Drug Test Tommorow

What type of test? What for?
yep, i'm an expert on the matter, this is what you HAVE TO DO, and i guarantee it'll work, go to GNC, or one of those stores that sells shit that guys who work would buy, like creatine and shit, and ask them for Q-Carb, there's different flavors, it don't matter, they all taste like shit, but i haven't had the citrus one, anyway, buy it, it'll be almost sixty bucks, pound it, you have to do it in less than thirty minutes, it sounds easy but that shit don't go down so easy, i gagged a few times and thought i was gonna puke, just keep taking sips followed by water, the easiest thing to do is just take as much at a time as you can handle, i suggest beer bonging it, anyway, after you take it, piss at least 20 times to be safe by the next morning, that means drinking water like it's your job, you'll have to stay up kinda late, get up the next morning, start slamming orange juice or koolaid, cuz you don't wanna piss clear cuz they'll get suspicious. piss at least two times before you leave and drink a bottle of koolaid or orange juice or whatever on your way there, then just do your thing and you should be alright, this is what i did after smoking for months and months and smoking a blunt of HYDRO the night before i had a piss test the day after, it'll work, tell me how it goes, hope i was helpful.
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