first time growing and in desperate need of help!


New Member
Hi guys I'm new to all of this and honestly have no clue what im doing and don't really no the lingo, first off I started my plants 4 months ago and my plants don't seem very big so obviously I'm not doing a lot right, I'm growing in doors with one blue grow light and one heat light because our temps have been very cold out, I also have been ceeping a heater on and a fan , fan for air circulation, the building stays from 73 to 80 on our warm days. I currently have six surviving plants out of 13 I started , I've Been watering once a day with plain water out of the hose skipping a day periodically and every other week adding miricle grow, my soil is roughly 45\55. 45 being soil from my yard and 55 being rose potting soil with a small amount of gravel to help with draining, 1 plant seems to be doing great but hasn't gotten any bigger its about 3 1\2 feet tall and the other 5 are anywhere from 2 1\2 to 3 feet but in the last week one plants bottom leaves are yellowish and is rapidly moving upward , and now it seems to be spreading to a few of the others, I read that this is a sign of nitro deficiency but the miricle grow has nitro in it so I'm confused any help for a first timer would be greatly appreciated, thank you for reading
Pic would help. Watering every day is way to much. They should be three days at 73 with soil. If you see your leafs dropping down and your watering everyday that is the pants showing you they are drowning. Depending on the pot size most soils run out of nutes in 1-3 months at most. Another thing is with hose water depending where you are has chlorine in it. Fill jugs up and let sit 24-48 hours so the chlorine evaporate. Slow grow can be both, over watering and lack of nutes. Cannabis can take up nutes in soil very fast. I would back off water a bit and add some n.p if in veg still.
CO knows of what he speaks. Also, what light exactly are you using? Do post some photos if you can. It's the best way to get useful advice. Good luck.
OK thanks I'll try that I will upload a few photos in the morning and what is N.P ?, my water is out of my well but it has sulfur in it just kinda has a odor from time to time thank you again co finest
Sulphur will bring down the soil pH, which could be a problem. Have you checked out the Grow Room link at the top of the page here, How To Grow and FAQs? And if you search this site you'll probably find similar problems - there's not a lot that's not on 420.
What pH should I be shooting for ? And any idea how to upload photos from my phone so you guys can see the plants, also I did look over some of the posts everyones grow rooms put mine to shame in a big hurry, but I will continue looking, thank you Mr teddy, and yes 420 is a awesome site
Hi jrat. Now I'm no expert - I've done one outdoor grow and I'm on my first indoor. So when more experienced growers come along (and they will), put more store by their replies. But here's what I can tell you. Everything I know has come from the generous folk here at 420. Your plants do look over-watered. Let them dry out completely (until the pots are light). Then I would give them a flush with water not from your well. That should get rid of too many nutes and never does any harm. Then water only when they are dry. This may be 4, 5 or even 6 days apart.

When it comes to pH I am atypical and don't worry about it. If I get my soil mix right then it's not a problem. So I'm no expert. Here's a link to a great soil grower, PeeJay. This blog post is an excellent explanation of pH.

pH and whatnot in soil. - Blogs - 420 Magazine ®

He's also got a good blog entry on flushing which I recommend.

Here is a chart showing ideal soil pH and nutrient uptake:


And here is an illustration of how to diagnose problems from the leaves:


Keep us updated. And don't panic - your girls are big enough to pull through.
Thank you teddy I will do that I went and bought a couple gallons of mineral water and distilled water to try on them and I will do as you said with not watering them so much
Ok here we go
Your lightning is inadequate if possible try a t5 4,6,or 8 bulb fixture for veg to start.
In flower I'd recommend 1 600 watt hortilux to start.
Those light adjustments will change alot

Now on to nutes
I'd get the hell away from miracle grow asap
Look for a cannabis friendly nutrient line up ie:fox farm,botanicare to name a few. Both fairly new guy friendly. Neither I currently use.

This will help solve alot of your BASIC problems. If you need any help you can look at my setups or ask me anything day or night. I will reply asap.
And hose water is fine if you can let it sit and possibly run an air stone in holding area. Also if possible get a water analysis from your local water supplier and that let's you know everything that's in it. I'm on city and get about 6.9ph out tap however there is alot of chloramine and other minerals so I run a reverse osmosis system.
Your overlooking the real problem. Look at the container size. You'll stabilize nothing in that. Get a bag of Fox farms Ocean Forest. Get a container 4 times that size. Transplant using only water. Moisten the soil before transplanting giving an even amount of moisture thru-out the soil. Not wringing wet just moist. The Fox Farm soil has nutes in it that will carry you thru a couple weeks. Check your water for pH and adjust before using. Watch what happens. PS dump the MG. its poor quality. It will work but you'll work harder to get good results from it. Cloramine wont hurt your plants, I leave it out also just because I was told it was bad a few years ago and am stuck by habit. Now lighting is the next issue. For now you can use a few flourescent bulbs from Lowes ....5000 kelvin to get it some feeding power.
Look at Duddy Pantry's link to his garden. In the 3rd post with pics. Thats what you want it to look like, pot size etc..
Same here got used to running ro a few years back. Tap water is fine 8/10 times. I've got a buddy that has extremely high chlorine and minerals and such. He needs ro cause in his situation it does effect his grow. But most of the time like Raymont said is its either root bound, nutrient lock up or something entirely in your control
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