Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Thank you so much Motoco. I will focus on tacking correctly. My onc wants me to go on tamoxifen now, and discontinue the MMJ because she gave me the past 7 months between tests to see what my medicine can do, and since things actually got worse, I'm not a good example of what this medicine can do (at the moment) but I really hope to change that.

And I notice that you encourage everyone to be living now, and not to dwell or be afraid. You know, just hearing someone say those words out loud is such powerful medicine. Thank you.
420 Motoco, I currently take both; high THC at night before bed and high CBD/CBN during the day. I count off the drops into a spoon and place it in my gums and under my tongue. If you get a heart attack, you're given medication in the ER to place under the tongue so I know the under the tongue absorption speed is just as fast.

I really don't have the cash to be getting head MRIs that often so I can't really say what is going on with the tumor but so far an increase in numbness and pins and needles has been directly correlated to an increase in tumor size so the reduction in numbness and pins and needles that I've felt must mean the tumor is shrinking.

The body high I feel is normally not felt by most people. The right side of my body (the healthy side) just feels slightly warm while the left side feels like rubbing a sports cream on it like ben gay; a hot coldness and way more activation on the nerve endings.

A healthy person would say that high CBD/CBN oil doesn't work because if you remove the head high they don't really feel anything.

I have been "geeking out" with a friend that does a cold wash and decarbs the oil with a double boiler to not decarb the product, do a hot extraction, winterize, filter, evaporate and then decarb.

THC and CBD should not precipitate during winterizing so you would end up filtering the unwanteds anyways. I will continue doing it the current way but will be changing the process on the next batch.
HI Lab Rat,

The gum method you refer to is a sub-lingual method and not the 'tacking' method. Nite and day in fact. Sub-lingual still drains down to the CB2 receptors more than gets to your CB1 receptors. I can actually tack the highest THC oil with no CBD/CBN's and be alert and have energy, complete opposite of euphoria. I am redundant on this because the tacking method heals much faster than sub-lingual alone. Most Dr.s always refer to the sub-lingual method as they know nothing about the concentrate, only man-made meds in a tincture form. I'm not talking about the quickness of how the oil enters your system, I'm talking about the difference in healing. Sounds like your concentrate is runny as I could never put mine on a spoon under the tongue. Also you cannot 'tack' properly with something that is runny. I'm discussing this with you to help you heal faster and proper.

Totally get the 'cannot afford' test. I have patients that refuse to go to the hospital to even get a test done because they simply cannot afford it. I agree with you your tumor is shrinking somewhat, otherwise the location of your tumor starts affecting motor skills, seizures and a plethora of other dis-orders. My Mother-in-Law passed away from a tumor separating her stem cell.

I do not make absolute oil. As you mentioned each process does degrade the oil a tad. I also switched from freezing the flower from 24 hours to 48 hrs as it even makes a cleaner product. Many ways to make a concentrate. What concentrate applied to the gums (front) isn't that many. BHO, CO2, are not one of them. Most of them are not decarbed, meant for vaping as they decarb then (with a good vaporizer).

Exactly why I freeze my flower for 48 hours. By doing so it pulls out way less of the unwanteds. I do three quick rinse in under five minutes and get a very clean extract using food grade alcohol. By doing the decarb at the end I'm insured nothing but the extract is in my product with no alcohol. When I vape my extract it tastes just like 'hash' with no chem/alcohol taste.

I also would like to mention I know every process of making the concentrate. That being said I just didn't pick the one I made for the tutorial to make a good quality med for medicinal purposes. Everything was taken into consideration. Safety, a food grade carrier, and an concentrate that could be administered correctly to the gums (front) which by the way is an ideal place for the concentrate as your saliva gland sensors (where the gum and cheek meet) are actovated, separates what goes to the CB1 receptors (pass the blood brain barrier) and the rest goes to the digestive system. Problem with getting info off the net so much has been edited and misleading is exactly why the Wife and I stayed off the web and learned ourselves what the truth or bs was. There is a lot of it out there. Its a learning curve brother. If you read some of the many post in 'how to use RSO correctly' people have seen the two methods of application with serious aliments. One worked and one didn't. Again, I only wish you the fastest heal possible. Peace

Most importantly I hope your tumor goes away, just not in a good location. Best wishes compadre.

420 Motoco, I currently take both; high THC at night before bed and high CBD/CBN during the day. I count off the drops into a spoon and place it in my gums and under my tongue. If you get a heart attack, you're given medication in the ER to place under the tongue so I know the under the tongue absorption speed is just as fast.

I really don't have the cash to be getting head MRIs that often so I can't really say what is going on with the tumor but so far an increase in numbness and pins and needles has been directly correlated to an increase in tumor size so the reduction in numbness and pins and needles that I've felt must mean the tumor is shrinking.

The body high I feel is normally not felt by most people. The right side of my body (the healthy side) just feels slightly warm while the left side feels like rubbing a sports cream on it like ben gay; a hot coldness and way more activation on the nerve endings.

A healthy person would say that high CBD/CBN oil doesn't work because if you remove the head high they don't really feel anything.

I have been "geeking out" with a friend that does a cold wash and decarbs the oil with a double boiler to not decarb the product, do a hot extraction, winterize, filter, evaporate and then decarb.

THC and CBD should not precipitate during winterizing so you would end up filtering the unwanteds anyways. I will continue doing it the current way but will be changing the process on the next batch.
Had a camera check on wednesday and we found a new tumor.... so not going to wait with the seed until next spring, Have decided to get them grown and converted into oil ASAP. Doc wants to remove the bladder and prostate immediately but I have said no way. More extreme nutrition control, more meditation, more Budwig and soon some home grown RSO.

Funny old life innit.......
try drying the tacking area with a paper towel before applying the oil.

Thank you for your response!! I have RSO from the lab in Vancouver, and I have RSO from the Kootenays, which tastes much better and is stronger than the RSO from Vancouver....but I'm unsure of the THC/CBD ratios. I am awake and aware during the day, and as soon as I take my medicine at night, I fall right to sleep, so maybe the RSO oil I'm taking now (from the Kootenays) is well balanced. I will keep on trying to tack....if that doesn't work, it seems holding it in my mouth for a long time without swallowing helps to mitigate the level of euphoria...and maybe this is how I will be able to get passed the 3/10 ml maximum I've been able to ingest up until now. Thanks again budnoob, really appreciate your kindness.
I mostly agree with you with the exception of the effects of tacking vs taking something sublingual. I personally haven't felt any difference in dosing either way but to tack it does need to be thicker while a tincture cut with olive oil will be more runny but is necessary if you wish to use a dropper. My motor skills are terrible and I can't use syringes very well.

Is there any scientific data backing up that tacking stimulates de CB1 receptor while the sublingual method stimulates the CB2 receptor?

I've encountered a lot of "you have to do it this way" or "Rick Simpson says" but when you ask people why; they don't know or they just know its the way they have always done it.
Hi Austrobrit,

I think you made a wise choice and here is my opinion. When they go into surgery to remove tumors the cancer spreads and fast I might add. Then they next step is radiation. I think you did the right choice. Get some oil asap. Make sure you don't run out, like any cancer treatment when stopped it comes back with a vengeance, normally right into stage 4. All the best for you!

Had a camera check on wednesday and we found a new tumor.... so not going to wait with the seed until next spring, Have decided to get them grown and converted into oil ASAP. Doc wants to remove the bladder and prostate immediately but I have said no way. More extreme nutrition control, more meditation, more Budwig and soon some home grown RSO.

Funny old life innit.......
Hi twinkly,

Yes, I've had patients who cancer got worse because they where digesting the oil instead of tacking. Learn to tack correctly and you will be on your way. I encourage everyone with a major illness (or just life in the norm) to think positive, stay focused with an attitude your going to kick some ass on cancer. The power of the mind is an amazing thing. The quickest heals I've seen is with positive attitudes. This is where the daytime oil (sativa) comes into play. It don't let you dwell on couch lock during the day as an Indica/Indica dominant does. It keeps your mind busy, so fill it with positive things. Yes you have an illness, but, it doesn't have to win, keep positive and positive things happen. I remember every chest pain I felt I thought it was a heart attack coming on. For years, this kept up until I started the concentrate. My outlook now is if I do have one so be it. I'm not going to live my life worrying about dying. Since I've been doing the concentrate I'm at peace with myself. I refuse to live my life in fear of dying. Tomorrow is promised to no one. You have to have your head straight, out with the unknown and negative and let the positive in. You have just been doing it wrong. Do it correctly and watch the rapid change. What the mental change also. Did you ever tell me if your oil was Indica dominant or sativa dominant or both? Tell your onc patience please. Is that tamoxifen a hormone blocker? A recent study on men with prostate cancer shows it is ineffective. For different cancers they say there are different hormone blockers, bs. Its the same and it has the same side effects as chemo. Just a heads up. You do what you think is right but if you start the oil correctly things start improving rapidly.

Thank you so much Motoco. I will focus on tacking correctly. My onc wants me to go on tamoxifen now, and discontinue the MMJ because she gave me the past 7 months between tests to see what my medicine can do, and since things actually got worse, I'm not a good example of what this medicine can do (at the moment) but I really hope to change that.

And I notice that you encourage everyone to be living now, and not to dwell or be afraid. You know, just hearing someone say those words out loud is such powerful medicine. Thank you.
Hi Motoco, smokedareefer,

Thanks for the info. My tacking is sort of improving....I'm drying the gums with a paper towel etc. and find the oil is tacking a little better. I literally don't swallow for about 45 minutes after tacking, and I was able to tack 4/10 yesterday, with just a little bit of euphoria. Each rice grain is approximately 1/10 of my syringe of RSO...and I've not been able to ingest more than 3/10 in a day, and yesterday did 4/10 quite easily, and today will tack all five of the 'grains of rice' size oil... :)

My meeting with my onc was very positive...she said the medicine is doing something, because although disease has progressed in the sternum, no where else is disease showing, which is a hairy big deal she said :)

Also, I am positive the medicine has already healed whatever was wrong with my liver, and has also been working on my kidneys....and so now instead of going the mainstream medicine route, which is focused on treating the cancer with pharmaceuticals, and then managing the side effects with further treatment (pharmaceuticals), I am really focusing on making my whole body, and my thoughts/emotions as healthy as possible, so the cancer is really challenged if trying to move into any major organs.

And yes, you can't live your life with a fear of dying. We are all heading west together, and in my opinion, this cancer is a blessing - in that I've been able to work through such fear and anxiety, to a point where my entire life is impacted in a positive way. And to come to terms with the fact that this life I'm living isn't permanent, and never was, really allows me to live more deeply and honestly - those moments that make up a day, and decorate my heart with as many of these moments as possible. I don't think I would be digging so deep - to heal in as many ways as possible - if I wasn't challenged by cancer.

Now, to have found this thread....everyone's experience has been so helpful to read about - my experience with RSO is changed completely, and I am able to share this with others who are following my treatment plan, and considering taking MMJ themselves.
Dear Motoco,

I honestly don't know what my oil is made up of. I think it is quite balanced...during the day when I was ingesting, I felt a lovely body high that also impacted my thoughts and mood in a gentle way. I didn't feel depressed at all, just totally unmotivated to clean the dishes or cook dinner. But at night when I ingested, I was always ready to go to bed within an hour or so. Would just hit a wall, and would immediately fall into a deep sleep. Sleep is only interrupted by the painful twinges of the sternum when shifting positions etc. but not to a point where I up the amounts of CBD I'm taking (in addition to the RSO).

I also take the fresh juice, and have water hash I can take too, but haven't taken much of that yet - it needs to be ingested. I've been thinking of ingesting the last dose of the day, as I don't mind being high while sleeping...and this way, my body is getting the medicine both ways...via tacking and ingesting.

Also, can you help me better understand the science around G1 and G2 ways to metabolize the RSO? I know I'm going to get this question a lot, so thought I'd ask...

thanks so much!

thats awesome!

i like everything about it except the taste.

going to try adding a smidge of chocolate/hazelnut concentrate flavouring to our next batch to ease that taste that slips by.
Hi twinkly,

Strains sound great. Now just 'tack' them right and you will be on your way. If you 'tack' correctly daytime/nighttime pain will be subdued even when sleeping. Tack only. Even nighttime. This is how your cancer heals the fastest. How many times are you dosing in the day. You took the daytime right or you wouldn't of been motivated, lol. See how the daytime removes on having cancer in your life? And while your healing. Once you tell me how many doses you take during the day I can comment on your nighttime dose as well.

Thank you for the info. I'm excited to see you on the right path!

CB1 receptors (brain) are the central nervous system Cannabinoids, Endocannabinoids and their Use in Medicine- Part 1

CB2 receptors are the central immune (cannot find the diagrams I like) I'll search for them.

Keep in mind most of all research done on the receptors are related to smoking/digesting the oil. No research is talked about getting the cannabinoids to the cb1 receptors first. In fact, most say CB2 receptors which is opposite to the correct way to heal. In short, you fix the upstairs receptors and glands and it repairs the auto-immune system. The concentrate seated in your cb1 receptors heals all the glands in the brain which transmits signals to the lower cb2 receptors. Best analogy; putting a new CPU in your computer. I have to locate my fav diagram as it simplifies things very easily.
Your very welcome!

Dear Motoco,

I honestly don't know what my oil is made up of. I think it is quite balanced...during the day when I was ingesting, I felt a lovely body high that also impacted my thoughts and mood in a gentle way. I didn't feel depressed at all, just totally unmotivated to clean the dishes or cook dinner. But at night when I ingested, I was always ready to go to bed within an hour or so. Would just hit a wall, and would immediately fall into a deep sleep. Sleep is only interrupted by the painful twinges of the sternum when shifting positions etc. but not to a point where I up the amounts of CBD I'm taking (in addition to the RSO).

I also take the fresh juice, and have water hash I can take too, but haven't taken much of that yet - it needs to be ingested. I've been thinking of ingesting the last dose of the day, as I don't mind being high while sleeping...and this way, my body is getting the medicine both ways...via tacking and ingesting.

Also, can you help me better understand the science around G1 and G2 ways to metabolize the RSO? I know I'm going to get this question a lot, so thought I'd ask...

thanks so much!
Every once and awhile I'll get the severe body rush from the taste, then I'm good for a while, lol.


thats awesome!

i like everything about it except the taste.

going to try adding a smidge of chocolate/hazelnut concentrate flavouring to our next batch to ease that taste that slips by.
Hi, dear Motoco!

Thank You from the heart for Your enormous effort and knowledge You share on this pages.

Writing from Europe. Reading this forum gave us plenty of knowledge and hope. My woman got kind of pancreatic cancer, in fact it became huge tumor over the intestine area, latter some small tumors attached to it. Mats also at liver, but minor. No operation possible. Sent home without possible med-help. Never any chemo - she did a 27 days mistake with urine fast only with disatrous results: skinbony and tumor growth.

We started with todicamp, that is seven times distilled petroleum plus green walnuts. It kept down growing the tumor until todicamp pause that lasted for three weeks. At the third week tumors kind of exploded and we panicked. Started with THC hemp oil, obtained from some healer — he gets it from to us unknown guys who are students of Mr. Rick Simpson, meeting him occasionally. Don't know strains they use, but they use four of them, grown under the light to get full THC measure. According to your information up to pg. 20 of this theme, we can conclude at THC side: tumors stopped growing immediately (we don't need docs, since we can see and ever measure the tumors of child head size), good sleep, good appetite ... On the CBD side no pain that would exceed a need of even one paracetamol 500 mg, and no depressions. Quick test in some lab, putting the oil at kind of testing-paper put on the skin, showed high THC color.

Starting was hard, out of digesting the oil two times per day - a third was too far for her. After one week I decided something goes wrong and started to surfe the net, quickly finding Your forum, this forum, and immediately started with tacking. The results were amazing — getting to one gram/day in about two weeks (she consumed the oil beforehand for a month or so along with todicamp, but only a grain or three twice a day). Today is 25th day at one gram, in fact she gets 1,3 grams per day. Tacking saved her dayout feeling, gradually no great pains, more easy breathing, eating, freely moving and sleeping. Oil is taken nine times a day: from 8 AM to 8 PM at every 1,5 hour. Night dose is about half of daily dose. Until a few days ago part of night dose was dissolved in olive oil and taken by spoon, but 15 min after tacking. Luckily I stopped studying this forum theme at half and went to the last two pages, where I found two huge info. First is your saying TACKING ONLY FOR QUICKEST HEAL and second is that less than one gram is also enough for the heal. Only five grains? How much is this in grams or ml? If THC kills the tumor, why not tacking more THC, at least one gram? For her tacking 1,3 gr is no problem, taking half at night doze. 5 grains of, say, medium quality THC hemp oil is enough?

She consumes vegetable alkaline juices made by vitamix, then aloe vera, schwedden bitter etc, avoiding sweet fruits and starch foods altogether.

Money expense is huge for us. Bought 90 gram at about 400 euro for 5 gr/ml, plus mediator expense. That should be the line, we hope. No possibility of home growing or buying the grass. We trust the oil and guys. However good results at feeling and living (thanks to YOU), tumors show only a slight imploding, only the mama-lump for now. Until now 35 gr of oil was used. Today 25th day on one gram or more. My second question if you please to answer: would it be OK to put down to 0,8 gr per day? In this case we have oil for about 68 days — should it suffice?

She found out the correct way of tacking before I managed to study your teachings so far: first drying out the lower lip and gum completely by holding the paper towel for about 20 seconds. In this case the oil leaves the finger in complete. When the tack is applied it is left almost unmoistured by saliva for 15 minutes. After 15 min she begins to swallow saliva, hydrate and speak. Doing so for another 30 minutes she licks the remains out and swallows in order to prepare the gum for the next drying and tacking.
Warming the syringe under tap water for a few seconds. She eats and hydrates before every dose and even in between if needed. However the weight should go up for a two or for kilos, but avoiding carbs and too much fats it is a bit trudging for now. No more olive-hemp oil digesting and no more RSO suppositories — ONLY TACKING, as you said.

We decided to make a short YouTube video testimony after she hopefully recovers, telling the story and thanking to Mr. R.S. and to Mr. gentleman Motoco. Without tacking, now I see, plenty of RSO adventures would finish in despair.

How do you see our situation?

God bless You Mr. Motoco and all the other member and reades in hope, thanks from the heart for the answers.
Hi tackbytack,

Welcome to 420 Magazine! Thank you so much for your testimony and your kind words. You posting your testimony is such a big help for others to read and review.

I would like to point out the five grains of rice for this persons heal was with flower that was 27% THC blended with a high CBD strain. The ratio was 2-1 THC/CBD. Also a worthy mention. This gentleman tacked smaller amounts at a time. Example; instead of one grain of rice at a time he would break that grain of rice down as follows; a small amount (about 1/8th of a grain of rice) and he would tack that amount insuring all was on the gums. Then another small amount as the first tack. Then he would wait 10-15 minutes and finish the grain of rice. Yes, it took a little more time but after taking the small amounts he would be doing something else while waiting for the 10-15 minutes. By getting MAX amount absorbed by the gums is the quickest heal possible, not the volume you take as only so much gets on the gums and most drains down. This gentleman also had a very strict regimen and took his dosing like clockwork, stayed hydrated and snacked between meals to keep his nourishment up. He was textbook in dosing as well as a positive attitude.

I've done all the methods you speak off prepping your gums for application. These are needed especially in colder weather. Excellent! The idea is to get your dosing finger and the oil the same temperature as your gums so it will adhere. Thank you for mentioning this in your post.

I see your situation very positive and on the correct course. I'm so happy things are turning around in a positive direction. Just keep in mind; dosing isn't a race. Take your time and you will be rewarded. I've had people cut down to a half gram a day with no issues as long as they tacked well.

Thank you so much for your post tackbytack (lol...great callsign!)

Warmest regards to the Wife and You!

420 Motoco

Hi, dear Motoco!

Thank You from the heart for Your enormous effort and knowledge You share on this pages.

Writing from Europe. Reading this forum gave us plenty of knowledge and hope. My woman got kind of pancreatic cancer, in fact it became huge tumor over the intestine area, latter some small tumors attached to it. Mats also at liver, but minor. No operation possible. Sent home without possible med-help. Never any chemo - she did a 27 days mistake with urine fast only with disatrous results: skinbony and tumor growth.

We started with todicamp, that is seven times distilled petroleum plus green walnuts. It kept down growing the tumor until todicamp pause that lasted for three weeks. At the third week tumors kind of exploded and we panicked. Started with THC hemp oil, obtained from some healer — he gets it from to us unknown guys who are students of Mr. Rick Simpson, meeting him occasionally. Don't know strains they use, but they use four of them, grown under the light to get full THC measure. According to your information up to pg. 20 of this theme, we can conclude at THC side: tumors stopped growing immediately (we don't need docs, since we can see and ever measure the tumors of child head size), good sleep, good appetite ... On the CBD side no pain that would exceed a need of even one paracetamol 500 mg, and no depressions. Quick test in some lab, putting the oil at kind of testing-paper put on the skin, showed high THC color.

Starting was hard, out of digesting the oil two times per day - a third was too far for her. After one week I decided something goes wrong and started to surfe the net, quickly finding Your forum, this forum, and immediately started with tacking. The results were amazing — getting to one gram/day in about two weeks (she consumed the oil beforehand for a month or so along with todicamp, but only a grain or three twice a day). Today is 25th day at one gram, in fact she gets 1,3 grams per day. Tacking saved her dayout feeling, gradually no great pains, more easy breathing, eating, freely moving and sleeping. Oil is taken nine times a day: from 8 AM to 8 PM at every 1,5 hour. Night dose is about half of daily dose. Until a few days ago part of night dose was dissolved in olive oil and taken by spoon, but 15 min after tacking. Luckily I stopped studying this forum theme at half and went to the last two pages, where I found two huge info. First is your saying TACKING ONLY FOR QUICKEST HEAL and second is that less than one gram is also enough for the heal. Only five grains? How much is this in grams or ml? If THC kills the tumor, why not tacking more THC, at least one gram? For her tacking 1,3 gr is no problem, taking half at night doze. 5 grains of, say, medium quality THC hemp oil is enough?

She consumes vegetable alkaline juices made by vitamix, then aloe vera, schwedden bitter etc, avoiding sweet fruits and starch foods altogether.

Money expense is huge for us. Bought 90 gram at about 400 euro for 5 gr/ml, plus mediator expense. That should be the line, we hope. No possibility of home growing or buying the grass. We trust the oil and guys. However good results at feeling and living (thanks to YOU), tumors show only a slight imploding, only the mama-lump for now. Until now 35 gr of oil was used. Today 25th day on one gram or more. My second question if you please to answer: would it be OK to put down to 0,8 gr per day? In this case we have oil for about 68 days — should it suffice?

She found out the correct way of tacking before I managed to study your teachings so far: first drying out the lower lip and gum completely by holding the paper towel for about 20 seconds. In this case the oil leaves the finger in complete. When the tack is applied it is left almost unmoistured by saliva for 15 minutes. After 15 min she begins to swallow saliva, hydrate and speak. Doing so for another 30 minutes she licks the remains out and swallows in order to prepare the gum for the next drying and tacking.
Warming the syringe under tap water for a few seconds. She eats and hydrates before every dose and even in between if needed. However the weight should go up for a two or for kilos, but avoiding carbs and too much fats it is a bit trudging for now. No more olive-hemp oil digesting and no more RSO suppositories — ONLY TACKING, as you said.

We decided to make a short YouTube video testimony after she hopefully recovers, telling the story and thanking to Mr. R.S. and to Mr. gentleman Motoco. Without tacking, now I see, plenty of RSO adventures would finish in despair.

How do you see our situation?

God bless You Mr. Motoco and all the other member and reades in hope, thanks from the heart for the answers.
Thank you dear Motoco for the quick response! I said to my wife that I feel warmth in my heart so surely Mr. Motoco had already answered. It was so.

Reading it well we got right answers. Baby steps as you say: dosing isn't a race. So we'll go down to 0,8 gr and learn absorbing most through the gums as the main practice. Thinking in this direction — what about spreading the oil also to upper gums after first tackle 15 minutes earlier?

Ever had experience with such a tumor size? Ever heard of some? Originally (the mama/lump) it was movable by a hand from stomach to navel. This days she had a feeling like it starts peeling off inside again and kind of moving.

Yes, I wrote the whole story also for the benefit of readers. My wife was kind of stubborn for a month and a half insisting on urine fast, but this kind of cancer attached to food pantry doesn't react on it. It grows like ... instead.

The quality of oil you mention seems very high and is decisive. What is your opinion about ours according to info I gave in the first post: good sleep, bearable pain, right attitude, no growth, infection only when excited from outside with some physical cause ...

My idea is to keep at this favorable pace until it desist, maybe taking oil some longer period somehow for such the squash ...

God bless You and all whom You love Motoco.

Hi tackbytack,

Welcome to 420 Magazine! Thank you so much for your testimony and your kind words. You posting your testimony is such a big help for others to read and review.

I would like to point out the five grains of rice for this persons heal was with flower that was 27% THC blended with a high CBD strain. The ratio was 2-1 THC/CBD. Also a worthy mention. This gentleman tacked smaller amounts at a time. Example; instead of one grain of rice at a time he would break that grain of rice down as follows; a small amount (about 1/8th of a grain of rice) and he would tack that amount insuring all was on the gums. Then another small amount as the first tack. Then he would wait 10-15 minutes and finish the grain of rice. Yes, it took a little more time but after taking the small amounts he would be doing something else while waiting for the 10-15 minutes. By getting MAX amount absorbed by the gums is the quickest heal possible, not the volume you take as only so much gets on the gums and most drains down. This gentleman also had a very strict regimen and took his dosing like clockwork, stayed hydrated and snacked between meals to keep his nourishment up. He was textbook in dosing as well as a positive attitude.

I've done all the methods you speak off prepping your gums for application. These are needed especially in colder weather. Excellent! The idea is to get your dosing finger and the oil the same temperature as your gums so it will adhere. Thank you for mentioning this in your post.

I see your situation very positive and on the correct course. I'm so happy things are turning around in a positive direction. Just keep in mind; dosing isn't a race. Take your time and you will be rewarded. I've had people cut down to a half gram a day with no issues as long as they tacked well.

Thank you so much for your post tackbytack (lol...great callsign!)

Warmest regards to the Wife and You!

420 Motoco
Congratulations on becoming MOTM, 420 Motoco! You absolutely deserve this recognition as you continue to provide us with a wealth of valuable information and knowledge.
Hello everyone!
Motoco - congratulations on your MOTM!
You thoroughly deserve all the accolades coming your way from all the people you have helped and guided in these forums.
I know personally I have learned an immense amount from you in the last couple of months. so thank you, thank you!
I have a couple of questions for you, however.
Everclear is not available in Australia, and Spirytus is $65 aus per 500ml which is too expensive for me. 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol, on the other hand, is only $33 aus for 5 litres.
I know you recommend Everclear, but will ISO do the job if I'm careful?
I have seeds which should go into my garden next week -
a 25% THC Indica dominant for nighttime - Barneys Farm - Critical Kush,
a 23% THC Sativa dominant for Daytime - Barneys Farm - G13 Haze,
and a 9% CBD - Barneys Farm - CBD Critical Cure-for mixing with the Daytime blend as per your suggestions. Do these strains fit the bill?
I've also got Barneys Farm - Pineapple Chunk (25% THC Indica dominant) and Acapulco Gold (25% THC Sativa dominant), but I ordered them without enough research, panicked, and ordered more different strains. (I've only got one shot for the Aussie spring, and I haven't got much space in my garden, so I need to get it right).
It will be April or so before the buds will be ready, so I suppose I could afford to buy one Spirytus per month if you think the difference would be worth it. I'd need 10 litres or so for a pound of buds? For a 90 day cure?
Many thanks to anybody for any advice you can give me. You're all top blokes here!!
Hi tackbytack,

The upper gums? I would do it the other way around. I would do the small tacks on the upper gums and then the dose on the bottom gums. The bottom gums are ideal, why?. Saliva glands sensors/triggers are there and processes what goes to the brain and what goes to the stomach. Also the oil can drain down from you top gums to your teeth and when eating can carry down and get euphoric. That being said I know people who use their top gum, but mainly if using a night time oil for sleep. They are not eating then of course and like to keep their tacking area's separate from daytime/nighttime.

I knew a gentleman with pancreatic cancer who had some pretty large tumors, don't think they where your wifes size. The moving part of it now is the tumor shrinking I would assume.

Sadly there is so much information on the net that leads people in the wrong direction. A lot of folks start off wrong as they simply don't know better. Its a shame when folks have a serious illness and the wrong direction is taken. Some never get the chance to make it back.

All the details you provided your oil sounds decent to me. An easy equation on using the concentrated oil; just judge/track the cancer through blood work up, or even just how one feels. Off that you can increase/decrease if necessary. I would always try to make my own concentrate unless I knew the person or seen the process. I realize not everyone can do this however, but, it doesn't mean one cannot be educated on it so they know their product is good. Your source sounds legit. That being said I see a lot of people in in my community with the wrong strains, but they say the person they got it from makes the oil just like Rick Simpson makes it and they always have a story 'I healed my Mom's brain cancer, etc. I check their oil and its cut with glycerin or something else and its just the shake trim from a lot of different strains. It is much easier to find high potency flowers and make your own. It is very easy to do and you know your product.

So many folks ask me; 'why do you use a sativa dominant strain when treating cancer when rest is so good for you?'. An Sativa dominant strain raises your metabolism, not your heart rate (maybe a little when first start using it). What this does is accelerates the concentrate through your system much faster for a quicker heal. Also you don't sit on the couch getting depressed. It restores daytime/nighttime schedule. This is why I use a Sativa dominant through the day and use Indica (as close to pure) for sleep, a deep sleep.

It sounds your on the correct path. I think you guys are doing everything correctly now and are doing well tracking your Wifes progress.

I also picked up on your spiritual connection. Believing in the concentrate along with prayer is so fulfilling. As time goes by you will understand more about this as it becomes very clear why this is truly God's gift.

Thank you for your kind words, especially at the end of your post :high-five:

Warmest regards and to a quick heal for your Wife,

420 Motoco

Thank you dear Motoco for the quick response! I said to my wife that I feel warmth in my heart so surely Mr. Motoco had already answered. It was so.

Reading it well we got right answers. Baby steps as you say: dosing isn't a race. So we'll go down to 0,8 gr and learn absorbing most through the gums as the main practice. Thinking in this direction — what about spreading the oil also to upper gums after first tackle 15 minutes earlier?

Ever had experience with such a tumor size? Ever heard of some? Originally (the mama/lump) it was movable by a hand from stomach to navel. This days she had a feeling like it starts peeling off inside again and kind of moving.

Yes, I wrote the whole story also for the benefit of readers. My wife was kind of stubborn for a month and a half insisting on urine fast, but this kind of cancer attached to food pantry doesn't react on it. It grows like ... instead.

The quality of oil you mention seems very high and is decisive. What is your opinion about ours according to info I gave in the first post: good sleep, bearable pain, right attitude, no growth, infection only when excited from outside with some physical cause ...

My idea is to keep at this favorable pace until it desist, maybe taking oil some longer period somehow for such the squash ...

God bless You and all whom You love Motoco.
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