Day 24 auto, dropping leaves: new leaves at most

The other person thats guiding you told me not to remove leaves its very bad yet she just trimmed a load off her own plant because she THINKS they dont like touching each other , :rofl::rofl::rofl: , she has made you UNDER water now you will have problems , them pots i hated them , they are a nightmare ( to me ) I couldnt get used to them , your better with the wider one:thumb: , you can set these pots on another pot so they never get bound and they just grow into the next pot

I might go try the fabric pots myself as they do not need transplanted either and harder to over water
I find myself disagreeing with some of what has been said here about watering. You ARE doing it all wrong, and your watering method IS what is causing your droop.

You are making decisions for the plant that are best left up to the plant and your container of soil.. not you. For instance, you have decided how much water your plants need per watering... 200-250 ml. Who told you this was the correct amount? Guessing is not an option here.

Next, you have decided for the plant, the frequency of your watering... every 2 days. Again, this is not how to properly do this, and your test of the soil moisture by sticking your finger in the top of the soil tells you absolutely nothing about what is happening at the bottom of the container, where the most important tap/feeder roots reside.

First, let me explain that you can not overwater a plant by filling the soil up with too much water. When you water you need to do it with gusto, totally saturating your soil until that container of soil can not absorb even one more drop, and anything added will simply run off, out of the bottom. You can not overwater a plant by giving too much water in one session... you can only overwater by watering too often. You are NOT saturating your soil, so there is always going to be some area in that container that is too dry, and because you come along too often to water, some areas are too wet.

Here is what is happening. Because you are watering so often, the plants are never able to drain all of the water that is sitting in the bottom of the container, because even though you are not saturating the soil when you water, what you do give, quickly because of gravity, falls to the bottom of the pot. The top spreader roots get a momentary benefit from that water as the water falls through the first 3 or 4 inches of soil, but it quickly drops to the bottom so those top roots are not getting benefit. When you see your plants perk up for a while after a watering, this is what is happening.

The problem is that because of your frequent additions to the water sitting in the bottom of the container, your soil never really dries out down there. The roots in the bottom of the container think that they are in a flood situation because of it, and they have had to protect themselves until the flood waters go away. They have encased themselves in a protective coating, and while they are in defense mode, they can not uptake water or nutrients like normal... and the plant can not develop the water pressure necessary in the trunk to be able to lift up the leaves to the light.... you have an almost constant droop.

The solution to this is to stop watering so often and learn about how to establish and monitor your wet/dry cycle, so as to build roots, not send them into protective mode. When the plant dries out all the way to the bottom, that pool of water down there acts like a diaphragm, pulling oxygen deep down into the soil from the top. It is that oxygen each cycle, that re-energizes the roots down there and keeps them in full production.

Also, by monitoring this wet/dry cycle you can get a flawless idea as to exactly when it is time to uppot. A plant just starting out and yours with damaged roots, can not drain that container very fast. It is common for a plant to take 5-7 days to totally drain a container at first, so that the container becomes so light you cannot discern ANY water weight in there by lifting it. It should feel as light as a feather and it will seem as dry as the Sahara Desert before it is time to water, but you must be patient, and wait till the container is dry, before you water again. Every time you bring the plant to this stage, it responds by sending out more roots, trying to find the last bit of water in that soil. If you want the plant to grow roots, you have to give it a reason to do so. A plant that is being coddled and watered every couple of days, does not have to work very hard to get what it needs, and it becomes lazy. The only way to grow a strong weed is to be a little cruel to it, forcing it to do what is needed.

You are an overwaterer, and worse, you are a stick your finger in the ground waterer... and both are problems when it comes to growing a weed properly. I have written a series of articles that explain the proper watering process... you should read them. The links to both articles are in my signature lines, just below. Please read them and adjust your methods more toward growing weeds, rather than using methods one would use in the vegetable garden outside.
Amazing information and seemingly logical when explained so well. I could listen to you for hours haha
You started missus know it all , my very first post you criticised me ( about removing leaves) , then i tried being friendly TWICE and then you still quote me and try to correct me to make me look bad , like i said THERE IS MORE THAN ONE WAY TO SKIN A CAT !
ive just ordered 4 , im glad i tagged emilya here to prove she is WRONG , :) never let an air pot dry out she is crazy !!

as for titles beside your name < i asked to be removed a couple of time from the contest , or if i ever did get a title to raffle the large stuff to a childs charity , she forgets i used to use the forum a while back ( ask admin )

ANY ONE CAN START A NOOB CLUB AND GET MEMBER OF THE MONTH , what you do is hunt down the newbies lol:snowboating::snowboating::snowboating::snowboating:
You started missus know it all , my very first post you criticised me ( about removing leaves) , then i tried being friendly TWICE and then you still quote me and try to correct me to make me look bad , like i said THERE IS MORE THAN ONE WAY TO SKIN A CAT !
Yes, but there is only one best way to skin a cat. Trying to scare the poster by issuing contrary advice to what was just given, is not friendly. You give no reasons or logic for your opinions, you simply offer them without proof as if they were fact. You can get rootbound in any container, and we know that these weeds need to go dry between waterings while in veg, no matter how many nutty opinions you may have on these matters to the contrary. I am sure that our original poster will find that almost NO ONE agrees with you about the need to keep air pots wet.

@noobnoob, sorry this little tiff had to come to your posting, and my apologies for my part in it. I just wanted you to see that there are people out here giving out bad advice, even here, and even including seedbanks like Royal Queen seeds with several pieces of bad information on their website. I also wanted you to see that some of us disagree so strongly about these matters that we are willing to confront the people spreading this misinformation head on.
fact !! over watered plants from the BEST lecturer of watering , if you put a pin in them leaves they would bust like a water balloon lol i knew you would make up an EXCUSE to REMOVE them was just a matter of time ;)
ohh wait they dont like touching each other thats the problem , they are over watered fact !!

My arms are touching each other , can someone please cut them off:laugh:


Any ways old Nutty has done his bit , you had your chance emyila but you kept at me , ill let you at peace im back at sea for 30 days :thumb: i sure will miss you the most you give me the biggest laugh possible and brought me out of a deep depressing state :green_heart:
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