Extremely cheap-ass DIY reflector for CFLs


New Member
(Sorry in advance for the upside down photos)

I want to start by pointing out that this build is, as the title describes, extremely cheap. I don't recommend this for any serious growers, but if you're like me and you're on a really tight budget, read on.

I'd also like to point out that this should only be used with CFLs, as this build is quite flammable.

Tools required:
  • Power drill
  • Plastic bucket handle (metal/other should also work)
  • Aluminum foil
  • 2 x Paper tissue rolls (empty)
  • 1 x Twistie tie
  • 5 x Zip ties
  • Box cutter
  • Chain
  • Plier
  • Side cutter
  • Isolation tape (or any other adhesive band of plastic)
  • A bag of your favorite strain

I guess you all know what the first step of this build should and will be.
Roll it, toke it, light it, smoke it.

Thus, I begin my build. I cut the tissue rolls in twain down the length, using the box cutter. Then I assembled them using the tape.

After having done that, I took the bucket handle and using the side cutter I broke it in half. On with the drill, I created three pairs of holes on both handles. One on each side and one in the middle. After that, one hole in each on the top for the chains, and last but not least, a larger hole on the side of one for the lamp chord.

The pair of holes I drilled was then used to fasten the handle to the assembled paper rolls. The twistie tie was placed in the middle of the handle that lacked a chord hole, to serve as a holder for the other end of the bulb.

Shortly afterwards, I cut up two strips of aluminum foil and taped them to the inside of the rolls.
(Now I know that aluminum foil is far from optimal in a reflector. But remember, this is a seriously cheap build, and sacrifices have to be made sometimes.)

Using the pliers, I fastened the chain to the bucket frame.

A knot on the chord makes for a good hold. This frees us from using other media to hold up the socket.

Lastly, we tie the end of the CFL up with the twistie tie and voìla! The ugly son of a beast is done!

Hope this can be of some help to some of you growers out there! Or maybe provide some inspiration!
Either way, happy grows and good budding to you all!
any reason why you went with this as oppose to a monster can can or beer can that would have no flammable parts involved? Don't get me wrong i love a macgyver build as much as anyone but try to avoid fire hazards as much as possible.
It's still an unnecessary risk, why risk it when you don't have to, what about electrical shorts igniting the paper. or wires burning up and the paper being a fuel source.
Because I have enough experience with electrical work behind me to know it won't happen. I appreciate your concern and raising a valid point, seeing as not everyone has that experience. But I have pointed out that this build is rather flammable and caution should of course be taken. Hope this clears things up :)
the roasting pan reflector is what I use for some of my CFLs. I have since realized it didnt need the support bar on the front and have removed it.
Yep,works like a charm and makes it looks very commercial.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Just a heads up. You can use aluminum clothes dryer exhaust pipe. They are spilt with a seam. Take seam apart and it will lie flat. Use a wire on either end and set the Arc to a half round. Cost about 4 bucks! May need to drill holes for the wires.

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