ChunkyChunder's First Solo Grow


Active Member
Hi everyone. I am currently growing 5 Critical Sensi Star. 4 soil and 1 bubbler (bit of an experiment).

This is the first time I've tried this on my own. Me and my ex partner completed one previous grow which was a big success. However, she was definitely the one with the green fingers and greater knowledge.

The four soil plants are now in their third week of flower on a 12/12 light cycle and look to be coming along very nicely. I am alternating water and nutes/water every three days, giving each plant enough for a little run-off. I am also using molasses each time as recommended on here.

I will be posting pics later on and would appreciate any help and advice you guys can give me. I am guessing they will need another 4-6 weeks before I flush ready for harvesting. That's when I could use some help - knowing when they are ready to flush or whether to leave them in flower for a bit longer.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Thanks Sense :thanks:
However, she was definitely the one with the green fingers and greater knowledge.
Thanks for that, but it was only through all my hours of research and the good people on here ..and maybe a pinch of beginners luck ;) I'm subscribed and following CC, as will others!
I'm such a lazy fuck. Can't be bothered to lift them out for pics. Might rig up another light just for photographic purposes. Don't suppose turning HPS off for a few seconds will do any harm?

I could do with a better camera too. The one I'm using isn't good enough.
it will do very little harm to the plants, but may harm the ballast. normally you need a 15 min cooldown before refiring them unless the instructions for your model say time to take photos with clean light is the first 10 mins before lights on or after lights off, where extra light wont shock it in any way. sunlight gets varied all the time by clouds and stuff so they wont mind it.
Thanks. Will take pics just after lights out each evening. Right then, laters peeps. Off for a shit now..
...unless your making your own compost :rofl:

It would certainly cut down on the covert deliveries. Thinking of going hydro but a bucket of water weighs a lot more than a bucket of shit. So it looks like I'm stuck with hauling shit up and down stairs for the foreseeable future.
I know this is off topic but, looking further ahead, I'm thinking of getting one of these bad boys:


Need to do a lot of research though. :straightface:
Just watered them. 2.5L each with molasses. They are getting thirstier now. Also took the opportunity to take two out of the tent for some proper pics. Here is Gladys:


And Kali:


They are very bushy and the lower leaves are not getting enough light - nothing I can do but keep moving them around as best as possible. I was going to trim the yellowing leaves but I'm just gonna let nature take it's course.
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