Foxfarm soil and pH?

Blazin That I hear ya, I had a half bag of FF ocean sea and half of regular, the regular did have large chunks of bark so I mixed them 50/50, I also had nat problems last grow and I'm starting to see them on this grow. I going to look around and see what other soils pepole are using. I have a full bag of miracle grow that was bought for the wifes window flowers,I haven't opened it yet, I think I'm going to open it and see what it looks like.

Read the bag first to see what nutes they added, if you use MG it has to be a bland bag otherwise you are going to run into issues. I personally wont use it but i have a friend who does, i think its a bag made for tomatoes and he adds some MG nutes and Epsom Salt and he has nice plants.
I'm in the process of trying a couple in coco coir, im running it just like my soil except I'm pH to 5.8 and adding cal mag every feeding. I will post side by side pics once flowered, it won't be for a couple months as I just started a couple the other night

idk how familuar you are with coco but if your sorta new or have questions go check out BigIrishDude, hes the man at coco.
All my growing has been out side, well up to a few years ago till I moved. I want to start in side so this hole thing is a learning curve. My first attempt was so so the second was better this third seems to be one step better, as long as it keeps getting better I'm ok.
it shouldn't be hard to get quality soil, bit the rate of pollution and destruction of the earth will make it harder and harder. In the late 20's early 30's people learned to appreciate the natural balance of the earth and realized that when you mess with it things get complicated. As it stands right now were about to hit the centennial mark on that and have to go through the same shit. kind of ridiculous if you ask me.
Marsbadrock I seen a vidio on out door soil and how to use it.Spread it on a cockie sheet not to thick put in a oven at 200deg F for 10-15 mins to kill any larva but shouldn't burn any off the soil.Caution I've not tried this so,I look up vids on bing all the time. If you have an out building you can pick up stove on craigs list cheep some time free.
Ive been in foxfarm soils for about 5 years now. I thought I was having deficiencies all the time from my feeding schedule being off. Well the conclusion I have came to is add 2 tablespoons dolomite lime per gallon of dirt and DO NOT to pH at all. The soil buffers and mantains ph levels for you. You really notice the difference in flower. I have vigorous growth, huge buds and massive rootballs now. My soil pH goes from 6.2 when wet and 7.0 when dry. My plants have started consuming huge amounts of food. Anyone have something to add to this. Am I an innovator or dumb? I see soil growers seem to always have deficiencies, they all pH too. It doesn't make sense to me but I tried not ph'ing and BOOM!! Perfect plants start to finish. Please try this in one pot....if it works spread the word! Happy growin
Hi Marz, I had a question what kind of dolomite lime you use, is it pellitized or powdered? I wanna give this a shot, so if you used powdered lime do you just spread it in the soil on top of every gallon of soil and just let it spread as you water overtime?
I use Espoma pelletized garden lime. I mix in 2 shotglasses full per bag of ocean Forrest soil. I still use this method today, check out my journal if interested. I have become a fast growing dispensary turning out high quality flowers, I have lab test results I post along with my grows. Not alot of activity there but some pretty plants n buds to look at.
So I use do foam and when I water I make sure the ph is between 6.0-7.0 and I be noticing my plants be kinda burnt should I just stop ph the water and just feed it like that
So I ph my water and I use foxfoam
Should I stop Ph the water and just feed it like that
You should know the pH of the water you are using. If it is an acceptable number for the type of grow method you can just keep using it.

But, if the pH of the water is not the recognized acceptable number then you have to use the proper method to either raise it up or down to meet that number.

If you are growing in Fox Farm mineral soils such as their Ocean Forest or Happy Frog then the water should be a pH of 6.3 at the time you pour it on the soil.
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