EC from calmag?


Well-Known Member
I have 2 auto plants in 70 30 coco perlite in 3 gallon fabric pots with dr earth dry fertilizer and I have been watering with ph water 5.8-6.2 with like 2-5 ml/gallon of calmag in it. I was putting silicon in the water but stopped doing that when I started to find problems on the leaves. I know many people do not recommend dry amendments in coco. That is not what this post is about. I mainly want to know about EC from calmag with any recommendations you may have on the flush I plan to do on there.

The plant has what looks like potassium deficiency and rust spots on some leaves and what I thought was calmag deficiency and I do not know if the plant is in lock or what so I figure I would flush with 9 gallons of ph 5.8-6.2 water with like 2 ml/gallon of calmag to rule out ph problems in the coco or nutrient problems then start back to water with calmag for it. I was told the 3 gallon pots would need 9 gallons of water to flush it. Is that for liquid nutrient grows or do I need to do 9 gallons with me only doing the calmag in the water and the dry amendments on there?

If I am using tap water with calmag do you think there is enough in the calmag to make it to where I would need to measure EC if that is the only salt based nutrient I am using? I figured with only doing the calmag I would not really need to measure EC with that being the only salt based nutrient in the water on there.
Calmag typically contains nitrogen, so there ya go. There are some out there that do not, like the organic calmag made by True Plant Science. Runs around $40/gal on amazon.

Dry nutes in coco is bad. BAD bad bad. Coco is NOT soil or potting mix. Whether you want to debate it or not, you're going to torch your shit, man.
Thanks. Talking about dry amendments in coco does not do anything to help the problem the plants have right now. I do not plan to do this fertilizer in coco in the future. I want to try to get what I can from this harvest and I have new plants now that do not use this fertilizer in coco on there. I use the gh calmag that I think is 1-0-0. Is that enough to need to measure EC? I thought EC was when you were using many liquid nutrients in the water on there.
As I understand it, you want something in the water you're using to flush because straight water will cause osmotic stress to your roots. I'm not sure if there's a set EC or ppm measurement you're supposed to use, but all the advice I've seen about it that didn't say "don't" said to treat the water for flushing as a light feeding.
Guess that's a long winded way of saying "bump".
I used to flush using a 1/4 strength feed with calmag. Coco requires large amounts of calcium which the plant has most likely used up all of the available calcium from your coco. That’s the reason for the spotting up high on the plant.
Thanks. What I mean is if I am only doing calmag in the water is there any need to measure EC? Is the 2-4 ml/gallon of calmag enough to be over the EC that is recommended? I thought EC was when you use mostly salt based liquid nutrients then you have enough in the water to need to water it down for EC though if I am only doing the calmag in the water is that enough to need to measure the EC on there?
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