Clowns U-Turn Grow

Whoa dude...someone's got the munchies. Whooper, shakes & fries and STILL looking' to score a Mac & fries! :thumb:

Glad to have you come by and check us out. We're never up to any good and really don't want any witnesses that are willing to rat us out so glad it's a buddy stopping by. (yeah yeah yeah I'm jonesin' HARD and not making much sense but I can tell by your text you understand).

Well I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not really a good witness, I have this bad habit of forgetting what I forgot and then not remembering it...:Rasta:

Sure wish we could smoke roots (and not choke & die)

WHAT! Ya mean we're not supposed to smoke roots!:lot-o-toke: long does it take to die from it and if my eyesight goes bad, is that not good?
I've been away from home for 9 days now. Since I've been gone the Slapster has been keeping' an eye on the girls etc. so I know they have been well cared for :thumb:

Hmmmmmmmm........I may have spoken too soon. I'll have to see when I get home tomorrow. :yahoo:
Well I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not really a good witness, I have this bad habit of forgetting what I forgot and then not remembering it...:

What were we talkin' about?

WHAT! Ya mean we're not supposed to smoke roots!:lot-o-toke: long does it take to die from it and if my eyesight goes bad, is that not good?

Well it turns out that roots might be all that Slappy will get to smoke from the harvest of these four plants so he will be able to let you know. grrrrrrrrrr
Ok, well here's what happens when you leave your grow in the hands of a stoned clown...he shuts the door and lets the tents get up to over 120degrees...(ok well more in the 130 range but shhhh...)

The buds look no worse for the wear but a few of the top fan leaves look to be ready to smoke.:thumb:

I fixed the mishap but skooter will never let me live it down...I'm sure...

but hey, I'm stoned:yahoo:

here's a down low picture of the carnage..(maybe it is a little worse than I care to admit.)

At least you can see the buds a little better..:yummy:

BUT the roots are still healthy...:thumb:
BTW, anyone know how many "420 points" I need before I get the free bong?:hmmmm:
Ok, well here's what happens when you leave your grow in the hands of a stoned clown...he shuts the door and lets the tents get up to over 120degrees...(ok well more in the 130 range but shhhh...)

The buds look no worse for the wear but a few of the top fan leaves look to be ready to smoke.:thumb:

I fixed the mishap but skooter will never let me live it down...I'm sure...

but hey, I'm stoned:yahoo:

here's a down low picture of the carnage..(maybe it is a little worse than I care to admit.)

At least you can see the buds a little better..:yummy:


/sigh Well this sure gives a whole new meaning to this smiley now doesn't it? :welldone:
Slappy may have to change his name to SK-Krispy

Good God the picture is bad enough to look at but I will have to look at them in person soon. I have some serious trimming to do when I get home.
That sucks but what do you expect? You can't just let any clown watch your babies! :lot-o-toke: < I wouldn't let this guy babysit! But seriously, they don't look THAT bad,at least they're still alive! Shit happens slappy,just be wary of hand buzzers and flowers that spray water,SK will get you back!
Yea Skooter like 420warrior said, shit happens so don't sweat it. they really don't look that bad in comparison to some of the screw ups i've seen in the past. they'll pull through, just be cautious as to letting a baked neglective clown watch your girls LOL :tokin: :peace:
That sucks but what do you expect? You can't just let any clown watch your babies! :lot-o-toke: < I wouldn't let this guy babysit! But seriously, they don't look THAT bad,at least they're still alive! Shit happens slappy,just be wary of hand buzzers and flowers that spray water,SK will get you back!

Yea Skooter like 420warrior said, shit happens so don't sweat it. they really don't look that bad in comparison to some of the screw ups i've seen in the past. they'll pull through, just be cautious as to letting a baked neglective clown watch your girls LOL :tokin: :peace:

Thanks guys...of course you're both right. In fact I pretty much go over it during the trip/plane ride home today. It could be much worse and in fact they aren't all that bad. :thumb:

But I may still get even. Now where did I leave the banana cream pie?
Theres nothing scarier than a clown with a grudge!
Actually, I think Slappy may have inadvertently come up with a solution to heat stress or plant burning! No longer do you need to leave the house and worry all day long that your lights may have fallen and burned your entire crop! You can lock the room up airtight before you leave and burn your plants without any damage to your expensive light system! Ingenious Slappy!

Just in case that one doesn't swing well with Skooter have him try these useful suggestions.

First Idea: If you squint and look out the side of your right eye it looks better (left eye if your left handed).

Second option is to wear very dark sunglasses when entering the grow area. :smokin:
This will eliminate the need to squint as described in the first approach and will cost only 99 cents. What! Hey, that's what good sunglasses cost these days!

Third idea and I'm sure you've already considered this many times on your own, is to paint the leaves any color you wish (useful tip: paint only on upper side of the leaves. This will save you money on paint)! This is by far the best idea I've come up with in awhile.

No need to thank me guys, I'm more than happy to contribute anyway I can. In fact, I'm about to go nationwide as a growing consultant for the emotionally unstable.
Seriously, Dollar Store Sunglasses are better. They are WAY darker than you can get anywhere else. Plus, if you break or lose them, you are only out a buck.
well, at least it was a "dry" heat..:oops:
See...baked clowns r very entertaining and slightly dangerous. But hey, u gotta luv funny!!!! I still nominate Clowns 4 ones perfect. Who wants a perfect PREZ anyway? Its too much pressure 4 the rest of us. Besides, a stoner in the WHite House may b just what this country needs. A bud in every bowl, a clone in every pot, let there b light in the closets of America! America gets over itself and mellows out, Sarah goes back to Wasilla and gets baked....this could b great.
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