First-Time Grower - First-Time Plant - Are my buds done?


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Strain - Madman OG
# of Plants - 1
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - Flowering
Daily Watering (I check the soil for saturation level, making sure the top 1" is dry and not water-logged).

Nutrients - organic bone meal, blood meal (such as Dr. Bloom's) and organic 5-4-6 compost during vegetative stage - Botanicare CNS 17 Bloom during flowering (diluted)
PH - 6.7
Pests - occasional caterpillar (three or four so far, I check daily)
Sun Exposure - Direct and indirect sunlight (Direct light, approximately 7 hours a day).
Location - Los Angeles, Sunset Zone 18

Hello, I bought a Madman OG clone at the beginning of May from Cloneville in Studio City. I am a first-time grower and patient. I want to know if I should go by the grow times listed or depend on latitude and seasons.

The Madman has been flowering since June, but has not developed normally. For instance, the fan leaves (and nearly all of the leaves on the plant are single-bladed). I have read this could be due to light exposure issues or heat exhaustion, so I just pushed along, making sure to keep porch lights off and taking measures to make sure my plants are not overheated on days over 100 F.

Would you be able to look at my plants to see if they are just in an early stage of flowering and just not ready yet?

Thank you!


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They don't look done to me, but the best way to tell is to get a cheap hand held microscope and scope out the buds. Look for trich's, and their color. Clear? Not ripe. Cloudy? Ripening, but not done. Amber? Done.

I am in Northern California (Redding) and our outdoor plants are just starting to flower, will harvest in late October. They're not getting enough dark to really bud out yet. The days JUST started to shorten in the last couple of weeks. If you're out doors, you won't harvest until October 15 or so.

BTW: You think 100F is hot? Last week, our temps were 107 and above. Temps of 115 are not uncommon in Redding, tho it usually cools off at night to about 100. That and low humidity here makes choosing the genetic very important. On your next grow you may want to consider that. That being said, the OG family is a good choice - it was created in So Cal. Plants stop growing at those temps, but that's ok. You've got lots of time till flower, and if you've got flowers that size NOW, you're going to have a wonderful harvest.

Don't get in a hurry.
And don't worry too much, mommy. The girl will be just fine.
I see a little bit of stress (edge curling) from the heat, but not enough to worry about.
She looks very healthy to me.

Come back here with more questions, or if you need more reassurance (wink).

~ Auggie ~
Looks like they can go longer, but w/o magnification it is impossible to tell much.
What surprises me is all the single-bladed leaves on her. It must be a re-veg, since it was put outside early?? If so, consider yourself luck she sorted herself out as quickly as she did. Watch for nanners!

Thank you so much for the reassurance!

To answer your question, I have several loupes, and a very good microscope and the trichomes are cloudy, none are amber and some trichomes are clear toward the ends of the sugar leaves, so I think it is still early yet.
To my knowledge, there was no revegging, just single-bladed leaves emerging. She started flowering in late June.

The single bladed leaves are part of the re-veg process. Plants outside around here are just now flowering. I'm thinking you had her indoors under lights. If you put her outside before June, and she was under lights with something like 18/6, she thought it was fall/bloom time. Then the days got longer so she went back to veg. Just a guess...

I match my indoor photoperiod to that of June 1st (about 15/9) so the plants see the same light once moved outdoors.
The single bladed leaves are part of the re-veg process. Plants outside around here are just now flowering. I'm thinking you had her indoors under lights. If you put her outside before June, and she was under lights with something like 18/6, she thought it was fall/bloom time. Then the days got longer so she went back to veg. Just a guess...

I match my indoor photoperiod to that of June 1st (about 15/9) so the plants see the same light once moved outdoors.

That totally explains it. I did not have her inside, but the nursery that I bought the clone from had her under a different light pattern. I think seeds are the way to go next year :)

Thank you both for the advice and feedback. I am learning as I go and it has all been really fascinating - and fun.

Thank you so much for the reassurance!

To answer your question, I have several loupes, and a very good microscope and the trichomes are cloudy, none are amber and some trichomes are clear toward the ends of the sugar leaves, so I think it is still early yet.

It is early, but not much. Time to start your flush if you haven't already, plan on harvest in 10 - 14 days.
Don't phreak about the single leaves. I have seen that on my plants and it has had no effect one way or another.

~ Auggie ~
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