First grow - Girls need help


New Member
Hey guys,

Im growing WW from seed and the girls are just wrapping up their first month of veg. The problem I'm having is that the bottom leaves keep developing brown stains and dying. At fist I thought i might be a calmag deficiency so I started giving them a foliar spray application with 150ppm calmag (the water here is already at 120, so we're talking 300ppm overall spray) That didnt help. I read that it might be a pH issue as well, but the ph of nut solution is at a steady 5.9.

Just for reference at this point they are being fed flora grow, micro and bloom at 450ppm 2 a day and are on a 18/6 light schedule. The roots look healthy and I was going to replant them from the cups to a bigger size airpot, but want to resolve the issue before I start moving them around.




Please help!
Just add cal mag to your reservoir unless you just specifically want to do foiliar spray for it. I'm not sure how well foliar sprays work in comparison to root feeding.

Already damaged leaves won't repair themselves, so just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't continue progressing, it may be something else if it does(ph maybe?)
How tall is she? It's hard to tell from these pictures.

Please consider starting a grow journal here at 420mag. In it you can provide more information on your setup, and the geniuses here will be all over helping you in any way they can.

My own grow (my first) has been saved several times already, in just a month and a half.

Without more information, the only things I can think of are temp and PH, either can lock out nutes that would cause this.
what do you mean by it is getting 450 ppm 2 a day?? If you are watering it twice a day every day that is likely part of your problem. probably not the cause but in rock wool you should water it once and wait for it to feel light before you water it again(let it dry out!!). what amount so grow micro and bloom are you using?? I am growing in rock wool as well. I use 15ml, 10ml and 5 ml per 5 gallons of water in veg. along with 20 ml of calmag and 20ml of florablend. this lands me right in the 500 ppm range (i use R.O water). I work up to 500 ppm though, a small plant does not need that amount of nutrients, I give it nothing for the first few weeks than start with 200 ppm or less and work my way up to 500. also with just that one big root, you can wait some time yet before you repot. I usually have a good root ball when I do it. Also get your light a little closer to the plant as it looks like you have some stretching going on. Keep an eye on new growth as the damaged leaves will never get better, they will get worse and die, and they will fall off the plant so forget about them now and concentrate on the new.
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