Do I bother?

So much information, so little brain space. You are headed in the right direction.
Thinking about this problem overnight I am back to a possible salt lockout and reminded of the epsom salt incident. When you did a flush, how much water did you flush through there? I think the next time they dry out I would try another 3x flush... a salt buildup could definitely be causing this lockout.
Yep that's the plan at the moment, the only thing is that the deficiency was there prior to the epsom salts and was the reason they were added initially. But then again it's possible my problem at the start was with pH so I'll still give it a go. They were in veg for like 2 months, only 1 was spent in my pots though, so you definitely don't think root bound could be the issue? I'll try another flush anyways and see how we go

There's no way it could be the plant cannabalizing it's own leaves because they're not getting light could it?
There's no way it could be the plant cannabalizing it's own leaves because they're not getting light could it?
A few leaves maybe, but not several a day.
you definitely don't think root bound could be the issue?
Im not definite about anything in this situation, could be...
I'll try another flush anyways and see how we go
Im just thinking that there was some residual salt, or maybe some more added salt from the nutes you have been feeding, that is now shutting down the ability to uptake the needed nutrients. It is also the most common solution to a lockout situation and is worth a try before doing anything more drastic.
Ugh, I've just done a flush but the leaves are dropping really quick... Like seemingly healthy leaves falling off with the slightest touch. I also noticed there's like a massive growth in the stem of one plant, the worst affected, not sure if that's significant in any way?
The leaves falling aren't all yellow and it's happening rapidly. One of the fan leaves pictured has what looks to be the magnesium def symptom but I'm barely even getting symptoms at this point, just waking up with anothe 3-4 leaves per plant dropped off. I'm beginning to think this could be a nitrogen deficiency


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be patient... just because you just did a flush does mean not that the problem is over and all damage is healed... it just means that now the healing and repair can happen. If it was salt buildup you should see an increase in water usage very soon. If she continues to stagnate over the next several days, it is time to move to plan B and get some fresh soil under her.
and yes, nitrogen deficiency... that is definitely what you have going on, but let's call it more of a lockout. That is like a human being having a food deficiency. Both can mean death. Your plant for some reason is not getting any nutrition. I think it is that salt that was added in earlier, in addition to the salts released by nutes, and that this has shut down the roots. Hopefully it is flushed out and gone now.
I used to work for a landscaping company as a consultant. I saw something similar to this once with some shrubs along a sidewalk, and they had died off every spring or early summer for years. I determined the problem to be salt runoff from keeping the ice and snow off of that sidewalk all winter long and I fixed the problem with raised planters.
and yes, nitrogen deficiency... that is definitely what you have going on, but let's call it more of a lockout. That is like a human being having a food deficiency. Both can mean death. Your plant for some reason is not getting any nutrition. I think it is that salt that was added in earlier, in addition to the salts released by nutes, and that this has shut down the roots. Hopefully it is flushed out and gone now.
I used to work for a landscaping company as a consultant. I saw something similar to this once with some shrubs along a sidewalk, and they had died off every spring or early summer for years. I determined the problem to be salt runoff from keeping the ice and snow off of that sidewalk all winter long and I fixed the problem with raised planters.

So would this flush only make things worse for the period up until I feed again? It'd explain why I got the burning symptoms after the last flush. I'll have to wait another 2 days or so to feed to avoid overwatering. Will this have any severe impact on yield or quality at the stage it's at right now? I'm not seeing an overall deficiency like yellowing at the tops but maybe that's due to the bottom leaves being cannibalized for their chlorophyll?

So far only one of the plants is producing THC, the other is about as far along but nothing yet


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Fix the major problem first... if the roots cant get nutrients up to the plant in the first place, it wont do any good to feed them. They look like they are getting water though and are standing up rather nicely in that last set of pics. The buds still look good, and I think i would let them dry out before trying to feed again.
yes, the bottom leaves are being cannibalized, but not for chlorophyll... for potassium and phosphorus and a little bit of nitrogen, all mobile elements that are able to be moved around within the plant.
Will this all have an impact? I love answering questions with adages I have placed in my signature:
There are always penalties for mistakes, either in quality, quantity or time. - Emilya
Just thought I'd update...

The plant on the left went hermi :(
Whatever stress it was under was enough to convert it if it wasn't just shit genetics alone since these were random seeds.

The other one looks to be okay at the moment, no bananas or pollen sacs I can see whereas the other one seemed to pop them up overnight so had to remove it from the cupboard. Getting a clone tomorrow to hopefully chuck straight into flowering to fill its spot, not necessarily a bad thing i guess since we'll have 2 different strains and harvest will be staggered.
This one so far definitely looks like a sativa and doesn't look too bad as of yet, not as many bud sites as I had hoped for but I'm thinking it could be due to my cheap light, you can see how the leaves stand outside in comparison to the photo taken in the cupboard.


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Bummer on the hermie :( They all look good though, regardless of sex. Yuu're doing something right
Just thought I'd update...

The plant on the left went hermi :(
Whatever stress it was under was enough to convert it if it wasn't just shit genetics alone since these were random seeds.

The other one looks to be okay at the moment, no bananas or pollen sacs I can see whereas the other one seemed to pop them up overnight so had to remove it from the cupboard. Getting a clone tomorrow to hopefully chuck straight into flowering to fill its spot, not necessarily a bad thing i guess since we'll have 2 different strains and harvest will be staggered.
This one so far definitely looks like a sativa and doesn't look too bad as of yet, not as many bud sites as I had hoped for but I'm thinking it could be due to my cheap light, you can see how the leaves stand outside in comparison to the photo taken in the cupboard.
Too bad about the hermi... I have never had one do that spontaneously in my tents, hope I never do. Be patient with the sativa, sometimes it takes them quite a while to backfill between sites.... you might have a long running one there from the looks of things.
Yeah it absolutely shattered me to be honest but I feel like genetics may have played a bigger part than I thought since that plant looked better than this one. I actually still have it, just planted it outside to see what happens since buds had already started producing. It's absolutely thriving outside but not sure if there's any point in keeping it since all the energy will now be put towards creating seeds and pollen sacs rather than buds and THC right?
You can see some of the nanas and sacs in these pics, as well as all the bugs haha. It's still in its pot, just dug down and planted amongst all of that for stealth.

Just hope I got it out of the cupboard fast enough for it to not have pollenated the other plant...


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Be very careful about planting your males/hermies anywhere near your grow... or if you like to go see how do it's doing..A tiny little bit of pollen that you bring in with you will equal a ton of seeds.
Be very careful about planting your males/hermies anywhere near your grow... or if you like to go see how do it's doing..A tiny little bit of pollen that you bring in with you will equal a ton of seeds.

Yeah it's quite a while away and I've made sure not to touch it at all so hopefully it'll be alright. I think I caught it relatively early since the bananas and pollen sacs hadn't yet opened up or anything but obviously still a risk. It was right up next to the other plant so for all I know it's already been pollenated :(
We shall see I guess
I would finish growing out the hermie just as you are. You should still get some decent smoke from it. I always toss mine because I don't have a place to quarantine it. You should always use care when tending your plants. Not only can you bring in pollen you can invite bugs into your garden. I always shower and change clothes after being outside prior to tending my inside plants. That might be a little extreme for some but once you get bugs in your garden it's a big pain to get rid of them. Best of luck.
Just another update for anyone that cares haha:

The surviving plant is doing well but growing veeery slowly, I think it'll still be another 2-3 weeks at least before harvest so it's a bit agonizing. Even then I think I'll have to harvest the top and leave the bottom buds to mature since I didn't train or trim which lets barely any light through the canopy. Another clone is growing next to it but getting barely any light since it had to be raised for this plant so that's going pretty slowly too, hopefully will have a better light soon. The hermie is still going strong outside but the buds have barely developed at all.


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