First Grow - Super Silver Haze - LED - Autopot - Coco/Perlite - Ionic Nutrients


New Member
Hello everyone,

This is my first grow ever so consider me as green as weed. I'm from Eastern Europe, english is not my native language, so bare with me (sorry for that). I'll try and post imperial and metric but forgive me if sometimes I forget.

After a lot of reading and a lot of changing my mind I decided to grow SSH in a home made tent.
70 * 90 * 170 cm ; 27 * 35 * 67 inches



I bought mylar diamond for it, and I had a old inflatable pool mattress which fit perfectly over mylar.

The carbon filter is also made by me from 2 PVC pipes, 125mm (7") and 75mm (3"), filled with 2 liters of active carbon bought from pet shop. I'll get in-depth if someone ask. The extractor is Soler and Palau TD-100.


The light is the LED panel from Hans ( BonsaiHero ). I don't know if I'm alowed links, so just Google it.


I also bought PH and EC/TDS meters ( Adwa AD12 and Adwa AD31 ), around 90 euros shipped from Hungary. I like them alot. I had a hygrometer and a room fan laying around, so I put them to work.

I didn't bought a complete autopot system, just the "smart valve" because it was cheap and the rest I made from a baby tub, a sheet of plastic cut to size, and 2 ordinary 5 gallon pots (20liters).




The coco was dry and compressed. I prepared a solution of 2 teaspoons of epsom salt to every gallon of spring water, then PH it to 5.9 with electrolyte , and then use it to decompress the coco. After that, I mixed coco with perlite at 65 to 35 ratio, added one tablespoon of dolomite to every gallon of medium, and mixed them all up .

OK, now to the girls. I put the seeds in a moist paper towel for 2 days.
This are the 2 seeds, seconds before potting. First 2 mistakes, the roots are too small and the pots are too big :D Oh well... Live and learn.


3 days after potting

6days after potting

Pictures taken this morning, 10days into the pots, with the second set of leaves showing


Fed them just PH 5.9 spring water 'till now. Waiting for the seed-leaves to tell me when to start with the nutrients.

Enjoy the ride!

LE: The pictures are blank so I'll post direct links to them. Sorry.
Two days ago I started to see that the first leaves are turning yellow so I begun to water them with Ionic Grow about 1ml/liter at 0.6 EC.
This morning I started to see the tip of the oldest leaves are discoloring. I'm not sure, but I blame the nutes. Probably I gave them nutes too early. I flushed them with plain water (PH 5.8) and I will wait to see if they recover. Maybe someone recognizes the problem that my girls have, and point me in the right direction.

Two days ago I started to see that the first leaves are turning yellow so I begun to water them with Ionic Grow about 1ml/liter at 0.6 EC.
This morning I started to see the tip of the oldest leaves are discoloring. I'm not sure, but I blame the nutes. Probably I gave them nutes too early. I flushed them with plain water (PH 5.8) and I will wait to see if they recover. Maybe someone recognizes the problem that my girls have, and point me in the right direction.


hey bro how ya gettin on? im also doing my first led with super silver haze and air pots too! i also over fed to begin with, aha fussy cow!

lemme know how your finding her and i'll do the same!

Hey Vintage, I always feed my babies a little nutes after the first true leaves appear.(about 1/4 strength like you have) But normally I don't pre-load the coco with nutrients. I have also used the compressed coco and found I had to flush gallons of plain water through it to clean it out as it hasn't been pre-washed unlike the more common branded coco. Anyway good luck!
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