Feeding at end of protracted veg cycle help needed please.


New Member
My Exodus Cheese plants grown under fluorescents in 5 liter bags (soil/coco mix) have now been in the veg cycle for close on 20 weeks. This was certainly not planned (should have been 8 weeks only), but conditions forced me to keep them in veg. My plants are all very healthy and have each grown a number of main branches of about 350mm long. Internodes are still short, so hopefully that will form a good carpet of spikes in the scrog. (I'll be Scrogging in flower)
The plants have exhausted much/most of the nutrients in the soil, so I've been feeding high N and also foliar feeding CalMag. This recipe seems to work as my plants are looking really great.

What worries me is this:

I'm concerned that my plants may have become root-bound. The main trunk (coming out of the soil) has not thickened to more than about 10-15mm. Once I transplant into 30 litre bags with fresh mix- will the trunks thicken?

Also, what should I be feeding at this stage (transplanting into 30 liter bags in about a week) to encourage/support root development?

What sort of added vegetative growth can I expect in the 8 week flowering cycle?

All help will be greatly appreciated, as I've been baby-sitting this stealth grow of 36 plants through some hair-raising and daunting conditions to date, but all still well and my plants are looking really good (good colour, sustained tip-formation and growth, generally strong and happy plants).
After all this, I'd hate to have a poor harvest due to the roots not now forming fully into the new medium in the 30 liter bags!
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