First grow 4+ weeks flower need opinions


New Member
Hey there first grow just wanted to know if is going well, plants 4 weeks into flower bottom half is suffering abit and fan leaves are drooping quite heavy very weak stems the fan leave edges are also curling under? theres no plant smell what so ever at this stage also?

What Strain is it? bag seed unkown
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? sativa
How Many Plants?1
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? flower
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long?
If in Flowering Stage... How Long? 4+ weeks
Indoor or Outdoor? indoor
Soil or Hydro?soil
If Hydro, Reservoir size?
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature?
If Hydro, what type of Medium?
If Hydro, what type of Setup?
If Soil... What is in your Mix? organic soil
If Soil... What Size Pot? 10L
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? 1 400w hps
Is it Air Cooled? yes
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 30c max
RH of Room/Cabinet? what?
PH of Medium or Reservoir? unknown
Any Pests? not that i can see
How Often are you Watering? every 3 days 300mills
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? 8-6-8 Blood bone liquid
Size or Square Footage of Room? wardrobe
wow. nice bag seed. obviusly, sativa. im not a sativa grower. at least not that much sativa. looks good. i dont see any drainage holes in pot, tho. also, close up of leaves almost looks like small spots from mites. hope the hell not. plant looks very nice. plenty green, and since its in bloom, i would stop most, if not all the nitrogen at this point. and, being bag seed, not sure how long this will take to finish. some sativas take a long, long time. ive heard 13 weeks, and some extreame cases, 16. looks like it will be a good yield, threrefor. good work. id ease up on the nutes. but, thats me. at least the N. peace. id like to see this, when you cut it.
wow. nice bag seed. obviusly, sativa. im not a sativa grower. at least not that much sativa. looks good. i dont see any drainage holes in pot, tho. also plant looks very nice. plenty green, and since its in bloom, i would stop most, if not all the nitrogen at this point. and, being bag seed, not sure how long this will take to finish. some sativas take a long, long time. ive heard 13 weeks, and some extreame cases, 16. looks like it will be a good yield, threrefor. good work. id ease up on the nutes. but, thats me. at least the N. peace. id like to see this, when you cut it.
then get it you will need it,without question

its the only way(with minimal plant experience) to know when she is ready to get whacked

and IF you have a issue with bugs at any point,they are very hard to see them,with the naked eye
a 30x will work,but a 60-300x is the shit and brings a different world than what we see
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