Disease, pest, fungus, mold, powdery mildew?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I noticed these little white bumps on the stalks of my plants some weeks ago, but was assured they were just normal bumps where roots would come out. However, they're now up on very high areas of the plants where I just don't believe roots would be forming, and plus it seems to kind of rub off. I've scraped some of it off with a thumbtack and noticed it leaves kind of a wet/green spot on the stem like a little hole.

I'm pretty sure it's not normal, and could explain why my plants are in such poor health right now since there's not much else explanation for it... But what IS it. That's the question.


Then you can kind of see on the other one where I rubbed it off...

This plant seems really healthy otherwise though. But it's a different strain than my 5 overs that are suffering and also have this stuff on them.

I tried to get a little closer. It doesn't look like roots forming to me. I have seen that a few times, but only in a cloner so maybe it looks different when they're really dry. But I don't see how it could possible be roots forming this high on the plants, and plus my humidity levels are super low. 25-33% Because the stuff just wipes right off I thought maybe mold, but that's just a total guess.



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