Forest Gump Is Growing! we go. Work is closing in a while...seems everybody is bringing stuff to build gingerbread houses and beer, and whiskey, and edibles and such. We are gonna lock ourselves in and do this. I am NOT doing the beer pong thing though!! The competition is on!! I think I will use edibles for my gingerbread house!!...mmmm!! Taking my Sony...this shit is going on facebook!!
may post a few pics topic..but what the heck...I can blur some faces, right??
Ok..almost sober now. We drank a LOT of beer, wine and whiskey last night at our Gingerbread house party!! Was fun. A lot of toking going on The guy in the second pic..don't know him!! Hee Hee!
I am still here!! Been a while, but I am still alive and well. Thought I might post a few pics. Still running cookies at the moment. I hit 100% on my clones again...thriving. I am still reusing my soil...third crop with it. I just flush it good and add a litttle farm compost and doubled up on the nutrients...seems to work for me. To this day I still havn't bought a ph pen...just seems like a pain in the butt to me. I run clones at different stages in the clone chamber, so I harden them off with cups after I plant them and place them in the veg tent. A country fuck will always survive!!
New babies...I cloned 11 last time...and got 100 percent success. They are cute as heck! Got rid of the heat pad...was just too hot for them. Without the pad and just the cloning light I ran at 73 degrees and 94 percent humidity..which seemed to be perfect for them in the rockwool cubes. Had bunches of roots an inch long coming out the bottom of the cubes just waiting to be planted. Since I have clones at different times in the chamber I harden them off after I take them out and plant them. I use wooden clothes pins to slowly prop up the cups over a few days.
My bloom tent is maxed out...wish i had more room. But at least they are staged so they bud at diff times and I can always pull one out. I remember the day when I was impatient...wanting to pull a plant too early. I got over that since they are staged and I always have something happening. I learned to just let them do their thing!!
So girl wanted the large extra bedroom back and furnished for company that stays over. I relented and moved every darn thing into the smaller third bedroom. It sucked..tearing down the tents and moving the plants and setting up the lights and fans again. So now I have a third tent new in the box I can not use because I have no room for it. The main benefit is that it is farther away from the thermostat, so the house is heating like it should. And, I do feel cozier in "my" own little room with two tents. Gotta make the ladies happy I Was gonna use that third tent for the White Widows...oh well...will store the seeds for a later run.
Met up with my buddy today...wants to be rid of three Widows in bags ready for the bloom. I can squeeze two into my bloom tent maybe...the other I am gonna put in the veg tent after I rape her for clones. Gotta love country boys!
Ya'll prbly think I died or something. Not quite yet. I just have taken on too much work. Today and yesterday I worked from 8 to 8 just to keep up. I did indeed get Terpinator and am just now using it in conjunction with my other nutes. My clones in the veg tent took a growth burst that was noticeable. I never did start the Widow seeds because I just have no room in the veg tent at all....I forced 11 (100% success!) of my clones in there...and have 8 more in the cloner, so makes no sense to germinate them right now. I am planning a rain collection system for this summer after in depth reading of how much rain water benefits plants...(although folks have stated I may introduce insects or something). I have always incorporated farm compost into my purchased soil, and have been good, so I will take my chances to reap the benefits. I did pass on my buddies offer on the clones for free...I just don't have the room. (And I would rather watch mine grow than!) I will take some pics tomorrow, although they will just be more of the same in my never ending
Ok...ok. Stayed up to take one pic of my Blue Girls Scout Cookie clones before I go to bed. I am quite proud of them, although folks out there may have better ones. I am just thankful I got to 100% success on them. Still have no ph pen..still just doing the hillbilly thing. I harden off after transplant instead of in the clone chamber and it just works out good for me. Smiles my friends!!
Since I harden off in the veg tent this is what I do. I save all the temptations cat treat containers and use them. After a couple days I start slowly turning the top ones over a period of days. Since they are square the corners open up to let air in and I eventually take them off. Hillbilly ingenuity!!
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