Drama's Indoor - RV - Autofem Grow Journal

Sorry not been around in a while work and plantings taking its toll lol plants are looking very nice don't you love how they have sudden growth spurts :) I've got xbox 360 not that I ever find time to play it these days :( :bong:
hey guys .. yes the growth now days are awesome. something new to see every morning .. i feed them for the first time this week with only the slightest sign of burn ..i used less than 1/4 tea spoon of micro grow ..i did have a noob error occur this week . fuckin temps dropped well into the 60s from the 90s one day when i was outta town . and i had the ac on when i got home i was devastated to find they were in 54 degree temps and looking droopy as hell. :thedoubletake: i was soo pissed at myself seeing as i already stunted them and they had bounced back and were doing so well .. now another set back ..on the hps i see allot of little bud spots and the long white pistols coming out look crazy ..so glad they all are ladies hope they stay 100% female . my dwarf plants really liked the nutes they seemed to have bushed out just from one little feeding . my northern light plant is growing fast as hell also ..on a sad note i germinated 2 kc brains 45 seeds with the nl and put the nl in a big 3 gal pot of ffof\lw and it popped up and took off . i put the kc brains in peat pellets and they both never progressed any further ..i put them to rest last night .

i am still confused on the nutes .. say i feed them a 1/2 gallon of water each twice a week . do i feed them every other time i water ?

how long should i feed them veg nutes as im starting to see bud sites ?

when i start using the open sesame , cha ching and bestie bloom do i use only those or add that into the gallon with the micro bloom,grow nutes ?
Sorry not been around in a while work and plantings taking its toll lol plants are looking very nice don't you love how they have sudden growth spurts :) I've got xbox 360 not that I ever find time to play it these days :( :bong:

im on the 360 also . i play battlefield 4 every day i have time ..
Glad the girls liked the Hps! Cant help with your nutes (never used that kind). Feeding every other time you water is common practice though. Im using Nectar for the Gods and I just mix the bloom part in with their regular growth nutes. Often you get red stems due to a cal/mag deficiency. (some strains I have noticed just turn reddish though). Do you have a calcium supplement separate or included in your nutes? You can also add a ts of molasses per gal in your nutes for added calcium. It does take molasses a bit longer to break down and you notice a difference.
Glad the girls liked the Hps! Cant help with your nutes (never used that kind). Feeding every other time you water is common practice though. Im using Nectar for the Gods and I just mix the bloom part in with their regular growth nutes. Often you get red stems due to a cal/mag deficiency. (some strains I have noticed just turn reddish though). Do you have a calcium supplement separate or included in your nutes? You can also add a ts of molasses per gal in your nutes for added calcium. It does take molasses a bit longer to break down and you notice a difference.

no only if there is calcium in the ffof or lw.. the nutes i have are general hydroponics 3 set. seeing as they were assorted Buddha seeds i dont know which strains actually survived i started with 9 and killed 5 ...=(
i will get some molasses tomorrow. ive read that the plants that have droopy leaver are over watered . i know they wernt over watered so i hope it was from the mistake that resulted in 54 degree temps for almost 8 hrs.
week 6
i just feed them this morning for the second time @1/4 strength and i added a tad bit of early flowering nutes to the grow mix and WOW at the change 8 hrs made .. i was a little scared that i over did it but nope . only one plant which is the one that never really bounced back all that well shows allot of yellow leaves . the rest are standing at attn reaching for the light with only one little yellow spot on 1 lower leaf..the temps are higher around 90 degrees and they seem to like it better than 75-80.. my northern lights x big bud is getting big real fast almost at week 3 and her stalk is like a #2 pencil seems she knows shes gonna be a big budded lady.:morenutes: i just took some early flowering pics but my email is being a bitch so i will have to post them later.

guess i lost most of my subscribers ..oh well . thanks to the few that comment and help.
subbed! interesting grow this. just got done reading this from the start, hope your ladies reward your perseverance and patience with bountiful nugs. personally the ideal temps you wana keep your plants in are in the 60-80f region as anything higher or lower is strain dependant. so it would help if you could identify your plants traits by recognising whether it likes cold or humid temps.
subbed! interesting grow this. just got done reading this from the start, hope your ladies reward your perseverance and patience with bountiful nugs. personally the ideal temps you wana keep your plants in are in the 60-80f region as anything higher or lower is strain dependant. so it would help if you could identify your plants traits by recognising whether it likes cold or humid temps.

since they were assorted autos i cant be specific what strain survived my virgin grow. i started with 9 now i have 4 .but they have really done well in the 90s with good ventilation.
ok here are the latest pics .. the little plant is my northern lights/big bud i started about 4 weeks ago ..im doing ok with the nutes so far i have only seen a few burn spot on the very bottom leaves.

off topic .. i got ten kc 45 seeds from herbies and they will not germinate . i soaked them for 24 hrs then put them in a in a wet towel in a Tupperware dish on a heated seed mat just like all my previous seeds and its been a week and nothing , this is my second try in a month with these seeds . i gave the first set 3 weeks and nothing so i put them in some ffof\lw mix and they never popped ..
update from herbies ..got an email today

Hi drama420,

I'm very sorry to hear about your order #232419 problems.
If you do need to contact us for any reason, however, please remember that we’re legally permitted to sell seeds as souvenirs only. The term to use is ‘uncollectable souvenirs’; please don’t include any other related info, thanks.
Yes, we've received similar feedback from other customers and have contacted KC Brains about this issue (we're currently awaiting a reply). We were led to believe that KC45 was an auto item (all of the product info provided by KC Brains indicates that this is the case) but it would now appear that it isn't a guaranteed auto. Although KC Brains could be considered as a 'budget range', there should still be a high level of quality control and something close to genetic stability. We have therefore withdrwan all KC45 stocks from sale for the foreseeable future.
On this occasion, I think the best thing to do is to refund you for your order total (including the delivery charge) To confirm, we have processed your refund back onto your card today, but please note that it can take 2-3 business days for the refund to register as having returned to your account, and it will show as coming from our store name Hocus Pocus.

Best wishes,
well, a refund is nice. I'll make a point of avoiding this strain in the future and maybe even avoid Brains all together if i can. thanks for the headsup
any one else have a plant flower but no buds now my lower leaves are turning yellow and drying up at day 70 ???
im confused i thought they were doing good but i have no bud and no sugar leaves .


were are the buds .. am i on the right track or did i do something wrong ?????

my plants are looking more yellow than they really are due to the hid light and the camera . the nice green plant from above is how they look just with some yellow bottom to mid way up leaves .

i was out inspecting them while they were sleeping with an led light and i found a baby seed sac on my best looking girl .. shes the one that already has the big colas starting .. ugh i dont know what to do .i just ripped the sac of and im gonna inspect them closer when the lights come on .. :hmmmm:
Bro, those flowers are the buds! They will fill out before you know it! They may be a little off track due to the temp problems you had but overall they seem to be doing what they are supposed to. The yellowing could still be a cal/mag problem or it could just be the plants focusing on building flowers (some lower leafs will turn color and die). As long as the new growth at the top is looking healthy then its nothing to trip out about. They say not to defoil auto plants but i always take off a few leaves at the bottom (especially if they aren't looking healthy). Overall you are on the right track, you have buds! Maybe getting a calcium supplement that will work a bit faster then the molasses? I use the Demiter`s Destiny from Nectar for the gods, but there's allot of good stuff out there to pick from!
thanks i will definitely just have to wait and see . good point on what u said . focus on the new growth and dont worry about the old . does anyone have any experience with the general hydro flora series nutes .. im not sure if i need to b using micro or bloom at this point ..
Sometimes a female will develop a sac ... pulling it off and keeping a close eye on it is what I do ... :thumb:

I grow about a doz autos a year. If they were mine, I'd give them enough water to get a decent run off while the last gal per plant would be full strength bloom nutes whatever the schedule is ... make sure there is some 'N' in your bloom nutes ... next watering go to 1/2 strength then a water/nute/water cycle up to the cleanse ... you are in early flower ... may be running long but buds are forming, they look hungry ....
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