First Time Grow - Pineapple Chunk - Outdoors


New Member
So this is late in the game to start this, but it was suggested that I start this. That I would get more feedback here. I am and Ovarian cancer survivor of 8 months and this is my first time growing. I was given 12 clones. I put them straight in the ground. I amended soil DairyDoo, a local organic soil amendment. I watered with miracle grow a total of5 times. A gallon at the base of each plant. I added fresh DairyDoo a total of 3 times more. And I watered with a soaker hose just as I watered my garden and flowers.
My biggest issue would be not enough sunlight and that I am very unsure when to harvest. There is also one plant that is yellowing. From harvest to cure ways of doing it whatever you would like to offer feedback on would be appreciated.

Below are pic's that were taken today. 9/29/13
Re: First time grow, pineapple chunk. out doors

I'm planning on growing this strain, maybe my next grow, so I would like to see a smoke report, if you don't mind. The strain info sounds good, 25% THC, but you can't always believe the reviews. I'm anxious to see how much influence the cheese has on this cross, certainly sounds like some potent stuff! Cheese started life as a skunk #1, when some UK breeders refined it, and it started to smell really strong, like cheese. They say it's hard to finish a whole joint it's so strong, but I'm no novice smoker, so we'll see. I have some really nice cheese crosses, bred by a friend, so I think I'll do a cheese themed grow next round. Hope all is well, and can't wait to see some more pics of those beautiful ladies you have!
Re: First time grow, pineapple chunk. out doors

I am going out to take more pic's now. I have been enjoying some pineapple chunk from an indoor grow. And it is good. I've never done a review of a strain before but seeings how this is my first grow I will give it a shot.
Re: First time grow, pineapple chunk. out doors

And now for the close ups! How long before you all think these pretty ladies are ready??

Re: First time grow, pineapple chunk. out doors

Okay I should chill on the photo's for a bit, lol. I love taking pic's though. Tell me what you think??
Re: First time grow, pineapple chunk. out doors

Very nice photos Deija, and in my opinion, all of those ladies are pretty, making me want to plant my PC seed right now! The yellow in the leaves is normal at this stage, and they all look great to me. Maybe KJC will see something I don't, he is quite wise, I have learned much from him these last months. Do you plan to do any indoor work, or will you stick to outdoor? It's easier to control the environment indoors, but there is no way to replicate the sun, I wish I could grow outside, maybe one day. We are all here to help, and I'm sure more members will drop in and say hi before it's done. Most of us grow indoor out of necessity, and there is no end to the knowledge to be gained here, so we can help with construction of the space, troubleshooting after, and during the grow. Those girls should yield quite well, so you may not have to grow for awhile!
Re: First time grow, pineapple chunk. out doors

Still too many white pistils for me, I would wait at least another week or so. Nothing wrong with lots of pics girl, some new members don't post enough, and yours are nice. I didn't see any amber in the trichomes, but do you think you can get real close, with the zoom, and make sure it's in good focus before snap the pic. That should let us see more of the color in the trichs, and help us determine when to chop, just make sure to take pics from all over the plant. If you can get a small pocket microscope, they work pretty well, I use a 100X, and a 45X to look for bugs. Less than $20 for both of them, just google LED pocket microscope.
Re: First time grow, pineapple chunk. out doors

Thank you for all the compliments and advice. As far as and indoor place to grow, my income is very little and would not know where to begin.
And if something I write this evening seems a bit off, well let that be a testament to "Pineapple Chunk" :amen:
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial: Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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