Drying Humidity Question


New Member
New User, long time grower.. Question regarding humidity.

Whats opportune humidity percentage for drying my babies? I understand airflow and am more concerned about humidity.

Thanks! - J
perfect, I wont have a problem with drying then. I'm having a hell of a time keeping it high enough right now. It wants to stay around 40-45% if I leave it alone.
After you get it fairly dry. do youself a favor & Mzson jar cure it!
you need a cigar hydrometer in a couple of the jars to track it as it drops. You do (must) burp the jars for 30 min - 1 hour 2x a day till it gets down to the 60% RH. then it will store nicely for months. proably longer! who knows, it never lasts that long! :)
BTW: a teh 80% level you will not believe how improved teh taste , smell is.
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