Consultation: Smell treatment


New Member
Hi, i am now running a new setup and i have a decent blower and very good air circulation.

I have been suggested adding a charcoal filter which sounds fine.
But can it really get rid of all the smell? What else can i try/do? Adding another charcoal filter will help?

I will switch to flowering in about 2 weeks from now but i must be prepared because i can't do here any mistakes..

I have 1x1x2 Homebox with 600v HPS and TT-Silent-M 125


Thanks for all help!
Well charcoal filter are supposed to be good i have no experience with them though so I wouldn't know for sure i just put a dryer sheet over my exhaust it helps cut the smell but doesn't take it away completely but im not overly concerned about the smell
Thanks lexort,
Once in how long you change a dryer sheet?
How effective is it? reduces more than 50% of the smell?

Is it possible, somehow, to completely get rid of the smell?
Yes a decent carbon filter will completely filter and remove the smell coming out of your exhaust vent. Then the only possible smell would come from air leaks elsewhere, of which hopefully there are none :)
I didn't thought it can completely get rid of the smell, thanks :)
How often do i need to change the filters? They can hold more than 1 grow (2-3 month) ?
Yes a good filter will remove all smell I used next size up from my fan size
They last around 18 months depends on humidity levels
High humidity will stop a filter working
I use a rhino carbon filter & pretty much top end kit but whilst brand new it works very well, after a few grows they loose a little bit of efficiency.

Pre filter getting dusted up /secondary etc high humidity can effect life span also along with high temperatures.

I just back up odor control with odor removing gel's etc i don't use em in the grow room tho but around the house & works pretty well.
Steve, I'm going to pm you a link to a homemade carbon scrubber(from another good forum) that I made following the instructions to the T and it was super easy and pretty cheap. The smell is 100% elminated and actually all the rest of the area around my grow room smells super clean and fresh evenmore tha . Anywhere else in my home because the air is scrubbed and then vented back into my house in the same room. I was amazed actually. I've had it running for about three months now. Made it a little bigger than recommended which I believe helps. Also this homemade one is easy to change out the carbon once its used up.
Thanks everyone for your help :)
I think i will go with carbon filter + gel for my first flowering with this tent just to be sure
I look into it and find a filter that will fit my blower
Ya by all means go with the charcoal filter and I say that because I don't really worry about the smell to the point that I need to eliminate it completely. Dryer sheets mask the smell but don't eliminate it.
I tried to get away with not using a scrubber to save me money but a few weeks into flowering and I started to panic at how bad my house smelled. I got a cheap one offline for 50$ and it does a great job at removing the odor, I don't smell anything when I put the exhaust up to my face.
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