First Time Auto Grow: Couple Of Questions From Aussie

Ossi Ossi

Well-Known Member
5 X Northern Lights
3 X Magnum X
I will be giving a more detailed grow soon but my first question is can I transplant autos or do i need to put in final pot
Second question is what is a good size pot to use for autos in coco


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I start mine in solo cups,then transplant them to their final home when they're about a week old.
I use 3 gallon pots, but I'm in soil and growing in a fairly small space-If I had more room,I'd use 5 gallon.
I have started them in their final homes before,and they did fine- the solo cups work better with my seedling lights-that's the main reason I start them in the cups.
Seedling lights,you mean CFLs or the like
I was just Gunna put them straight under 600 watts from about 3 foot
I just use a couple of 9wLED bulbs,with the bulb part removed, for the first week-the fixture I use
holds 2 bulbs,about 4" apart,just right for 2 seedlings in 2 solo cups- 4" above the seedlings keeps them from getting all spindly and falling over.
I only have room to grow 2 at a time indoors-i f I were growing 5 or 6 at a time,I'd probably just start them in their final pots,under the big light.
I was just Gunna put them straight under 600 watts from about 3 foot
That should work fine-just keep a close eye on them-if they seem to be stretching too much,just move them a little closer to the light.
I've seen them stretch 2" overnight if the light's a little too far away.
Thanks so much for your advice,I think I will start them under a couple of 24 Watters
When they turn to flower should I leave lights 24 hr or use a different tegime
How far you think I should keep 600 from plants , I guess it's best to suck and see yea
When they turn to flower should I leave lights 24 hr or use a different tegime
I run mine 24 hrs till transplant,then 19/5 from then on...I think a little dark period is good for them,
but some folks run them 24/7 with good results.
How far you think I should keep 600 from plants
Mine start out at 21" from the big light,but it's a cheapie led from amazon-200 watts actual draw.
With a better light like yours, 30" would be a good starting point- if you notice some stretch,move them a little closer.
If you notice they're growing plenty of leaves,but not getting any taller,move them a little farther away,so they have to reach just a little.
I'm not an expert, this is just what works for me-Good Luck on those autos!
Hi again,just quick
I have these 4 ltr pots 22 cm high
15 cm square
Ya reckon I could run the life of an auto in these


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This is unknown strain I have been doing outdoors,my pH take shit pics but I count 72 bud sites,I have lstd her and the other 4 I didn't even top just let em go
Thort a pic wouldn't hurt


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Ya reckon I could run the life of an auto in these
You could,but 4 ltr seems a bit small-the autos I've grown use every bit of root space in a 3 gallon pot.
Those would work for you,but the plants will get rootbound pretty early could transplant them when they do,but if you're going to do that,might as well start them in something bigger, if possible...

That LST'd plant is gonna be a monster in a month or so-you're gonna get a lot of pot from that one!
Sorry to be a pest again,but what is a good window for harvest outdoors in South East Queensland
I can't help you with that one- Maybe one of our Aussie members can shed some light on that...(bad pun)
@Amy Gardner is in Australia- if she stops by this weekend,maybe she can help answer that question for you.
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