First Autoflower Run


420 Member
First ever grow,

Using 150w CFL for seedling and then changing to 600w LED during veg/seedling

Using 2 Vast 2 Vast and Pineapple Express auto

They were planted 9 days ago after sprouting and currently stand around 3"

Using canna coir/perlite mix 2:1 and PH 5.8 + calmag

Not nutes ATM

Welcome! Looks like we are running a similar tent ! Is this your first ever grow or just auto?

What set up are you running ?

It's my first grow ever ! I'm based in the U.K. and strains although they are more available than ever over here really don't come close.

So by that logic I think I can do better, have you got any hints tips etc ?
What set up are you running ?

It's my first grow ever ! I'm based in the U.K. and strains although they are more available than ever over here really don't come close.

So by that logic I think I can do better, have you got any hints tips etc ?

I'll make a few suggestions!

Feel feee to follow my journal as well, lots of info is already on there , I'm about 23 days into my autos.

Your lights need to come closer to the girls. Use the hand test, if it burns your hand with it under the light within 30 second, it's too low. You don't want the girls stretching and putting all there work into chasing the light. Bring it closer.

Another would be, to just use your LED light the whole entire time. Seems the strongest and autos like light.

Do you have a plan on a schedule?

Here's one of my beauties.

Follow me here :) KingCloudy's First/Indoor Grow Journal - Candy Cane - CKS

KingCloudy's First/Indoor Grow Journal - Candy Cane - CKS
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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