing size as a grain of rice. I take about a 1/4 of rice once or twice a day right now. Someone else posted that 5 grains of rice is equal to about 1/5 gram of oil. I would not think you would need anywhere near 5 grain doses in one day. Maybe 2 total. Broken up througout the day. Also, always start small. So if your 1/2 ounce gives you 2 grams of oil. That will last you quite awhile as long as you follow the regime and can stop yourself when you think about smoking it.

You are a very interesting man and I do hope you choose to try this oil and stick with. If it does what I think and know it can do, you will become addicted to the effects of the oil and the over all wll being feeling you get from it. I can see it working on my husband ever so slowly and a few ways. He is even smoking less now, and that is of his choosing. I have been working hard to get the man I married back. And this thread gave me hope and a mission that I am still on.

Your quesiton about CBD, If I understand it correctly, CBD is awesome for pain and inflamtion. It also playes a role in a cancer tumor by not letting it spread. So it can be essential for cancer patients. THC is what actually kills cancer and goes to work on healing every organ in the body. Motoco does have a lot of experience treating pts. We are very lucky that he shared his knowledge here and checks in almost everyday on us. We are all his patients in some way.

That impresses me that you have read this whole thread. If you want another good read. Motoco has a tuturial on making the oil and there are more stories on that thread also I think you will find uplifting. Here is a link to that thread.

How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Hang in there
Hi DepressedADHD,

Everything your looking for to change your life is at your fingertips now. The tacking method/gum application especially with Sativa dominant strain, it gives you the ability to carry on with your life, go to work and lead a normal life. In fact, better than normal. Once regimented its nothing short of amazing. It truly will turn all your aliments around.

As fsc answered (what a great job she does). While CBD is in a league by itself for pain and inflammation THC is what repairs glands, organs, etc. This is why I blend a high CBD strain with my daytime oil, it covers everything through the day while active. Once you learn the method of taking the concentrate correctly YOU take charge of the oil, not the other way around. People fear THC (ones that have professional careers and cannot become euphoric or simply do not want to because of severe anxiety). You can even 911 yourself if taken incorrectly (brings you down from the heavy euphoria).
You should get 2 grams from the Blue Dream and 2 grams from the Indica (make sure your Indica isn't just Indica dominant like OG's, try to get at least 90-95% like Master Kush, Afgan Kush or Hindu Kush at 100%. This is very important for your conditions so you can get excellent sleep (deep rim). Your oil should last you 2 months (2 grams of daytime, 2 grams of nighttime). If buying from a dispensary verify the Indica strain, they will tell you OG is pure Indica and its far from it. Your symptoms almost duplicate my sons.

This doesn't have to be a dream any more brother, I see how much you want to change your life around, your so close, take a leap of faith, we will walk you through this, just give us your hand, and you have a family that will support you. All for the asking compadre. This will truly amaze you.

Think we covered everything, if we overlooked anything, please just ask. A final mention; the concentrated oil is your first step to make everything else fall into place. This would be your priority to start a new you.

420 Motoco

Hi Moto and FMC,

Thank you for your replies. You two are both very strong and are really giving me hope in these so very hard times. Sorry I didn't reply earlier I've just been so run down and have been working on reading the entire thread-almost done. FMC I can only dream of finding a supportive wife like yourself one day and am keeping you guys in my thoughts. Thanks for all the help you provide people Moto.

Moto, it's true a lot of people have these symptoms but it's when they interfere with keeping a simple job, maintaining interpersonal relationships, family, sleep, school and facing consequences for acts you did not want to commit, that they can really break the most sane person down to the point that they might end up on the street. Especially with no support from family. I'm so broken at this point, but you guys are giving me hope by displaying true strength and courage in tougher situations. I'm having hard times letting go of things in the past that I could not control. I've accepted them but have not forgotten them and they are taking a toll on my health.

Thanks for the props Moto and for identifying with my post, I so badly want to do the right thing but it's almost always been impossible with these symptoms, no matter how hard I try. I used to think it was the weeds fault so I'd quit for months and one time for 7-8 months and nothing changed! In fact I thought I was worse off in many areas and better in a few.

My dream is to be able to provide for myself and to also be truly happy (not with material things) and a better person. I've been banging my head against the wall for the past 12 years trying to work this predicament out.

I'm scared of giving up smoking, but I truly feel like if I could just feel better (normal) I could kick it in a NY minute. I'm also scared I might try and get euphoria out of the oil and mess this up. It's the impulsivity Motoco.

I think CBD plays a role in brain repair and that is where I have most of my issues so I'm curious as to why you think the THC is sufficient? Is this based off of your experience? Another area where I need a lot of help is being able to focus (think timed mathematics exam). Believe it or not smoking weed has helped me in this area but there is no science when it comes to dosing and like with any other drug dosing is everything! That can lead to interesting outcomes! :) Also, as we all know THC can mess with your memory making it hard to have a productive focus even when you are focused, if that makes any sense.

I'm still waiting to get work before I'm able to buy the flower. How many days of effective medicine for day and night time will I be able to get out of a half ounce of blue dream and a half ounce of an indica dominant? Both are ~top shelf~but that term can mean so many different things nowadays.
Hello again, I was afraid you were gone. Glad to see you made it back. I totally understand the part about being so down that you can't seem to do anyting that needs to be done. Depression is one of my issues and I am now tacking myself everyday. Only for a few days now. I remember reading in this thread that it does take a good week to get seated in the brain. I will try to keep you and everyone else updated on my progress on the depression and my long list of other issues.

I also understand not wanting to give up smoking. My husband good be a total grouch without his weed and I made sure he never ran out. He has/had emotional issues and was much happier and easier to live with while stoned. He was also more energenic while stoned before he got sick. He has been on the oil for 6 months now. The problem with our oil is for the first few months I had to buy the flower and so he was never constantly on the same strain. Also it was not top shelve so it was the a good quality oil. Now what we have is my own grow but still I do not know the strain. I am trying to figure out on myself if it gives more energy or makes me tired. The verdict is still out. I tried to have others smoke some to tell me if they think it is more sativa than indica and the answer I keep getting is "It gets me stoned" stoned is stoned. A lot of help they are. LOL

As far as concentration with a clear head. If you have a sativa dominate strain it will do just that. It will also give you more energy and will keep getting better the longer you are on it. Also, you do not have to give up smoking if you do not want to. The key there is to refrain from smoking during the day so you can feel the whole effect of the oil. You can always smoke at night for a treat. If the first strain you buy does not do the trick then try a different strain. But always try to pick a sative dominate one. From what I understand there are 2 phenotypes of the bluedream out there. One is 70/30 sativa dominate and would be the one you want. The other is a 50/50 strain.

One ounce of top shelve flower should yield 4 grams of oil. That is 4 ml of oil. When you dose we refer to the dosing size as a grain of rice. I take about a 1/4 of rice once or twice a day right now. Someone else posted that 5 grains of rice is equal to about 1/5 gram of oil. I would not think you would need anywhere near 5 grain doses in one day. Maybe 2 total. Broken up througout the day. Also, always start small. So if your 1/2 ounce gives you 2 grams of oil. That will last you quite awhile as long as you follow the regime and can stop yourself when you think about smoking it.

You are a very interesting man and I do hope you choose to try this oil and stick with. If it does what I think and know it can do, you will become addicted to the effects of the oil and the over all wll being feeling you get from it. I can see it working on my husband ever so slowly and a few ways. He is even smoking less now, and that is of his choosing. I have been working hard to get the man I married back. And this thread gave me hope and a mission that I am still on.

Your quesiton about CBD, If I understand it correctly, CBD is awesome for pain and inflamtion. It also playes a role in a cancer tumor by not letting it spread. So it can be essential for cancer patients. THC is what actually kills cancer and goes to work on healing every organ in the body. Motoco does have a lot of experience treating pts. We are very lucky that he shared his knowledge here and checks in almost everyday on us. We are all his patients in some way.

That impresses me that you have read this whole thread. If you want another good read. Motoco has a tuturial on making the oil and there are more stories on that thread also I think you will find uplifting. Here is a link to that thread.

How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Hang in there

Nothing short of AWESOME!
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I got some bad news regarding a friend that was just dx with lung cancer and mass in the brain. Talk about dejavu. He is in the hospital now getting the workup find out how extensive it is and to give the cancer a name. I just got my CBD seeds yesterday (mango Haze) So right now all I have for him is my unknown strain which I am thinking it is just slightly on the sativa side. I do have a royal kush and blue dream that I will be putting into flower soon. My question is if he decides to go with the oil, I want to feel confident that the THC only strain can work without the CBD. I know CBD is essential but I am not there yet.

Also, I cannot imagine tacking 1 gram of oil a day. (i know we have to work up to that amount in 5 weeks) If the calculations I have seen on here by someone else, 1 gram is equal to 25 grains of rice. I have no idea how to manage that. Of course these questions are premature as I have not talked to him yet. But a family member will be talking with him about it today. He is only 45 years oid. He and is wife have lived in a known cancer hot spot town their whole life. His wife has already had breast cancer.
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