damn, I forgot what I was going to say


New Member
Hi. Just signed on here. Been in the hobby for about 6 years. I haven't looked at any sites like this for a few years and figured I must be missing out on some new stuff. Looks like a very good site.

Hi. Just signed on here. Been in the hobby for about 6 years. I haven't looked at any sites like this for a few years and figured I must be missing out on some new stuff. Looks like a very good site.

Hi LowD Welcome to :420: this is the only site like this that I have been in but, I've heard that the other sites like this has some rude and arrogant people ....You will find great people and info here The staff at 420 does a great job at ridding us of the unwanted
Welcome Lowdog!

I hope you enjoy the site, the exceptional people that make up the community, and will share your growing experiences with us all.
good weed to you Lowdog:)
welcome to :420:. I'm sure there is new stuff to try since your last grow. always is LOL good folks here that are ready to trade ideas and info so you done good by......... AH Hell damn forgot what I was going to say!:)
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