Do my plants look normal? Tons of buds starting


Active Member
I took some sage advice from Forum members and transplanted my Blue Dream into 30 gallon fibre pots about 3 weeks ago. They seem *very* happy now.

My questions: Is it normal for there to be so many flowers? Here are some photos of my girls and one photo of a clone that I rooted after topping. The big ones are just loaded with buds. Should I be changing from veg to the flower nutrients now? Will my little clone produce any bud with 5 weeks left before it gets too cold. Thank you!

pot plant.jpg

pot plant 2.jpg

close up plant.jpg

lots of buds.jpg

Not "normal" in a good way, because you have a healthy soil/medium and good light and good genetics, and talent, hard to come by it seems haha

your gunna get a killer yield from that big one, make sure to keep the rain off it, with nice tight internodal spacing that it has, monster colas are coming and chance of bud rot(botrytis) will be increasing as less air flow between flowers occurs, but as long as average humidity is below 60% and you keep water off flowers, you should be stylin!!:)
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