First Ever Grow Room


New Member
I've been thinking about making a small personal grow room for a while and have some questions regarding keeping it stealthy.

I've watched the series 'I Grow Chronic' on youtube many times and plan on making something in similar size. A hydroponic Indoor system in my basement

I'm concerned about hiding the smell, I hear it can get really bad.
Also preventing any kind of moldy growth and I have some concerns regarding what my electricity bill is gonna look like, are the cops gonna get curious?

Any advice or ideas would be much appreciated
Those are all very broad questions, but here is my answer.

That's not a bad idea. Typically, it would be better to be medically licensed, but if you can't, then thats fine. Hydro is great, but may be hard to maintain for first grow. If you are new, soil is great to go, just get a nice HID kit with MH/HPS. MH for veg, HPS for flower. Depends on the size, 8X8 should be covered with 1000W, 6X6 600, 4X4 400W, etc. this is rough estimates. For about a 1000W on 12/12, you spend about $30-40 a month, so you can work from there. You may have mold problems if you are in the basement, so that is a good thing to watch out for. Make sure you clean it out nicely and really sanitize it. Your plants will thank you ;).

For the smell, don't worry about it until halfway to the end of the flowering stage. Until then, there isn't too much odor. Also it depends on the strain. You will want to invest in a carbon air filter with a large duct fan, and have it running in the exhaust vent or just in the room.

For the cops...they will definitely get suspicious if you aren't allowed to grow! How much you want them to know is up to you. You will want to make the best use of all your electricity (try not to spike it) as well as keeping ur lights hidden etc. Sometimes they use IR cameras to track down grow rooms but im sure your project wont be in that scale. Keep it down to maybe under 10 plants and it won't be so bad. If not, you can also get really good insulation if you are serious but i doubt thats necessary.
IMPORTANT! Always buy your stuff using cash, and do not leave a paper trail. You know your area best. Be smart. Don't ever let them know what you are doing. At furthest, say its a botany project, but no more. If they know you are growing cannabis illegally, they are obligated to kick you out and stop helping you. Try not to get things delivered to your house, etc. You know the deal.
DONT TELL ANYONE!! Really though, its never good to brag about illegal activities. Its how you get busted.

Your set up seems really good just watch out for the heat and basement as that is perfect set up for mold. Humidity may get too high as well so that needs to be watched. As long as you watch the humidity and temp, it should be fine. Otherwise, let us know what you decide and we can help ya out!:grinjoint:
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