Excess deficiency


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody my plants are 12 days into Flo and I think something it's starting happening with them I am growing hybrid. Organic bottle nutes with some Korean natural farming and SST.
I am giving 1 time bottle nutes and 1 time clean water with sprouted seeds rotation. The leafs starting to yellow abit from the bottom and have kinda brown edges. I been using them nutes before and I am not overdoing them. So maybe problem is with to much sprouted seed teas ?. Are they looking healthy to you guys ?


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I think you are needing some more nitrogen... looking a little pale and trending to go even further. I would say up your feed just a bit more, other than that, the balance looks good.
Thank you Emilya I will add in next watering 50/50 fish hydrolysate with veg nute I actually completely cut on them like 3 weeks ago so might be nitrogen
You can over do the SST. Go easier on it just dilute it more.

Not sure how your bottled nutrients work with your SST - the SST is basically there for the micro-organisms not the plant. The bottle nutes drives an end around the whole microbiom soil thing.

Just something to think about. Sorta sounds like you wanna go organic but feel the need to use your fertilizer. Thats a leap of faith.

Basically with that if you want to go soil only here's some advice an old timer gave me:

Get your compost right and you wont have to worry about much else.

You can feed your compost SST! Then use that compost in your soil mix. Like that.

SSTs can be very powerful. Go easy and dilute.
You can over do the SST. Go easier on it just dilute it more.

Not sure how your bottled nutrients work with your SST - the SST is basically there for the micro-organisms not the plant. The bottle nutes drives an end around the whole microbiom soil thing.

Just something to think about. Sorta sounds like you wanna go organic but feel the need to use your fertilizer. Thats a leap of faith.

Basically with that if you want to go soil only here's some advice an old timer gave me:

Get your compost right and you wont have to worry about much else.

You can feed your compost SST! Then use that compost in your soil mix. Like that.

SSTs can be very powerful. Go easy and dilute.
Yee that's true the problem is I don't have a place to go fully organic about the ssts I been using 5.5g alfalfa and 12.5g corn every week in a gallon of water from day 21of veg that amount buildasoil reccomend
I wouldn't recommend either of those 2 EVERY WEEK. Its not fertilizer.

The basic thing around SST is giving the microbes a boost they in turn will give your plant a boost.

Corn and alfalfa have growth hormones. Timing is important with these.

I think both have Triacontanol which is a powerful PGR (plant growth hormone). You need to go easy as mentioned. Start diluted and build up from there see how the plants handle it.

Triacontanol can be diluted with water and foliar on the plants for best result.... try it and see with a sprayer. I use rehydrated Kelp this way.
I wouldn't recommend either of those 2 EVERY WEEK. Its not fertilizer.

The basic thing around SST is giving the microbes a boost they in turn will give your plant a boost.

Corn and alfalfa have growth hormones. Timing is important with these.

I think both have Triacontanol which is a powerful PGR (plant growth hormone). You need to go easy as mentioned. Start diluted and build up from there see how the plants handle it.

Triacontanol can be diluted with water and foliar on the plants for best result.... try it and see with a sprayer. I use rehydrated Kelp this way.
Yep I think I probably overdone it, and you are right corn sst contains cytkonins and alfalfa sst contain Triacontanol I am not sure should I leave it next grow or just use it less often I know it's have amazing benefits but my second grow wasn't successful and I am not sure what cause that ^^
It's hard to know how much you are giving the plants. This is why I dilute heavily with water and foliar them on.

With Corn I do malted corn (same as corn SST) and grind it up and add it to the soil at 1/2 the amount of Malted Barley. So 1/4 cup of malted corn to 7.5 gal soil. Thats going to take a few weeks to get broken down. With the SST - its right there boom.

I add in say a 1/3 cup of Kelp to 7.5gal soil every up pot and foliar on in VEG and early flower a kelp tea. This promotes taller plants which I prefer over wide bushes. Just personal preference here.
I use organic methods combined with Korean Natural Farming in a 2' x4' x 18 inch deep bed. I have a 1 year old compost bin that happens to have worms in it now. It is made of kitchen scraps, straw, different leaves. I spray it with Lactobacillus Serum to assist in decomposition. I have a simple worm bin and I feed the worms with my compost. I don't dig in my bed at all. It's full of worms. When I top dress it is with compost combined with worm castings. When I top dress I am usually burying cover crop. I use bone meal with the top dress.
After 3 weeks of sprouting I water with compost tea made out of my compost. I foliar feed once a week with Korean Natural Farming inputs. This continues through the growth stages according to Dr. Cho's KNF principles.
Right at signs of transition to flowering I make an SST from corn and water in.

That's it. If I were to throw some chemical fertilizer in there it would all be for nothing! Microbes and worms- dead.
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