Darade's Second Grow, Perpetual


Well-Known Member
Heya everyone, I'm back! My plans are to use the same strains as last time, but refine some of my techniques.
I'm planning on mainlining, and using a trelis net.
I also plan on having some fungi(Z-strain) in the tent on some shelving on the left (it isn't in the tent yet)

Advanced Nutrients
4x2x5 AC Infinity 642 Cloudlab
In-line Exhaust Fan 4" AC Infinity
4" Mini Desk Fan
4" Mini USB-C Clip-on Fan
2x 3 Gallon Grow Bags.

Caramelicious Fem
Mixed Sativa (From MSNL)

PICS For Attention

The seeds are in the hefty cups, until they sprout, and are ready for transfer.
The light will be out until they sprout since I heard dark is best for seedlings.
Wish me luck!

As always thanks for stopping by!
*I AM IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH Advanced Nutrients, Ac Infinity, or any other company(s) listed, or in plain site, unless otherwise stated!
I am a HOME-GROWER, and I'm NOT doing this for any profits, sponsorship offers are welcome!
Heya everyone, I'm back! My plans are to use the same strains as last time, but refine some of my techniques.
I'm planning on mainlining, and using a trelis net.
I also plan on having some fungi(Z-strain) in the tent on some shelving on the left (it isn't in the tent yet)

Advanced Nutrients
4x2x5 AC Infinity 642 Cloudlab
In-line Exhaust Fan 4" AC Infinity
4" Mini Desk Fan
4" Mini USB-C Clip-on Fan
2x 3 Gallon Grow Bags.

Caramelicious Fem
Mixed Sativa (From MSNL)

PICS For Attention

The seeds are in the hefty cups, until they sprout, and are ready for transfer.
The light will be out until they sprout since I heard dark is best for seedlings.
Wish me luck!

As always thanks for stopping by!
*I AM IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH Advanced Nutrients, Ac Infinity, or any other company(s) listed, or in plain site, unless otherwise stated!
I am a HOME-GROWER, and I'm NOT doing this for any profits, sponsorship offers are welcome!
Sorry for not knowing already :rofl: but what stains will you be growing.
And im happy to eatch your journey :popcorn:
Caramelicious Fem
Mixed Sativa (From MSNL)
I totally forgot to put it in, and you probably clicked on it before I edited it in, haha.
Thank you, I really appreciate the morale support :D!
I totally forgot to put it in, and you probably clicked on it before I edited it in, haha.
Thank you, I really appreciate the morale support :D!
I see you have a mars light. Which model?
I won't most likely, because I only plan to have two plants at one time. I would like to upgrade to the 4x2 Ac Infinity grow light, but that's a bit outta budget. As I still have to get the stuff for my fungi.

However due to some unforseen events I might be ordering some autos, and running those in the tent instead, and put these girls outside, and have an outdoor, and indoor grow.
Oh ok cool. I just bought a spider farmer sf2000 and my autos absolutely love it . Price was very good for the quality.. it has Samsung diodes which is nice as well. I put the ts600 in with it. 4x2 tent with 4 autos. Here’s a pic of my setup. Have a great day @Darade my friend!


Looking great, they're beautiful, I don't what I'm in for with autos haha. They're absolutely new to me, I heard they're easier, but have caveats.
Let me know if you need some help. I have grown autos successfully in the past. I’m by far no expert but I do have some experience. You have a shorter window of time to ensure you have all your poop in a group as they say. You should use 1/4 veg nutes on week 3. When you see the pistils and the plant starts to pre flower around week 5 you want to switch to bloom nutes 1/4 strength maybe 1/2 tops. Do you have a PH pen and TDS meter? This is very important as of you give them a little too much it will be bad:) Your PH should be somewhere around 6.3 give or take .2ish. Also calmag at 1/4 can be helpful but check if your grow nutes already contain both. Happy growing! It’s an amazing hobby for the mind and soul.
I don't PH at all, no. I use Advanced Nutrients to get to the PH sweetspot, but don't have a way to check it really. Based on Online research the water I'm using is 5.8 PH (It's just Crystal Geyser Spring Water).
Cal-Mag is on my amazon list already, lol. Thank you for all the information!
I don't PH at all, no. I use Advanced Nutrients to get to the PH sweetspot, but don't have a way to check it really. Based on Online research the water I'm using is 5.8 PH (It's just Crystal Geyser Spring Water).
Cal-Mag is on my amazon list already, lol. Thank you for all the information!
Not a problem @Darade . You will really want to invest in a ppm and ph meter. They are only about 15-20 dollars in Amazon and can be the difference between nice looking ladies and dead ones. No more then 250 ppm nutes I would say when you do start feeding. From my experience so far, if the ph is good, the light is enough, the temp and humidity are in the zones then you won’t have much to worry about. You want them to be in the ideal conditions at all times this will give them the opportunity to show you what they really got! The best temperature zone is 75-85 degrees F and the RH at about 70% when seedlings, 55% in veg and about 40% in flower. Good luck!
From my last grow, I'm doing the same in terms of the water used, nutes, and such. My temps are low rn, like 63 F(this will change when the light is on, I have it off for now so the seeds can do their thing), 55% RH, I live in a arid environment, so humidity is gonna be in the lower 20s-30s, and there's nothing I can do but just water them more often to make up for it. I know people prefer to be 100% the best they can, but that isn't what this is ^_^

This is my growing style, experimental, one day I'd love to have a humidfier/de-humidifier, and new lights, etc. I'm on a budget. Two kids, and a really expensive place, on a shitty paying job, haha. If they grow and make it the end and give me weed, I'm happy lol. And my lesson from last time was they're not as weak, and delicate as you assume lol. They bounced back after anything I ever did, even on accident. I really appreciate everything though, and I will be taking all of this into account, and will put it into practice one day, hopefully!
Totally understand the budget thing. That is how I started as well. Like you said, they are not as delicate as we sometimes think. You will do well and sending you good positive vibes:) Keep us posted on your progress and thanks for sharing!!
Okay, so admittedly I was a little impatient; I just decided to try to find the seedlings, very carefully.
They had popped, but I sowed them a bit too deep; They were direct sow, not a 24-hour soak.
I guess due to the lower humidity; The seed-hulls, are getting stuck to the seedlings.

Still have helmet heads; I'm seeing them make progress. A light misting, and with a little bit of waiting, I'm sure they'll be out of their helmets.

I'll keep y'all updated, with some pics soon!

Wedding Cake Fem
Train Wreck Fem
Grand-Daddy Purps Fem
Mixed Auto Flowers
Auto Sour Diesel Fem
Auto Caramelicious Fem
Auto Amnesia Fem
Mixed Sativa

This is my new seed collection; Since I'm going to be putting those two outdoors, as experiments.
I kinda want to run the photos, but I know I probably should give the autos a chance.
Suggestions are welcome! :p
I moved the light down to about 25 inches; They seemed to have been stretching for the light.
I moved the tent to another cooler room in the house, as the other room was constantly reaching 82°.
Temps have been an avg of ~74-5°; Max of 80°, Low of 65°; Current is 76.8°.
Humidity has been avg of 28%; Max of 40%, Low of 18%. Current is 39.6%.
The Humidity in the room is 28%, I'm like 0% sure how I'm getting humidity, only thing wet is 2 solo cups.
The Soil under it is dry.

Mixed Sativa
Caramelicious Fem
I'm having a super hard time keeping the temps down in the day and temps up at night.
I need to switch my light schedule; how should I go about doing this?
I'm also gonna switch them to a smaller 2x2x3 tent, as in the 2x4x5 they seem to be stretching; it's really hard to control their environment when they're so little (can't move the lights any closer without it heating them). lol
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