First Grow - Northern Lights Automatic - RQS - 250W


New Member

As a frequent cannabis smoker, I got tired of the (too)high prices for some decent stuff.
So I decided to grow my own magic :hookah:

My setup:
-Secret Jardin Ds60 growtent (60cmx60cmx150cm)
-4x 23w CFL lightbulbs
-250w dualspectrum HID with reflector
-185m³ exhaust fan
-Timer (20/4)
-11l pot with universal soil

So I'm now growing 1 northern light plant in a shed in my jard. This is because I'm not allowed to grow inside the house.
At this moment I am at day 65 from seed, but I feel that I still have to wait some time before she's finished.
Which is a long time for an autoflower, the breeder says 8-10 weeks.

I hope that you could me some advice to help me survive my first grown

I'll make a small timeline to give you an idea of the growth of the plant.

-First 4weeks under 4x CFL lightbulbs each 23w-



She was growing good, I had some problems with algea tho.
But that was fixed after I put the brown clayballs on top of the soil.

The original plan was to put her after 2 weeks in the growtent under the 250w bulb,
But the bulb was damaged on the way here, So I had to return it. It took 2 weeks before I got it.


When she could finally enjoy the sweet light and heat from the HID, she really grew a lot, and fast !
This is her after a month:



I didn't use any nutes during veg period.

She started to show some yellowish spots at the edge of some leaves, and some had small holes in it.
At this moment I still have no idea what the cause of this could be, I think some ph problems.
I didn't used PH-balanced water at that time.


I noticed some yellow leaves at the bottom, so I looked it up and she was rootbound.
The roots also came out of the pot at the bottom.
I had to put her in a bigger pot, so I used this bag I found and made some holes in it.

At this moment I'm using Biobloom from Biobizz for flowering, 2ml/Liter.

I also ordered some PH-minus and a carbon filter.

The last pictures where taken today, so this is where I'm at :yummy:

Some questions:
-Is it a bad thing that she flowered that late, will it affect the buds?
-Do you think I will have a nice yield?
-Do you have any idea how much I could yield?
-Will she grow any taller?

So, any tips are welcome !

I hope you enjoy reading, I will Take some pictures every 2days.

Sorry for my (probably bad) english, I'm from Belgium and I would be lying if I'd say I am sober writing this.

Re: First grow: 1x Northern Light Automatic (RQS) -- 250w

Hi GanjaFarmer.

Very nice plant but she's nowhere near done yet, I'd say at least another 3 weeks maybe even 4. Weird for an auto flower, but those buds are not ripe yet, the hairs haven't even really started to turn brown yet.

Its hard to guess yield, especially so far from the finish line, but she's well into flower now so the stretch should be pretty much done. She's as tall as she's likely to get, now those buds are gonna start swelling up and getting fat and sticky.

I'm subscribed, good luck with the rest of your grow.;)

I just hope I won't get any mold problems when she's in full flower. When the lights are out and it's raining outside, I really can't control the humidity in the tent. Let's hope for the best :yummy:

My next grow will be a scrog with 1x white widow and 1x OG Kush, which will be a full journal.

Happy 420!
Happy 420 to you also.:passitleft:

White Widow and OG Kush!!! a couple of my favorite strains.;)
I harvested WW my last grow and I'm about half way through flower with an OG Kush right now.
Feel free to check out my grow journal in my signature below.
2 days later:

I noticed some bottom leaves that started to turn yellow, should I cut them off ?
There are also a lot of fanleaves that are blocking light from the buds, I tuck them in under the leaves below the buds.
Is this the best way, or should I cut them off ?
I just don't think she will recover from the stress in time during flowering.

I also took some pictures of my grow setup.







I have put a bigger fan in the growtent to strengthen the bud stems a bit.

I think I see the first signs of thc forming on the buds, you can see it a bit on the pistils and the buds.

Is it normal that the most upper small leaves are turning yellow ? as you can see on the pictures.

I'm also worried about the bottom leaves turning yellow, some below the bush are dying because they don't get light I think.

one love!



The plant looks good man. About the yellow leaves, it looks like a nitrogen deficiency, how often are you feeding your plants and how much? Its kinda looks like your plant is hungry and is pulling nitrogen from the bottom leaves for food, that's why they are yellowing.
I'm feeding every 2days, about 1.5liter each time. I'm feeding them each watering with 2ml/1.5liter
I reduced some nutes because I saw burned tips on some fan leaves.
Could an unbalanced PH be the cause ?
I use regular tab water with the nutes, it will take at least a week before I got my PH-minus in the mail.(together with a nice carbonfilter :slide: )
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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