CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

I used this recipe a few weeks ago and mine turned out really good. I just simmered mine...Just hot enough NOT to be boiling. I didn't leave my stove (gas) the entire time I was cooking this because I had no idea what I was doing. Every minute or so it would start to bubble a little and I would stir it and push the green down into the butter/water mix then... leave it for a minute, when it begins to bubble again stir it some more. I cooked mine for about 3-1/2 hours in this fashion and as I said it turned out really good.
Dude I must say awesome:goodjob:.. and maybe youve answered my question already but honestly Im too gone to look thru the many pages of posts. Im a dude with limited funds, that is, pretty much all I buy is mid grade weed. U think I could pull this butter off with that or would it be a waste?:smokin:
Dude I must say awesome:goodjob:.. and maybe youve answered my question already but honestly Im too gone to look thru the many pages of posts. Im a dude with limited funds, that is, pretty much all I buy is mid grade weed. U think I could pull this butter off with that or would it be a waste?:smokin:

I tried using mids and it didn't work well. Tasted nasty by it self and not much active ingredient, or at least not much that we could tell, made It In. I need to try with this dro I have. And when my blue berry lowrider comes to harvest, will try then.
I tried using mids and it didn't work well. Tasted nasty by it self and not much active ingredient, or at least not much that we could tell, made It In. I need to try with this dro I have. And when my blue berry lowrider comes to harvest, will try then.

Hey Commie. I've found that grade doesn't prevent you from making good edibles... did you use roughly an ounce of midgrade bud per pound of butter? If you keep that ratio, your butter should be pretty potent. When I use shake, or even 'bottom of the bag bud', I up the ratio a bit. Maybe 1.25 - 1.5 oz's of green per lb of butter.

Another possible reason you're not getting good results might be that you're not monitoring the temperature. I always keep mine at a slow simmer. Bubbles forming, but that's about all. I'm not sure what the butter would be like if you didn't hit 180º... but I'm guessing it would lack potency. If you blast past the boiling point, you'll probably burn the weed.

Hopefully one of these suggestions makes sense! Eating weed can be a lot more fun than just smoking it all the time :) Enjoy!
Hmmm well i'm not familiar with how the bud turns up after being vaped in the volcano, is it golden brown? If so then yes 14 grams is the least you should use, I find that this is just enough to get me fucked up.

And I have always wanted to make some THC oil, but it's very hard to find 99% butane. Any ideas on a good place to get some?

I looked also for 99% butane and didn't find it. I ended up just using the regular butane from the local smoke shop, it cost 4.99 a can. I have now made about 8-10 batches of oil with it and I never had it from the 99% butane but I can say the regular ol' butane worked. It absolutely fucks you up!! The first few I just scraped up the oil from the glass pan and smoked it and it sorta had a incense taste, so I figured out if I just keep scraping and spreading it out and doing that over and over it make the oil much better and gets rid of all of the scented-chemical taste. Now it is great and very easy to touch too and handle...I would say give it a try like I did, but just make sure to spread the oil out on the pan numerous times to make sure all of the butane is evaporated out of it and there are no more bubbles....You will be very happy with your results....At least I was. I have been only smoking oil now for about a month. I love it and it is sooo soo much stronger........:goodluck:
GREAT guide Hash! been wanting to try this since i got my medical card. just happen to have some leaves saved back from last plant harvest, guess nows the time! Peace
so i see this thread has been going for years but i just made some cannabutter and am making hemperdoodles right now. just pulled them out of the oven and they are cooling. will report back shortly. this seems to the be the easiest and most effective way to do the butter btw so thanks has for that one a bunch of years ago. gonna go have a cookie and some iced coffee now...
Sounds like they turned out pretty good :morenutes:
well they definitely taste good. the weed seems to work with the snickerdoodles. i put some of the cooked out weed in there as well as some fresh and the cannabutter. but i sort of like the taste of weed in food. i love to cook and i like herbs in dessert like basil and rosemary so the weed works for me. its been about a half an hour and i dont feel anything yet. the commercial edibles ive bought havent really worked for me so im trying this. maybe i have too high a tolerance from smoking....???
anyway for anyone out there cooking with budder that doesnt want to have to go from scratch, the krusteaz snickerdoodle mix works pretty well. just cook em low and slow, like instead of 375 for 8 minutes or whatever i did 300 degrees for 14. just watch em. still waiting....:hmmmm:
you said the commercial edibles haven't done much for you either...have you ever eaten weed and gotten the buzz you were looking for? I know that ingestion, for me, is never as good a buzz as smoking. I usually get more of a body buzz when I eat it. and a heady buzz when I smoke. I prefer to smoke.
well i do feel them a little when i eat a whole edible if its really strong, but if i weigh the price difference its not worth it. im sayin a 10 brownie doesnt do it near as much for me as 10 dollars worth of weed. im sort of a lighweight smoker too, 2 or 3 good hits and im good to go for a while. so a 10 dollar gram of kind(colo med prices) seems wwwaayyy more worth it to me than a 10 dollar edible. i really would like a way to medicate if i have to and am unable to smoke.
but i hear people talking about getting completely bombed on edibles, eating these cheeba chews that are supposedly "quad dose" of hash. i just dont get it. and like i said im not that heavy of a smoker. an eighth last me about a week. that doesnt seem like a lot to me. :grinjoint:
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