Cloning in water


Well-Known Member
Hey guys got a question for those of you that clone in just a glass of water.
Everytime I try this method I get what looks like calcium build up on whichever part is in the water. Has anyone incountered this problem( if it is a problem)?
I do use well water but, it's "good" we'll water. Just meaning, it's not too hard of water and what they concider good well water.
I'm not 100% sure it was him, but my neighbor was kind enough to snap my giant purple kush I had in my yard. Woke up two days ago to it laying in the bushes and had been cut with a hand saw or sometype of saw. Wasn't no animals.
Anyway... Now I have a shit load of clones. So I thought I'd try a cpl different methods just for the hell of it.
As far as the neighbor goes. He denies it but, he's the only one around and I haven't ever seen a raccoon operate a hand saw.
Your going to have to chop his hands off! It the only way he will learn. I like to clone in Rockwool and just recently started in coco, like it and is easier. Set that Rockwool in perlite and you will get some badass roots!
I did go knock on j
Your going to have to chop his hands off! It the only way he will learn. I like to clone in Rockwool and just recently started in coco, like it and is easier. Set that Rockwool in perlite and you will get some badass roots!
Buddy has been an pain in the ass since they moved in. I live in New Brunswick Canada. We are legally aloud to grow 4 plants here. While I do always have four that are stinkin, I always have a bunch in different stages of fours. 4 seedlings, 4 veg,4 flower. And right now I have a bunch of clones. So I don't want the guy calling the cops or I would've went over and punched him out in front of his wife.
Yep those are just were roots are going to start popping out from. That is a great thing to see.
I only tried that one clone like that just to see what it was all about. I usually do the powder and right into jiffy pots.
Wish I had done more. I have a 6 bucket drip system that I'm waiting to try out.
Thanks for the info
I only tried that one clone like that just to see what it was all about. I usually do the powder and right into jiffy pots.
Wish I had done more. I have a 6 bucket drip system that I'm waiting to try out.
Thanks for the info
I have used a few different methods to clone and honestly....cup of water is the easiest of them all. I have a aero cloner too and that is just as easy too.

Yay for free plants! my last 3 clones have been this way, sometimes it just takes a few weeks (20 days on this one) but sometimes it’s a lot quicker.
A great thing to note.....not all strains root as quick as others. Some are a real PITA to clone and others super fast and simple. Even if they start looking UGLY....let them go.
I put the clone In the pic in water two days ago. Do you bother dipping it in root powder first?
I didn’t have any root hormone this time (I used to use gel) so I did it this way just straight into tap water. If you’re already getting little white spots it will just be a few days.
Just a note, change your water every few days, especially if you see algae growing. The algae won’t hurt, but when it dies, it will rob the oxygen in the water that the clone needs
I have found using a dark bottle works best to slow that down. Less light to the water.
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