Dr 120 dwc 1000 watt blockbuster/para lots of setup questions


New Member
Hi everyone. I have got a couple of questions about my set up. I'm doing a 4 plant scrog in a dr120. 2 plants in each 20 gallon ice cooler box dwc style. I already have my two coolers ph pen and truncheon and RO filter. I also hav a 250 HPS which ill be using to start off the seeds while deciding on my other equip. Also have a dr60 and a 4 inch fan but neither of these will be used for this grow.

Ok, question time. I'm unsure of what light/ extraction to get for the dr 120. What I am thinking is an 8 inch RVK L1 (1100 cfm) and 8 inch rhino filter. I will box up the fan with insulation and have a variac controller to dial down speed as well so should be ultra silent. First problem, the aircooled hood I wanna get is the 6 inch blockbuster. With the 8 inch fan and filter this could be a problem. What I'm thinking is carbon filter inside tent connected by 8 inch ducting to the aircooled hood. 8 inch ducting connected to 8" to 6" reducer. Then on other side of aircooled hood is a 6 - 8 inch reducer flange and 8 inch ducting to the fan. Basically because the 8 inch ducting is being reduced to 6 inches in the hood and back to 8 inch will this be a problem? How far from tops of plant can I keep the 1000 watter. I only have 10 inches really for the distance between light and the tips of plant. Is this enough?

My other option is to get a 1000 w parabolic hood. How far would I have to keep this from the tip of the plant? I really wanna get a 1000 watt and have seen other people use them but they may have had more height than me. My tent is 76 inches tall. My tubs are 20 inches tall, the scrog net will be 10 inches above these and I expect the tips of my plant to be 12 inches above the scrog net. So that's 42 inches. Plus the 8 inch carbon filter which I expect to be around 10- 12 inches seeing as the hole is 8 inches but there's more than that around it. So that's 54 inches. That leaves around 20 inches left for the light and the distance between the plants and the light is 10 inches in height. So really leaves me with 10 inches for distance from light to the plants. Now I know this leaves no margin for error but I could possibly get a 6 inch carbon filter to give some extra space.with the 8 inch fan dialled down I reckon this wouldn't be too detrimental to the carbon filter. I know they should be over sized though.

Also does anyone have experience with a hailea hi blow 60 pump. It says its 38 decibels. The sound of it is my most important concern. Is 38 decibels very loud? It will be in my bedroom.

Thanks for any responses and I'm sure I wil have other questions for ye.
People get turned away with large paragraphs like this. Most people don't want to have to read this much and just want short, bullet-point questions. Just a heads-up to get quicker responses in the future.

The DR 120 is only a 4x4 tent. I would not recommend an 8" carbon filter or fan for this tent because it's too much. Please the 4x4 vents are really meant for 6" ducting while the 5x5 has larger duct holes.

You'll likely need a 4" carbon filter, with a 6x4 reducer, a 6" fan and it will go with your 6" Blockbuster.
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