Chiller? R/O?


New Member
So Ive searched, and couldn't find much. Could you guys recommend a good brand of chiller, and a good R/O system. Im looking for a chiller under $350, and an R/O system underr 200. Ill only have a 50gal res. and ill probably change it out by weekly.

I use neither. I'm pretty sure McBudz does use an RO though. I don't know of anyone here that uses a chiller. I have been looking into chillers recently due to a hot summer last year. I was stuck bringing down frozen 2 litre bottles everyday to keep my resevoir cool. The going rate when I was looking was about $350-$400 for a chiller to do a resevoir that size.
When using frozen water bottles, is it hard to keep a good constant temp? did you just experiment and see how many bottles you had to add and how often? I was thinking Id need the chiller for the ebb and grow system, so I'd like to hear what you do Stix, and whats your air temp in the room in the summer?

When using frozen water bottles, is it hard to keep a good constant temp? did you just experiment and see how many bottles you had to add and how often? I was thinking Id need the chiller for the ebb and grow system, so I'd like to hear what you do Stix, and whats your air temp in the room in the summer?


For the 1st 2 years I didn't pay much mind to my resevoir temp at all. I was keeping my resevoir in my growroom which could get up to 85 - 90 F on very hot days. Normally I was able to keep it around 80. Since learning of the importance of keeping your nutrients cooler I have sinced moved my resevoir outside my growroom and simply cut holes in the wall so the tubes could attach from the resevoir to the controller bucket. Since my temps outside my growroom are about 10 degrees cooler I'm able to atleast keep the nutrients cooler with the added help of (4) 1 litre frozen water bottles that I rotate every day. Keep in mind that the nutes do tend to warm up a bit simply because of them filling and draining the pots in the warmer growroom. That's why it's important to at the very least cool the nutes with frozen water bottles. It's by no means as good as a water chiller but it's getting me by until I wanna spend the money to get a good chiller.
Random thougt...

I'm considering a small portable refrig device... perhaps something made for an automobile... with some holes drilled thru it and some sort of fancy pipes.
I live in a very warm climate and I envision it being an issue in the near future.


How to make a homemade aquarium chiller

Aquarium chillers

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