First time growing - Need some advice please!


Well-Known Member
Hi to all and glad to be member here where we can meet others and talk about the one thing we all love. MJ <3

Okay so we have 5 plants that are 12 days from when they sprouted, I am almost positive I am watering them correctly even though I am a bit confused on what a good ph level is I was doing 6.5 but friend said was bad so now I got it to 6.0. Also we have only given nutes once two days ago one gallon between the five plants we are so scared of the nutes because we don't want nute burn so any advice on the Fox Farm nutes would be great. I am going to post pics so I can get feedback on how they are looking for them being 12 days. We have not noticed any spots or anything wrong with leaves just worried the growth isnt fast enough for what it should be. I just found out humidity is suppose to be 40 to 70 percent so I am working on getting that up its at 50 now was only 35 percent a day ago but have wet clothes in there . Thanks for taking the time to read this and look forward to making some new friends and seeing how everyone else's grows are doing.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

Okay so here are some pics sorry about the lighting they are all green leaves no spots that I am seeing so just need to know if they should be bigger for 12 days ..

Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

I would slow down on the :surf: watering for 3 or 4 days, maybe even more depending on the size of that pot and how much moisture it holds. Before the soil is invaded by roots it stays wet forever my man. You should let it dry out some. When you see dirt is dry at least an inch or two from the surface then I would start feeding her half the recommended amount of Fox Farm Nutrients. Then when you see her pick up the pace. Feed her the full recommended amount. Its hard to watch that dirt dry up, but you have to let the roots breath brother. :high-five:
I hope this helps.
Good luck and keep me posted my friend.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

I woudnt water for at least the next 3 days. If you've been watering every day at this stage your really over watering. I hope someone else comes along and conffirmes my suspicion. But I'm confident in the advice given.
Good luck my friend and welcome to :420:
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

Ps, didn't mean to call you "my man" and "brother". lol I just realise you were a lady. My Bad.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

That's right too much water kills ;)
It's always said that too much water is worse than not enough.
Let them dry out a bit and be patient. They look good so far.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

I agree with Gardenseed. Let the pot dry out some in between watering. With the nutes I'd start off at 1/4 strength and work up to full of the plants take it well. I like to feed, water, feed, water. That way I don't over do it with nutes. Once you see how they react to your nutes you can add or take away as your plants show you the signs.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

I agree with Gardenseed. Let the pot dry out some in between watering. With the nutes I'd start off at 1/4 strength and work up to full of the plants take it well. I like to feed, water, feed, water. That way I don't over do it with nutes. Once you see how they react to your nutes you can add or take away as your plants show you the signs.

Okay so the nutrients that we have are fix farm here is pic. I have only given them 1 tbsp in a gallon of water since they sprouted but watered everyday so I know now to not water so much however when do I give nutes :( I don't understand that part. I hope they will revive from my watering also is 50 percent humidity okay if not how can I get it to go higher I have water and towels in the tent . ?
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

Okay so the nutrients that we have are fix farm here is pic. I have only given them 1 tbsp in a gallon of water since they sprouted but watered everyday so I know now to not water so much however when do I give nutes :( I don't understand that part. I hope they will revive from my watering also is 50 percent humidity okay if not how can I get it to go higher I have water and towels in the tent . ?

Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

I use the exact same nutes. I'm not all that much experienced but from what I've gathered here on 420 from some great growers is you never start off using full strength. If im correct you are giving the full does of nutes. Which is not a bad thing if there handling it well. Just scares me to start out full strength. I treat my "babies" just as that, babies and start slow. Watch out for that tiger bloom. It's very STRONG. I suggest starting that one at 1/4 strength when you get to flower.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

Well I had read a thing on here about the nutes and I am pretty sure it said to use 2 tbsp in a gallon water and i only gave it 1 tbsp but have only given it nutes the one time on march 31st. I just feel like they should be bigger but I don't know I am new at this too. I need some help on how to give nutes and when i should be giving them because its so confusing.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

I think your ok to add some big bloom, 1/4 strength next watering. I'd hold off on the grow big for a week. Then start both at 1/4 strength. And the humidity is ok could be a lil higher but I'd say keep her at 50 if you can.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

Okay the big bloom was the one I gave them so I am not going to water for a few days cause I am over watering but when I do you think I should give it maybe a half tablespoon of big bloom again in stead of a full tablespoon for a gallon? I am working on trying to raise humidity have towels in there now.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

Sorry had grow big and big bloom switched up. You should be good with the 2 now. Just be careful not to burn your babies.. I waited until week 2 to start any nutes. Only did 1/4 strength on BB the first water, second watering I used to 1/2 BB and 1/4 GRow Big. If she likes it add more next watering until you get to full strength.
Re: First time Growing -- Need some advice please !!

Okay the big bloom was the one I gave them so I am not going to water for a few days cause I am over watering but when I do you think I should give it maybe a half tablespoon of big bloom again in stead of a full tablespoon for a gallon? I am working on trying to raise humidity have towels in there now.

If she seems a little unhealthy I'd lower the nutes next watering. If she took it well stick with full tablespoon. In my opinion the humidity is fine but I'm sure if it's not some more experienced growers will be here soon enough to correct me.
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