Cold climate eg Scotland

Well that's the hard graft done need a plumber before I can finish the last part of the roof insulation,and the last wall to form with a door so all in all build costing about 700 pounds for plumber and materials,thats not including my time not bad for a fully floored and insulated loft wiith a water tap lol.
Well that's the hard graft done need a plumber before I can finish the last part of the roof insulation,and the last wall to form with a door so all in all build costing about 700 pounds for plumber and materials,thats not including my time not bad for a fully floored and insulated loft wiith a water tap lol.
Nearly there
Well that's the hard graft done need a plumber before I can finish the last part of the roof insulation,and the last wall to form with a door so all in all build costing about 700 pounds for plumber and materials,thats not including my time not bad for a fully floored and insulated loft wiith a water tap lol.
Looking good, I need to get my ass in gear and rig up a water supply, it's a chore carrying buckets up all the time.
I sort of lucked water source, the pipe work is live it feeds the electric shower its all one pipe basically from the old water tanks but I'll get the plumber to rig up a tap whilst he cuts that mess of pipework out, real pain working around it took twice as long so lesson learned get your supply of water and electric sorted 1st bye for now I'm away to ponder lighting goodnight
I used the vault, they are a sponsor on here so you get a discount, they arrived no problem in just a couple of days. Also very discreetly packaged.
Can't really advise on medium and nutes, I use Canna terra and biobizz nutes as it's all I can get locally. I like the bio nutes as you don't need to flush salts out with organic nutes.
Looking good, I need to get my ass in gear and rig up a water supply, it's a chore carrying buckets up all the time.
Hi I have a bit of a dilemma question is do I really need an exhaust fan,I think that I probably if ever have to cool my grow room as without any ventilation at all atm the room only registered 27.5 degrees with my 600w HPS bulb which was on for 18hrs temp before switching it on was 12.5 degrees, I'm thinking just cut out exhaust and intake vents and it will vent itself, my intake air will mostly be very cold 6 months of the year,my room is totally sealed atm very little air getting in so I think I need a heater not a fan all feedback welcomed thank-you
Hi I have a bit of a dilemma question is do I really need an exhaust fan,I think that I probably if ever have to cool my grow room as without any ventilation at all atm the room only registered 27.5 degrees with my 600w HPS bulb which was on for 18hrs temp before switching it on was 12.5 degrees, I'm thinking just cut out exhaust and intake vents and it will vent itself, my intake air will mostly be very cold 6 months of the year,my room is totally sealed atm very little air getting in so I think I need a heater not a fan all feedback welcomed thank-you
As you have a large space you would do ok without an exhaust but you would do better with one, the more air exchange the better the growth.
It's more about keeping fresh co2 flowing round the plants.
For the cost of a cheap extractor I would put one in, also it's surprising how much smell they will produce in flower, if you already have an extraction fan you can quickly add a carbon filter if needed.
Ahh ok m8 thought that would be the case more worried about the freezing cold air coming in as I'm planning on getting LEDs soonish as this light is my friends who has the council comming to do work in his roof,I was wanting to get the infinity 6inch but its out of stock would 4inch do my 8x6x6 room taking into account the filter?
We know how the cops can be so sneaky so you have to be a bit sneakier. Me, I would set up a few heaters in the attic. After a while the helicopter is going to find you and they will come in and find heaters do it again and if they come in and find you have heaters again they will just ignore you in future. At that point GROW on. Or you could move to Canada and grow your 4 plants just like Harry and Meghan. lol
Ahh ok m8 thought that would be the case more worried about the freezing cold air coming in as I'm planning on getting LEDs soonish as this light is my friends who has the council comming to do work in his roof,I was wanting to get the infinity 6inch but its out of stock would 4inch do my 8x6x6 room taking into account the filter?
I would definitely go for a 6" for that space, it's easier to keep it warm enough with a little heater.
I run led and I only need to run the heater for lights off.
Hi everyone, been a bit busy of late but grow room is almost finished just waiting on my 6 inch AC infinity fan and filter arriving from overseas,bit pricey but what the 'eck only money lol.Also ordered seeds from Barney's Farm n got 2 free peyote critical,2 free cookies kush when I ordered 3 pineapple chunk, 3 LSD, 3 purple punch and 1 tangerine dream aswell lol. Bought some pots and a propagation tray dunno if their big enough for planting in after I've started them in their biodegradable little 3 inch pots,as for soil my options are Westland brand or magic jack any ideas?or Amazon canna pro
Good choice with seeds buddy, I've barneys farm are spot on.
I've got 2 peyote criticals growing now, it's an awesome smoke.
I've got some lsd seeds for my next run.
I use the Canna terra pro and it's good stuff, I think the John innes is ok from bandq.
Good to hear that pal at least I didn't mess that up but advice on hear and Barney's Farm website was great really informative plus free seeds and shipping if you spend enough grrreat, seen john innes stuff today wasnt too sure so thought I'd seek more advice, but I like the look of canna pro so Amazon need to be just make sure I'm in for delivery.
Good to hear that pal at least I didn't mess that up but advice on hear and Barney's Farm website was great really informative plus free seeds and shipping if you spend enough grrreat, seen john innes stuff today wasnt too sure so thought I'd seek more advice, but I like the look of canna pro so Amazon need to be just make sure I'm in for delivery.
My mate orders it off Amazon and it comes wrapped in black plastic so pretty subtle.
If you go for the Canna it needs watering at a lower pH as it's not actually classes as soil.
I had problems watering at ph6.3 and was told the Canna needs ph5.8-6.2 range.
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