Dropponys Outdoor Med Crop

crops looking nice bro, and a awesome security system lol.
ECUsBestBud said:
Can you grow marijuana outdoors in NC?
ah yeah, you can grow the gong just about anywhere in the lower 48. I'm sure NC is a great local. Do a lot of reading on out door growing before you start, and I'm sure that by next spring you'll be ready, and by next fall you'll have yourself bookoo smoke dude.
How bout a pic update Droppony, it's been a month man
ya vin i will have pics up soon, i have been busy biulding a frame over them, for the rain, and the ropes, every plants buds are getting so heavy i have ropes holding up all the buds,!!! the widows will be ready around the 20th.
oh my god...

I dont know if i speak for everyone or not, but im sure i do when i say im jealous as hellll! lol

i cant imagine how big there gettin droppony...
i just put pics in the gallery, i will post them in my thread in the morning, one is 11 feet tall. and one is 10 foot. i dont like them that tall. and think, i toped them all for a month wich slowed them down a little.the widows will be done in 2 weeks, and will easily hit a pound each, the others are going into late october, wich is why i am building a wooden framed roof, for those october rain storms.but there is 3 i am hoping to hit 2 pounds per plant if everything goes as planed! all in all im on my home stretch, thats where all the hard work is for me, tying up all the buds, and basicly never leaving my house at all.
o ya, just for an experiment this year, i gave miracle grow to 2 of my plants to se what will happen and how they like it, and from the start the plants that i gave miracle grow to thrived and are my tallest and best yealders, and they smell way stronger than any of the others. there not plants they are trees!!so will se how they smoke and that will determen if i use it on all of them next year.






these are the widows, the buds are fatening up everyday. almpst harvest time!!! my house is smellingso bad!! and only 2 of them are almost done.
thanks ndw and gs, ya im going to have too much bud for the house.lol im glad i am growing a couple different strains so they all come in at different times.
We should get together and have some trimming parties drop, when your harvest is done, I'll help you and when my harvest is done you help me. lol We are both going to have a hell of a time trimming. Days of nothing but snipping and scraping. It'll be worth it though.
thanks guys, the 2 widows will hit about a pound each. the monsters im waiting for still have a month to go, the yeald on those fat ladys will be quite interesting.
urded, the 2 widows are my smalest plants, and are going to be my least yealders, and they will hit a p easy. i will have 3 that i hope will hit 2 ps each , ten to 11 feet tall, and the rest, im estimating 1 and a half per plant. not bad for my first outdoor crop a?
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