Finally, a pic I'm proud of!

If you have 2 of the same strain you could always experiment on your own and do 1 flush and 1 without. Just make sure to do the dry/cure the same. That would for sure tell you if there was any difference in flavor/harvest/potency
Dunno why i didnt think of that. Awesome idea! All 4 of my plants are Geleto OG so I'll flush one for 2 weeks, flush two for 5 days, and I wont flush one at all. Will be a good way to make my own mind up about it
Haha. Love it. The empty bottle was the deciding factor. Makes sense. You make some good points. I guess it just comes down to making a choice and not giving a fuck about the what ifs.

I might half ass it, and flush for the final 5 or 6 days... maybe a shorter flush period will give me some benefits both ways...
Giving just water the final days is not a Flush. It's feeding the plant plain water. A Flush is when you put 3 x's the amount of water through the pot to get rid of toxicities. There's No Reason to Flush unless you have issues. If you Flush; & you use a 5 gallon pot, you have to run 15 gallons of water through the pot & follow that right away with the correct dose of nutrients.
Anyway, 99% of the time I don't flush at all. I feed till the day of harvest. I usually cut the top 1/2 of the plants off & hang that to dry. About 3 - 5 days later I harvest the rest. It gives the bottom stuff a few extra days to finish up better.
Giving just water the final days is not a Flush. It's feeding the plant plain water. A Flush is when you put 3 x's the amount of water through the pot to get rid of toxicities. There's No Reason to Flush unless you have issues. If you Flush; & you use a 5 gallon pot, you have to run 15 gallons of water through the pot & follow that right away with the correct dose of nutrients.
Anyway, 99% of the time I don't flush at all. I feed till the day of harvest. I usually cut the top 1/2 of the plants off & hang that to dry. About 3 - 5 days later I harvest the rest. It gives the bottom stuff a few extra days to finish up better.
Oh ok, I guess I hadnt thought that through at all. My plants are in 2 layers of scrog... they're also in 10 galon pots. So I can't move them to a bath or outside. Theres no way I can pour 30 gallons × 4 plants in my grow tent. 120 gallons of water! I'd be flooding my downstairs neighbours!
Giving just water the final days is not a Flush. It's feeding the plant plain water. A Flush is when you put 3 x's the amount of water through the pot to get rid of toxicities. There's No Reason to Flush unless you have issues. If you Flush; & you use a 5 gallon pot, you have to run 15 gallons of water through the pot & follow that right away with the correct dose of nutrients.
Anyway, 99% of the time I don't flush at all. I feed till the day of harvest. I usually cut the top 1/2 of the plants off & hang that to dry. About 3 - 5 days later I harvest the rest. It gives the bottom stuff a few extra days to finish up better.
I like the idea of a double harvest. I mean why wouldnt you do that. Makes perfect sense to me. I cant harvest whole plants anyway, due to the scrog nets, so I will definately try your method.
A Gorilla Cookies I harvested 2 weeks ago.

A White Widow I have drying now.

Dayum! That last photo... that's just from one plant? I'll be elated if I get even half of that per plant
Yes, just 1 plant. I was actually a little disappointed in the yield. I usually pull 8 - 10 oz. per plant. But I did a whole lot of experimenting with different training so that's probably why. I found the traditional method of Topping & Training works best.
Dunno why i didnt think of that. Awesome idea! All 4 of my plants are Geleto OG so I'll flush one for 2 weeks, flush two for 5 days, and I wont flush one at all. Will be a good way to make my own mind up about it
Def let me know the results! I would love to know what you find out. --- also maybe flush isn't the right term but I know ppl stop giving nutes (some anyway).

Buds is knowledgeable and I'd trust his experience way more than my own! lol. Nice nug shots btw!
The most important thing to get the best yields is your lighting. The more light (to a certain degree) you can throw at your plant, the bigger the yield. I'd say Topping & Training are the 2nd most important for large yields. After those things I worry about Temps & Humidity. The plants will grow even if it's 100 F & 15% Humidity so that's why I put it farther down the scale of importance. Of course if you can keep your grow area between 75 - 80 F & the RH between 60 - 70% you will have a much better grow environment. I keep things prety simple by just using FFOF soil & Mega Crop Nutes with a PK booster during flower. I can grow 25 plants start to finish on $25 worth of Mega Crop.
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