First time outdoor grow. Please help.


New Member
I had a journal on these forums a few years back and I was growing with an indoor hydroponic setup. Indoors I was pretty good at checking ph, adding nutes, and making sure my plants were healthy; they turned out great that year. This year I wanted to give it a shot outdoor. I had a few bag seeds, but they came from a bad batch of New York Haze which was flooded with them. I grew a few shwag bag seeds in my hydroponic kit and they turned out to be some OK bud, but I think these should be pretty potent. Anyways, right now I have them outside, in pots that are fairly decent sized, but I plan on transplanting them into the ground when they start growing. The problem is they just aren't growing quick enough. This sunday they will have been planted for 5 weeks and they still look like babies. I know I should have used a soil with pearlite, but instead they are in pots with a soil thats mixed of humus and an organic potting soil mix (got them from home depot). Does anyone know what I can do to kickstart these babies? Should I go get a ph kit and check the soil? Are there any nutes I can buy locally to get them going? Check out the pics below... and thanks for anyone who helps.
Also I have one other one that is planted in the soil. I dug a hole about a foot deep and put the same mixture of soil and it seems to be growing better than these. Its about 6 inches tall and the full leaves are coming in. This plant is hidden amongst other plants and it doesn't recieve as much light as these little ones. Also, I had the little one in 16 ounce cups but i transplanted them bc i didnt think the roots had room to grow and bc they were growing as quickly as some of my plants in the past.
you can not really force your plants to grow faster especaially outdoors in mother nature. all you can do is give them there time and make sure you are not the problem as to why they are not flourishing. as for the perlite you dont need perlite your soil mix seems to have mulch in it and that will give it better airation. if i where you i would read a little about general outdoor growing and general cannabis growing here are 2 things that i like ... What are common mistakes made by first time growers?

there is tons and tons of amazing stuff you can learn if you just take some time to read a little. id love to help but i think you will learn the most if you read and by your own expierience. as for the bag seeds it does not matter what type of pot you have if you have haze kush or sour d your gonna asume if you have a seed its gonna grow good shit but if you get a mids seed its gonna be ok or crappy bud but thats not true mids can be your kush and haze and sour d but its just a way ppl harvest and package alote of times they will shake all the crystals off then brick it up and send it over to us but it doesnt matter no matter what the seed is you always have the chance of growing some incredible shit. if you have any other questions after you read let me know i would be glad to help you out. btw make sure you dont water them to much that is one of the most common mistakes you want your soiil to dry out before you water it or your roots will not breath and your plant will grow slow. what i do is if it looks like it needs to be watered i push my finger down into the soil about 3 inches to see if its dry if it is i usually will water. also depends on size of pot or whole in ground. also if you are using nutes since your babies seem to be kind of stressed and not doing the best they can do go very easy i would do a 1/4 solution ... what kind of nutes are you using ?
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