Cy's Indoor LOS Grow


New Member
Hello everybody and welcome to my second journal. Growing plants has been one of my favorite hobbies. A part of me feels like I was put on earth to grow pot. I grow buds to smoke, but I quickly realized that I enjoy growing more than I do smoking it. I've been kinda hesitant to start a journal recently due to the fact that it can be very time consuming. Being a proud husband and father of three, time is at a premium, so I may not be able to give daily updates. Nonetheless, I feel that it's important to show the world that you can grow quality weed in an indoor environment while being self sufficient.

By no means am I a pro. I screw things up sometimes, and I am always open for advice. There is no ego on this page, everyone is welcome to throw their 2 cents worth of free advice. That's pretty much it. Things may get off topic, I swear a lot, and this should be an interesting run. So without further ado, let's get this show on the road.

What strain is it?
I will be growing a few strains this time around. One will be my dad's strain, which he's bred over the last 40 years, give or take a few. It's a sativa dominant strain that has been bred to grow outdoors. It's slow to say the least, but well worth the wait.

The other strain is one that my buddy from work used to grow. Let's just say he fought the law, and the law won. Anyhow, I was gifted his seed bank to try to see if I can bring his strain back to life. We'll call this one Kush Nut #4. Here's the mix: Cherry pie x Bubba Kush
OG Kush
So this stain is going to be a more indicate dominant strain. Hopefully I can save it for him. No guarantees, but with this strain, I'm going to try to clone the shit outta it.

Lighting: 300 watt LED for veg, and a 600 watt HPS for flower

Medium: ClackamasCootz style no till soil in 30 gallon wooden containers.

Any pests: no.

Grow space: my garage

Well that pretty much it people. I'll dump some pics in with tonight or tomorrow morning. Have a good one everyone. Keep it green.....Cy
Hello everyone I just wanted to dump a few photos in. The first two plants are a product of my first grow. I can't remember if they're from #1 or #2

#1. Working on its 5th node. A healthy and beautiful plant.


Here's #2. It got munched by something when I transplanted it into the container. I was going to pull it, but I'm a sucker for underdogs. I sprayed it with a kelp aloe concoction and it started coming back around. Also, a nice looking plant.

So here's my buddies strain. I've been screwing around with his seeds for a while now, and haven't had much luck. They're about 6 years old, and I'm not sure how they were stored. I started with about 50 seeds. I tried every method imaginable. No luck. They'd pop, then fizzle out. I soaked seeds in aloe, coconut water, and I even tried rooting gel, still no luck. Finally when I was down to about 5or 6 seeds, I said fuck I'll pop them like normal, and when I see the first sign of life, they're going straight into the container. I honestly didn't think anything would happen, and I was ready to tell my buddy that I couldn't get not one damn seed to pop. I walked into the tent and saw a few little babies popping their little heads out. I sprayed them with aloe, watered then with some coconut water the first night. Brewed up a compost tea using my home made compost, some kelp meal, and a little lactobacillus, watered them a sprayed them with it, and voila. Here they are 5 days later.

These seeds were tough on me. I am one to believe that the only reason that they are growing is because the microbial life in the soil took over and gave the seeds the initial energy to start growing.

All plants will be sprayed about every other day with either a botanical tea of some sort, a compost tea, or simply just aloe and coconut. This will be 100% organic. No bottles with fancy labels, no gimmicks, and about as self sufficient as you can get. This plant is a weed everyone, not some mythical plant that needs some chemistry teacher to tell you when or what to feed it. Thats why I'm here. I'm here to prove that you can grow top flight bud with very little effort, or money.. Peace out everyone. Thanks for stopping by.....Cy
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday. So first, we'll start with the family strain. Yesterday, they each received some low stress training. These plant will get tall if you don't control them. I gave some seeds to my buddy a while back, and he sent me a picture of them.


This is his second grow. He's using some hydro neuts in fox farms soil. If you ask me, he's not doing too bad. When I preach organics to him, his eyes glaze over, and I loose him within the first few sentences. Whatever man, to each his or hers own. Anyhow, the pics were taken about 3 weeks ago, and the tallest one in this picture, at that time was about 6'. Now he says they're peeking over this fence.

So... Back to my low stress training. I waited for the plants to get to about 5 nodes, then I tied it down using string. Here is #1


I thought I had a shot of #2, but I guess I deleted it. So instead, here is a group shot.

They both seem to have taken it in stride, and they seem to rather enjoy it.

On to my buddies strain. Still not much to report here. They're steadily growing. These started a few weeks behind my dads plants, but I expect them to catch up.

So far so good. I'm expecting good things from these plants, and my buddy is excited to see his hard work come to life after 5 or 6 years.

Lately, I've been trying to study up on common weeds in my area, with the hope of being able to utilize some of these plants as an organic fertilizer. The first plant I noticed was a plant called common knotweed. It is a vigorous growing plant that you will often see in parking lots, or along the side of the road. It turns out, that it's actually an herb, that hippies eat. It is a good source of N, P, K, and it loaded with calcium, and other good stuff. I threw some in a bucket, and bubbled it for about 5 days. After straining it, this is what I came up with.

I diluted it down to about 1/4 cup to 1 gallon of water and used it as a foliage spray as well as a drench.

The plants will get their weekly spray of aloe, coconut water. I have a yarrow tea brewing up which should be done by Saturday, and I also will be giving them a kelp meal tea today or tomorrow. 1/4 cup kelp meal to 1 gallon of water. ( when I say 1/4 cup, I really mean a handful). I bubbled this up for about 2 days.

Well that all folks! Thanks for checking out my garden.....Cy
Hello 420. In my quest to bring Mother Nature into my garage, I'm always on the hunt to find easily resourced materials that will benefit my garden. This weekend was not different. Summer is coming to an end, and I found myself making a last minute camping trip to a local redwood Forrest. The fist thing I noticed at the camp site was an old tree stump that had been burned down in a forest fire.

Free bio char anyone? And I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it an active bio char.

I also took a SMALL amount soil to put into my containers to give the microbiology some diversity. Mainly in the mycorrhizae department. If your area doesn't have a forest or woodland area to harvest a little soil, dont worry, there are other places to easily obtain some good soil to increase diversity. Take a look around your area, find an empty lot where grass and weeds are growing, dig a small hole and harvest the small roots and there you go. Free Mycorrhizae fungus indigenous to you area. Better than any crap you can buy at the store.

On to the garden.

I broke this one last night. Damn it. I'm not too worried this strain is tough. I sprayed it with some aloe and taped it up. That's why it looks funny. I am hopeful that in a few days it will recover.

Here's #2

Notice the brown spots on the leaf? Yeah me too. I think I got a little carried away with one of my teas before I left.

So now on to my friend strain...

I'm not too impressed with this strain. They're all growing fine, but they're kinda stringy, and frail. I don't know, maybe I'm going to be surprised by them, but I'm not sure any of these plants would make the cut at my dads house. And to be honest with you, I'm not the biggest kush fan. The biggest reason being that it isn't real kush!! Lol!!! Just because something is good bud doesn't make it kush, and this whole OG kush, Girl Scout cookies fad is a crock of shit to me. What happened to good sativa?
DunNation welcome aboard. Alway nice to see a fellow Bay-Destrian on the ole Mag. Matter of fact I think you're the only person I've met on 420 with ties to the Bay Area. Anyways, there's good people all around willing to share info, so don't be shy no question is a dumb question.

The other day I decided to take my kid on a walk down a creek trail to see if I could find some stinging nettle. Unfortunately, in the micro-climate that I live in, the plant had already died off. On the walk back, I decided to grab some dried up grass to use as a layer of mulch.

"Why are you picking up straw dad?" My son asks. "Are you going to build a straw house like the 3 little pigs?"

At that point, I knew my son would never grow up the way I did. My parents never hid the fact that they smoked pot. Never. In fact, one of my earliest memories is when I was about 3 years old. I clearly remember messing with the seeds in my dad's doobie tray. I thought they looked like footballs, so when he wasn't looking, I'd throw them across the living room. It's funny the crap you remember. Now that I think about it, I was probably throwing around some seeds from some crazy landrace sativa from South America.(wish I had those seeds now)

By the time I was 15, I was full fledged, unsuspecting, apprentice organic gardener. Not by choice, but out of necessity. I always screwed around in the garden, but now I was big enough to help, and old enough to somewhat understand what we were doing. Growing our own fruits and veggies saved us money, and "doobie" as my dad calls it made us extra money. It put my mom through college, and it put Christmas presents under the tree. Plus, I already liked smokin it. So why not help my dad grow pot? I thought it was bad ass. What 15 year old stoner didn't want to grow their own pot? I paid attention, and I asked questions, but I never really thought much about anything. I always just thought I was moving dirt around. I hated it. I thought we should be using these hydro nutrients and our plants would be 10x better then what we were pullin.
"That hydro shit is a bunch of crap Cy." He'd say. "It's for growing in a space shuttle. The government started this crap because they know our planet is dying, and they need to figure out a way to survive in space. They ain't gettin any of my fuckin money. You think when the planet takes a dump there's gonna be room on the space ship for us? We gotta learn to survive man. We gotta live off the things that Mother Nature provides. It's all right there. I'm not going to help fund the destruction of our planet."

Deep shit for a 15 year old to comprehend. I just wanted to get high. Besides, with my pops being an old vet I was used to listening to all of his anti government anti-everything rants. Mostly in one ear out the other.

"But dad, look at this shit on high times man, doesn't it look like the kill?"

It wasn't until I had a few crappy hydro runs when in my short time in college when I realized that I sucked at growing hydro. I wouldn't say I totally sucked, my second run showed progress, but I was definitely not interested in growing bud in a space shuttle any longer.

Now here I am 14 years later carrying home a bag of straw and a pile of sticks because second little pig lives in a house made of sticks. Right? What a joke. My dad passes down a skill to me and I'm going to hide it from my own son. Maybe one day he'll help out, but for now I guess I'm good with him thinking that we're building houses for the 3 little pigs. Besides, growing pot is not a form of income for my family. I grow because smoking pot eases my back pains, helps with my migraine headaches, and it helps me not be such an asshole. A Win Win in my wife's book.

Outdoors is my preferred method of growing. I moved inside last year because my dog ate a few of my plants. This year was no different. I tried once again to do a small out door run with 2 plants. I even built a fence around them in hopes that it would keep my dog out. No luck. I came home from work to find two empty pots and a hole that was tunneled under the fence.

I'd like to take this opportunity to have a moment of silence for the departure of one Grand Daddy Medusa x GSC.


It was well on its way to being an awesome plant. May it compost in peace.

Here's my dads strain #1. This plant was broken a few days ago, but it seems to have recovered nicely.

Here's a picture of the spot where it broke. As you can see, it's starting to heal itself. Tough as nails these cannabis are, aren't they?

#2 looking good.

It's starting to get some inner growth going. Nice node spacing. Seems to be a winner.

So here's my buddy's plants. Born and bred in the City by the bay. He has a name for them, and a definite lineage, names really mean anything to me. Hell, you can call it dingle berry ice cream if ya want, it makes no difference to me, as long as it smokes good, I'm cool with it. My part of the deal was to bring them back to life, he's going to come over and clone the bread winner, and ship them off to an undisclosed location. I in return get a new strain to fool around with, and clones when ever I need them. Fair enough.

Here's the line up.

They all seem to be doing fairly well, they still look a little skinny for my liking, but we'll see how they look in a few weeks to really determine who I feel about them.

Both pots received a layer of straw to help keep the soil moist, and all plants received their weekly spray of aloe vera last night. That's it. Have a good weekend.........Cy

What a great story, thanks for sharing with me your journey. I certainly agree that our next generation will have such a drastic difference compared to even the one before, but I do see a vast difference in their generation that gives me hope. My niece is so out of touch down here, but my other niece is so conscious of the planet and aware. They are still sponges, and learning from elder statesmen will always have a lasting memory like yours did.

Unfortunately, I didn't grow up with a connected family, we moved around a lot and never settled into a community until the Bay. But now I'm away again... hope I don't do this to my kids. Your walks with your 3 year old sounds awesome. I can't wait to get there.

Time to celebrate Friday! Keep up the great work Sir. You're my hero.
Checking in :popcorn:

KelticBlue how the hell are ya?? Perfect timing buddy, I just gave my plants a soil drench and a foliar spray of my homemade lactobacillus serum. Lactobacillus Serum

Lactobacillus improves growth of plants when applied as foliar spray and soil drench. It also improves their efficiency in uptaking nutrients so naturally, growth is enhanced. With the use of these microorganisms, the nutrients you spray or drench to feed your plants become more bio-available and easily absorbable by the plants. The Microorganisms convert organic nutrients to their inorganic constituents which the plants utilize.

As foliar spray, the microorganisms will totally populate the leaf surface and use up the food supply, thereby starving out any pathogens that might also want to populate the leaf surfaces of plants. This will be my third indoor soil run, and I haven't seen even a trace of Powdery mildew, mold, or bud rot. Its presence protects the plant, allowing the pores on the plant’s leaves to open up larger and stay open longer so the plant can get more nutrients.

If there's anything you'd like to add KelticBlue, feel free, as I know you also utilize a lactobacillus serum as well.

Let's take a quick peek into the garden,shall we? Starting with the old man's strain.


Both plants are performing exactly how I thought they would. They're a very hearty plant that is easy to take care of. No complaints. They look extremely healthy, and happy.

Now onto the foster kids.


These plants are coming around. The node spacing is very tight, and they seem be about ready to hit a growth spurt. Still a little skinny for me, but I think that will also change in a few days.
That's all for now guys. Keep rockin the organics everyone.
Thanks man! I made those containers myself out of some old redwood that my dad had laying around. I used to grow tomatos and stuff in them when I had an apartment. I thought they were around 30 gallons, but when I was filling up a 10 gal fabric pot with some soil to give to a friend to try out, I now put them closer to 50 gallons. This will be my first attempt at a community pot, so far so good. :thanks: for stopping by Kelt.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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