Drugg's Silver Haze Grow Journal 2017


New Member
Alright, a little back ground, this is my first grow, and I am winging it to say the least. My cousin gave me one auto flowering seed, so I decided to purchase some equipment. I planted the "Silver Haze", according to him in a peat pellet and it was successful. .1 for 1, at this point I am thinking this will be simple, it sort of is btw.

Now let's talk about my set, I bought a grow tent (48x 24x 60) which is plenty for now. I have a 5500 lumen LED daylight (54 watts) e39, it's made for parking lots and warehouses, bright as shit haha and inexpensive. I also have 2 1600 lumen bulbs at 12 watts each.

I am using a plastic pot with MG organic, I know some people are against it, but like I said, winging it. Bought a 4 inch fan and cabin filter system. I run the plant on 22 and 2 light schedule. I am on day 32 and the plant seems healthy, however this is my first grow, so I am very curious to get more professional opinions.

When I am back in front of my computer, I will share pictures by the days provide more information, open to all advice, for me at this point is a live in learn scenario. I have Jack Herror growing in different materials, to learn, but that's a thread for another day. Anyways, below is a picture of day 32 more to come later tonight.


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Looks great keep doing what your doing great node stacking and healthy flush green leaves
Your medium does look very moist so I would let her dry out then water but if she completely dries out its a good thing bc her roots then grow searching for water/food. Also at some point you should up pot and consider fabric smart pots or hempy buckets so there is air getting to roots leaves love Co2 roots love O2 so if you use fabric roots grow to the edge get exposed die and its like topping your plants two new feeder roots will appear bc of that one dying
Your medium does look very moist so I would let her dry out then water but if she completely dries out its a good thing bc her roots then grow searching for water/food. Also at some point you should up pot and consider fabric smart pots or hempy buckets so there is air getting to roots leaves love Co2 roots love O2 so if you use fabric roots grow to the edge get exposed die and its like topping your plants two new feeder roots will appear bc of that one dying

Thanks bignugz, I did take the picture right after watering, also this was the starter pot. When I initially went to buy the pot they did not have fabric. When I bought more seeds I bought all fabric pots, I have some jack herer growing in the fabric pots.

Maybe guys can aid on some assistance. The pot is only 3 gallons, should I be transferring this to a larger pot? The leaves are growing past the edge of the container, not sure how I know if the pot is to small. Thanks, love quick responses on this forum.
Thanks bignugz, I did take the picture right after watering, also this was the starter pot. When I initially went to buy the pot they did not have fabric. When I bought more seeds I bought all fabric pots, I have some jack herer growing in the fabric pots.

Maybe guys can aid on some assistance. The pot is only 3 gallons, should I be transferring this to a larger pot? The leaves are growing past the edge of the container, not sure how I know if the pot is to small. Thanks, love quick responses on this forum.
It all depends on how big you plan to veg this is a clone from lemon haze I am gonna flip soon but its only in a 3 gallon I have a spare 5 gallon but I think ill finish in 3 gallon in fabric its constantly getting new feeder roots
and then blue dream 3 gallon
and autos 3 gallon
if you take notice all my fabric pots can't be seen if you use birds eye view
So it all depends if your growing a TREE then yes up pot if your planning a 4ft plant your good in 3 gallon
Altight, now that i am back at my comp i can post from the beginning,
Day 7 below - transplanted seedling into 3 gallon plastic container. healthy watering, probably around 5 cups.

Day 9 Below- Things are moving along pretty healthy, notice a couple small yellow dots, thought it might be spider mites. Saw small insects in the soil, to small to know.

Day 11 below

On day 12 i hit the plant with neem oil incase it was spider mites, i also hit it on day 15 as to kill any babies, apparently the bastard eggs hatch every 3 days
Day 16 below, you can see the burn from the neem oil, seedlings are def sensitive

Day 18 below - starting to bounce back from nutrient burn

Cola view of day 18

Day 21 below plant is doing well hapy it bounced back

Day 25 below it really is amazing how fast these things grow with little knowledge/effort

Day 31 really pumped the plan is looking strong

Through this point i have simply just put the seed in some soil and let it do its things.
I have gone against what some say and it seems to be working.
People have said do not use Miracle Grow Organic... I did. Some say at least 100 watts per plant... I have a combine of 80 watts for 3 plants (9100 lumens) I also think choosing a light by watts is kind of silly. A plant does not care how much electricity you are using...

This is my first grow, i plan on upgrading, learning and experimenting quite a bit. For example i did some experimenting with some lighting today. I put a light on the side of the plan facing to see how it would react in and it made some of the leaves/branch grow up/sideways. will post picture soon.
Alright couple pictures on the setup .

4 in filter and fan setup from hydroplanet

The 54 Watt 5500 Lumen Led bulb - this bulb is meant for street lights and warehouses

This is how i normally have the set up. I also have two 1600 lumens lights on the side, these lights is was i started the seedling with and then i bought the big light

This is a setup i tried for a night just to see what it would do.
Day 33 look strong, large branches are really stretching

However, I noticed there is a green sort of filmy layer on the top of the soil, seems like it's just sitting on the top, concerned this is mold, also sorry if picture is hard to see.
Update, I was watering too often, so I switch to every 3 days.

Pretty sure that is what caused the algae. I scrapped the top layer and letting it dry out a little extra since algae prefers wet environments.

Due to lack of experience, not sure if the fan leaves along the stem take long to fill out, seems like they are moving slowly.

Have not use nutes either, don't want to on this grow just to see how it turns out and then compare to a nuts grow next round.
Day 43 below, had the lights coming in from the side, certainly seems to help, and they said you shouldn't use miracle grow...pshhh, not going to use it in the future, but it cerianly helps remind myself not to believe everything you read.



Not sure what's happening the bottom leave are yellow and dying, the leaves also look droopy.
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